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From the Townsend Letter,
the Examiner of Alternative Medicine
April 2006


Iodine Debate Continues:
Gaby's Reply to Abraham &
Brownstein's Rebuttal #2

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This is Alan Gaby’s reply to the April 2006 rebuttal. . .
Drs. Abraham and Brownstein argue that it is seaweed, not the iodine in it, that causes thyroid disorders. However, a main aspect of their iodine hypothesis is that Japanese people are healthy because they eat a lot of iodine, which in the Japanese diet comes mainly from seaweed. This seems like a contradiction.

Questioning whether Drs. Abraham and Brownstein have meticulously monitored their patients for adverse effects is completely different than suggesting that poor medical care was given, which I did not suggest. What I said was, "Before one could confidently conclude that high-dose iodine is safe for 99% of the population (as stated by Abraham and Brownstein), it seems that a systematic toxicity study would be necessary." I suggested that such a study should include serial testing of all patients to identify the appearance of thyroid antibodies during treatment with iodine, since iodine supplementation has been reported to increase the incidence of thyroiditis. Thyroid-antibody measurements may not be necessary as a component of routine medical care, but they would seem to be necessary before one could confidently claim that high-dose iodine supplementation does not increase the incidence of autoimmune thyroiditis. I asked in my rebuttal how many of the iodine-treated patients had had thyroid-antibody tests, but Drs. Abraham and Brownstein did not answer my question.

Concerning the report of deaths due to high-dose iodine, here is the pertinent reference:
Sterling JB, Heymann WR. Potassium iodide in dermatology: a 19th century drug for the 21st century – uses, pharmacology, adverse effects, and contraindications.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 2000;43:691-697.

In this review article, the authors state that in the 1920s and 1930s, when potassium iodide (KI) was widely used, many patients died of KI-induced side effects, particularly pulmonary edema and associated heart failure.

The Iodine Debate so far. . .

Editorial: Iodine: A Lot to Swallow
by Alan Gaby, MD
(Aug/Sept 2005)

A Rebuttal of Dr. Gaby's Editorial on Iodine
Online publication only. . .
(October 2005)

Alan R. Gaby, MD's Response to:
A Rebuttal of Dr. Gaby's Editorial on Iodine
Online publication only. . .
(November 2005)

Iodine Debate Continues
by Guy E. Abraham, MD and David Brownstein, MD
Online publication only
(April 2006)



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April 21, 2006