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From the Townsend Letter
November 2008

Electric Autoimmunity
Etiology and basis for nontoxic intervention in autoimmune diseases
by Mark Squibb

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Obvious Versus Stealth
Autoimmune disorders reflect a tendency to attack cells with no obvious pathogens. The keyword here is obvious.

Figure 17: Viral Image

There are a wide range of pathogenic factors that remain undetectable and unable to be tested using common laboratory assays. Viral and other critters may, in fact, be resident inside cells. There are many examples of dormant cells, like HIV, Herpes, and Lyme parasites, which remain hidden beyond the reach of autoimmune system.

Figure 18: Viral Core with Cell docking structures

Figure 19: Serum Spiral Pathogens

In other words, the inadequate or incomplete immune response is a likely cofactor in the ongoing autoimmune challenges faced by individuals with "autoimmune" conditions. Blaming an "overactive" immune system for attacking "innocent" cells is at best naïve. The diagnostic inability to identify a pathogen doesn't mean that there isn't one.

A zoo of stealth pathogens often create curses on the immune system, damned to pursue the unachievable in pursuit of the unrecognizable. Allopathic autoimmune treatments disable part of the immune system, normally inhibiting B-Cell synthesis or crippling the TNF-mediated response.

The alert reader will find it curious that B-Cell interventions take-out or inhibit B-Cell autoimmune response, which is directly related to memory defense.

Autoimmune Neuropathology
Pathogens likely evolved to produce neurotoxins as a defense mechanism. Disabling the brains of the immune system, specifically B- and T-cells, inhibits immune response as a survival mechanism.

The strong similarity between immune system brain cells and the nervous system cells explains the frequent coincidence of autoimmune disorders and neuropathology. When pathogens that evolved to disable the nerves of the immune system accumulate in the nervous system, motor and cognitive neuropathology happens.

Cell Response and Cell Power
Cell energy is a critical factor in autoimmune conditions. Resources that enable cells to do their proper job are essential and are usually overlooked in the therapeutic process. Life is energy.

Many toxins undermine the energetic cellular processes. The gradual degeneration of cellular energy, particularly of neuro-active cells, enables pathogens to propagate against continuously lessening resistance, commonly recognized as chronic progressive pathology common to autoimmune disorders.

Bilateral energetic compromise of both immune cells, and non-immune cells, driven by pathogens and their toxins, protect the culprits and propagates the degeneration, which hallmarks the dismal prognosis of autoimmune conditions.

Interventions that restore cellular energetic process tend to reverse the trajectory in autoimmune conditions:
· Detoxification helps remove pathogenic chemicals that inhibit natural cellular energy production;
· Immune support, instead of suppression, aids in overcoming pathogens that produce the toxins;
· Nutrient support provides building materials to create new healthy cells;
· Energetic support, enhances detoxification, and often lifts the immune system enough to overcome pathogens and aids in damaged cell regeneration.

PEMF Energy Pump
Cells are batteries. Adding energy lifts their performance toward healthy levels. Pulsed magnetic fields pump usable energy into cells. This energy enables many types of cells to compensate for damage that resulted from toxic, pathogenic, or physical trauma.

Restored energetics often lift immunological performance, detoxification, and functional cell performance toward healthy levels. In autoimmune conditions, this lift often aids in stabilization or reversal of autoimmune conditions.

Pulsed Immune Support
There is a natural correlation between size and frequency. Smaller objects resonate at higher frequencies than large objects. This is true mechanically and energetically.

Ringing and Pathogens
Biological tissues stimulated with raw pulse energy resonate at their natural frequency.

Figure 20: Resonance Illustration

Reinforcing the natural resonance strengthens the dominant organism. Similarly, strong master resonance creates an inhibitory energetic disadvantage for pathogenic organisms by disrupting non-harmonic, pathogenic elements.

Differential Pathogen Resonance
Pulsed fields assert differential effects on pathogens cells versus host cells. While mammalian host cells tend to absorb pulse energy and use it, parasitic organisms, which lack energetic resonance with the host, experience stress.

Pulsed microbial inactivation, similar to pulse pasteurization, illustrates the effect of differential resonance on a host body and a parasite or pathogen. Acute pathogenic stress occurs when the host energetically resonates strongly, and that resonance disrupts the life processes of pathogens. Impulses ring the host at a host frequency, and pathogens, which are energetically interdependent, ring at a different frequency. When the frequencies collide, and the intensity is sufficient, the pathogens life process often fails.

PEMF exposure also provides anti-pathogenic effects most clearly documented in the ability to use PEMF as a sterilization and pasteurization technique, NIH References Here. It's very handy to be able to do in-vivo sterilization and strengthen the host organism.

Figure 19: Parasitic form in biological medium

Tiny Pathogens
Tiny pathogens, like subcellular forms, respond less than cellular and multiple cellular forms to pulsed energetics.The benefits of PEMF appear to result more from lifting the host energetics, which, in turn, enhances the host's natural defenses. New data, however, strongly indicates that at shorter pulse-widths, in the range of 200 ns, exhibit suppressive effects on melanomas, multi-cellular pathogens.

Immune Support Model
Pulsed Fields appear to support the immune system by the following:
· Disabling pathogens that match the waveform of the pulses, large pathogens, bacteria as discussed earlier, respond to coarse pulses;
· Smaller pathogens are increasingly disrupted by smaller duration more intense pulses;
· Reducing the larger pathogenic forms supports the immune system by reducing overall autoimmune load, freeing resources for other anti-pathogen activities.

Pulsed Magnetic Fields and Biology
The situation in biological organisms is similar. The pulse is the ringer, causing the body to ring strong at its natural frequency. Anything that doesn't ring along, like pathogens, experience stress and encounter an environmental disadvantage.

Electromagnetic Sensitivity Explained
Electrically weak individuals will ring loudly. This potent ringing creates strong sensations. Individuals with electrically weak cells tend to be more sensitive to pulsed fields because their cells respond more readily to both beneficial and harmful radiation.

They tend to gain energy rapidly from pulsed fields that support cellular metabolism. Likewise, they tend to resonate with harmful radiations. Use of pulsed magnetic fields tends to decrease sensitivity to detrimental electromagnetic radiation by strengthening the native bio-field.

Autoimmune Cofactors
Diseases and the mistargeted cells:
· Multiple Sclerosis – attacks the cell membrane of nerves causing degeneration in the myelin sheath. 1000+ NIH articles linking TNF and MS.
· Rheumatoid Arthritis – Attacks joints, typically the synovium, appearing like the immune system has gone awry. Click here to review 5000+ NIH articles linking TNF and RA.
· Lupus – seemingly attacks cells at random around the body. Click here to review 700+ NIH articles linking TNF and RA.
· Ankylosing Spondylitis – Attacks the spine causing degeneration. Click here to review 435+ NIH articles linking TNF and AS.

Each of these autoimmune disorders shares several curious attributes:
· Individuals with autoimmune diagnosis tend to have exhibit potassium deficiency; click here to review 208+ NIH articles linking autoimmune diseases and potassium deficiency.
· Tests show elevations in Tumor Necrosis Factor;
· Symptoms respond to drugs that suppress TNF;
· Symptoms are eased by factors that suppress TNF, curcumin;
· Symptoms respond to drugs that inhibit B-cell responses;

The Potassium Mystery
Obscure references document the relationship for systemic potassium deficiency and rheumatoid arthritis. Depressed system potassium levels are consistent with virtually all autoimmune disorders. The most visible telltale for anabolic metabolism dysfunction is visible in blood tests:
· High serum potassium (above 4.5mEq) as the body ineffectively elevates circulating potassium in attempt to increase cellular levels (Revici), above;
· High red blood cell sedimentation rate, above 15 ml/hr;
· Low Eosinophilia levels, below 100 cmm;
· Low urinary pH, below 6.4;
· Low urinary surface tension;
· Low calcium or chloride excretion.

Generally, autoimmune disorders are predicated by a long-term history of anabolic metabolism dysfunction. In many cases, there is a history of poor sleep in women and accelerated aging in men. Unlike women, men with a cellular anabolic imbalance tend to sleep because elevated testosterone tends to enable sleep.

The Secret Potassium Source
Cellular potassium comes from the cold fusion of Na + O -> K + energy.

This well-documented secret was described and confirmed by Louis Kervran and confirmed by Solomon Goldfein working for the US Army. Goldfein also confirmed the fusion of Mg + O -> Ca + energy

Figure 21: Goldfein illustration coupled ATP Cyclotron by US Army

These two mineral conversion equations provide a Rosetta Stone for irresolvable metabolic syndromes, including autoimmune disorders and several forms of chronic fatigue.

Potassium Anabolism
The potassium fusion reaction, Na + O ? K, is a major driver in the anabolic energy production. As anabolic energy production degenerates, cellular and systemic potassium levels decline, resulting in a range of conditions relating to the following:
· Anabolic Dysfunction – healing deficiency;
· Cellular Potassium Deficiency syndromes – particularly neurological transmission dysfunctions resulting from axon potassium deficiency;
· Neural hyper-excitability syndromes, epilepsy, tinnitus, resulting from attenuated neural signal to neural noise ratios;
· Systemic Potassium Deficiency syndromes.

In the meantime, cellular mitochondria compensate, overworking, and depleting magnesium reserves, and other oxygen-related metabolites. Cellular sleep degenerates as mitochondrial energy production dominates the life functions. Rest is rare and of poor quality.

Potassium and Autoimmune Symptoms
These references correlate depressed systemic potassium levels with Rheumatoid Arthritis:
· Bone turnover in early rheumatoid arthritis
· LaCelle, P.L., et al., 1964. "An Investigation of Total Body Potassium in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis." Proc. Ann. Meeting of the Am. Rheumatism Assoc. Arth. Rheum. 7; 321.

In all cases, autoimmune diseases are preceded by breakdown in cellular anabolic performance, and consequently, cellular potassium deficiency is guaranteed in autoimmune disorders. The critical oversight in research literature is that cellular potassium is a by-product of anabolic metabolism.

Dietary potassium sources weakly influence cellular potassium levels because the cellular potassium channels are one way out, not in.

Modest exceptions occur when dietary potassium is encapsulated, chelated into aspartate, orotate forms, or lipid structures that integrate with the cell membrane. Cellular potassium and eventually systemic potassium levels drop because the process that creates the potassium fails, not because potassium intake is deficient. The biased view that potassium-related issues are always caused by potassium channel dysfunction reflect the dominant oversight that cellular potassium is a metabolic by-product.

Cellular Energetic Anabolism
PEMF exposure, which lifts the cellular energetics, especially the transmembrane potential often helps to restart cellular anabolic metabolism.

The electric fields across the cell membranes are huge, often exceeding three million Volts / meter. Toxins that pollute the membrane dielectric leak electricity and prevent development of higher membrane potential that enables cellular anabolic performance.

The Anabolic Potassium Link
Anabolic failure, synonymous with long-term insomnia, precedes immunological failure by years particularly in women.

Anabolic failure is typically due to toxins and pathogens that directly undermine cellular of transmembrane potential, or TMP. TMP is critical because it is the power supply for virtually all of the processes that link cells to their operative roles in the body. When the power is down, many cell functions don't work well.

Over time, failure of the anabolic process creates cellular potassium deficiency and eventually systemic deficiency. Revici said that cellular potassium deficiency is typically indicated by elevated serum potassium levels as the body saturates the serum, attempting to coax potassium back into the cells. Eventually, the body becomes so potassium-depleted, it fails to be able to maintain serum levels, and the breakdown progresses to subsequent levels.

Lupus and RA
Lupus is weakly differentiated from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Symptomatic differentiation between the two conditions relates to the location tendency of inflammation symptoms. Lupus floats, while Rheumatoid Arthritis affects primarily joint tissue.

Eighty percent of adults with rheumatoid arthritis test positive for rheumatoid factor. Moreover, individuals with Lupus frequently test positive for rheumatoid factor.

Therapeutic Response Model
The approach suggested in this essay seeks to improve the cell membrane voltage by correcting systemic and nutritional factors that compromise cell membrane power.

TNF autoimmune triggering targets electrically weak cells. Electrically weak cells result from deficiency in cellular power. Restoration of normal cellular energy is broadly effective at restoring autoimmune mistargeting.

Generally, protocols that restore cellular power production reduce the tendency for immune mistargeting.

Cell power restoration is broadly effective at treating autoimmune disorders.

Autoimmune Syndromes
The pattern in autoimmune syndromes is generally the same:
1. Toxins or other factors cause compromised cell membrane performance,
2. resulting in low cell membrane voltage (low membrane voltage is common to most cancer cells).
3. Low cell membrane voltage creates vulnerability to Tumor Necrosis Factor, TNF, autoimmune response.
4. TNF activation causes inflammatory and immune response.

Neurological autoimmune syndromes usually have symptoms from neural potassium deficiency, resulting from compromised anabolism. Neural potassium deficiency causes degenerate impulse transmission through nerves.

Rheumatoid Arthritis / Ankylosing Spondylitis:
1. Synovium cells surrounding joints become weakened due to age, stress, or other environmental factors,
2. resulting in a disrupted anabolic energy production,
3. resulting in cell membrane potential falling below the trigger threshold for TNF triggering.
4. B-cells initiate immune response on tagged cells, causing destruction of these cells.
5. The body deposits calcium to isolate the rest of the body from the diseased cells.

Multiple Sclerosis
1. Nerve cell sheaths become weakened due to pathogenic or systemic toxin accumulation,
2. resulting in a disrupted anabolic energy production,
3. which causes a decline in intra-neural potassium,
4. which causes a decrease in the ability of the nerve to carry impulses.
5. As the condition worsens, due to systemic degeneration and toxins accumulating in the nerve sheath (cell membrane), intracellular potassium deficiency accumulates,
6. resulting in a continuous deterioration of neural function,
7. and also resulting in cell membrane potential falling below the trigger threshold for TNF activation.
8. B-cells initiate immune response on tagged cells, causing destruction of these cells and
9. accelerating neural destruction in advanced disease stages.

Lupus Erythematosus
1. A group of cells become weakened due to age, stress, or other environmental factors,
2. resulting in a disrupted anabolic energy production,
3. resulting in cell membrane potential falling below the trigger threshold for TNF triggering.
B-cells initiate immune response on tagged cells

Autoimmune Cofactor Candidates

Cofactor Role Supports
Cell Membrane Integrity Defines the ability for cells to maintain electrical integrity. All hormonal and electrical integrity of the cell.
Intra/Extra cellular pH differential Creates energy for cell membrane functions, hormone receptors, and autoimmune cell evaluation. Autoimmune sensing of diseased cells.
Ambient Autoimmune Load Determines the resources available to support normal autoimmune performance. Autoimmune resources to available to eradicate stealth and other pathogens.
Stealth Pathogen Prevalence Absorbs autoimmune resources.  
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D in response to intracellular bacteria Describes masking mechanism used by intra-cellular bacteria/mycoplasma evade autoimmune eradication. See Marshall protocol

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Contact Whole Health Research Alliance, LLC
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Author note: Artwork in this document is reproduced under GPL License and may be reproduced from original sources at

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