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From the Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients
August/September 2004


Book Corner
Take Charge of Your Own Health
reviews by Beatrice Trum Hunter

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Several recently published books deal with subjects that emphasize the importance of an individual taking charge of health practices and decisions. They have been published by Basic Health Publications 8200 Blvd E. North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 USA; 201-868-8336. Fax 201-868-2842.

The Oral Health Bible
by Michael P. Bonner, DDS and Earl L. Mindell, RPh
(126 pages, quality paperback, line drawings, references, endnotes, index, 2003, $12.95 U.S., $20.95, Canada)

Oral health is systemic health. The Oral Health Bible discusses the "whys" and "hows" of oral health, in order to instruct people about what they can do at home to take care of their teeth, and at the same time, enhance overall health.

Dr. Bonner describes how gum tissue can be intact, as a complete barrier to bacteria. Or, it can allow microorganisms to enter the circulatory system, leading to stroke, heart attack, and other grave health conditions. Bleeding gums, an indicator of disease, can be caused by nutritional deficiencies, diabetes, alcohol, stress, smoking, hereditary factors, and other factors. Gum disease is not just bad breath, cavities, or loosened teeth. Brushing and flossing are insufficient remedies. And mouthwashes, rather than being helpful, can actually cause oral cancer. Many toothpastes are toxic. Dr. Bonner identifies harmful ingredients and suggests the best alternatives. He details the proper techniques for flossing and brushing, the best type of brush, techniques for tongue scraping and sulcular irrigation. Good nutrition, as well as effective nutritional supplements, are important in oral health as well as for general health.

Dr. Bonner practices dentistry in a group practice in Rockdale, Texas. Also, he lectures on dental health and wellness to health professionals.

Doctor Yourself Natural Healing that Works
by Andrew Saul, Ph.D.
(oversized quality paperback, 241 pages, bibliography, index, $19.95,US, $31.95, Canada, 2003)

The illnesses and health problems discussed in
Doctor Yourself are presented in alphabetical order, and include acid reflux, allergies, hemorrhoids, sleep disorders, and vaccinations, among many others. According to Andrew Saul, many diseases can be treated with safe, inexpensive, and drugless approaches. He writes conversationally, interspersing protocols with personal experiences and case stories. Take psoriasis, an intractable condition. Try a complete change of diet, with fresh foods, vegetable juices, lecithin, and vitamins including extra vitamin D, instead of the palliative ointments and lotions. For additional information on the scientific studies supporting the protocols. Dr. Saul refers readers to website with more than 4000 references.

Natural Remedies for 101 Ailments
by Earl L. Mindell. RPh
(213 pages, spiral-bound wipeable cover. $19.95 US, $31.95, Canada, 2002)

The 101 ailments range from acne to wrinkles, with one-page descriptions of disorders facing a page of specific aids. The author suggests supplements, including dosages for adults, herbals, acupuncture, biofeedback, homeopathy, Tai Chi, yoga, foods, and substances to avoid.

Earl L. Mindell is a professor of nutrition at Pacific Western University. Also, he is a prolific popular writer on subjects of nutrition, drugs, vitamins, and herbal remedies, including his Vitamin Bible and his Herb Bible.

Generic Alternatives to Prescription Drugs
by Diane Nitzki-George, RPh
(1,240 pages, paperback, indices, resources, $7.99 US, $12.99 Canada, 2004)

This guide to buying effective drugs at cost-saving prices makes use of generic products. The generics are now regulated so they have the same purity, quality, potency, and effectiveness as the brand name counterparts. The guide provides current, easy-to-understand information and cost comparison for more than 500 prescription and generic drugs sold through pharmacies, mail order, and the Internet. This guide will reduce out-of-pocket costs and co-payments for anyone using prescription drugs.

Diane Nitzki-George, a licensed pharmacist, is board certified in nutrition-support pharmacy. She has worked in a teaching hospital, a government hospital with an outpatient clinic, and in a pharmacy whose patients receive home infusion therapy. She presents educational programs for pharmacists, and was a clinical support manager for a large health-care company involved in prescription drugs.


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