Letter from the Publisher

Repeat mRNA Vaccinations Alters Immune System Functioning

A scientifically complex, multi-authored study published in Science Immunology on December 22, 2022, by researchers from the Institute of Molecular Virology of the Erlangen University in Erlangen, Germany, demonstrated major differences in immune system functioning following repeat mRNA vaccination. The researchers studied immune serology in 29 health professionals undergoing Covid-19 vaccination with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.  Immunoglobulins IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4 were evaluated prior to vaccination and then following each of three vaccinations. 

As expected, all immunoglobulins were low at baseline.  Following a single vaccination IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 were notably increased while IgG4 remained low.  Following a second vaccination IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 increased substantially more while IgG4 remained low.  Following several months IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 all decreased approximating baseline while IgG4 increased.  After a third vaccination IgG1 and IgG2 increased substantially, IgG3 increased as much as after one or two vaccinations, while IgG4 dramatically increased

Months after the third vaccination IgG1 and IgG2 remained increased, IgG3 reduced to baseline, but IgG4 remained dramatically increased.  After two vaccinations IgG3 is 7.57% of measured total IgG, while IgG4 is only 0.04% of total IgG; months after three vaccinations, IgG3 is only .22% of total IgG, while IgG4 is 19.27% of total IgG.  Note the dramatic decrease of IgG3 and increase of IgG4. (Please look at Figure 1: https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/sciimmunol.ade2798)    

The immune system’s most effective antibody response during a viral infection is usually activated by IgG3; IgG4 is normally not considered an important effector of antibody response. Generally, IgG4 enables slow tolerance to allergens such as peanut allergy or bee venom. What does this mean for those who have undergone mRNA vaccination—a serology that shifts predominantly to IgG4?  And how does a reduced level of IgG3 impact one’s ability to combat viral pathogens?

How did the mRNA vaccination series serology compare to a second cohort receiving an adenoviral vector-based Covid-19 vaccine (Vaxzevria)—in other words, a vaccine produced according to customary vaccine manufacturing? Six months following a second vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine more than half the vaccinees had elevated levels of IgG4, while only 1 of 54 had measurable IgG4 in the adenoviral vaccine cohort.  However, after a third vaccination both groups had measurable IgG4 levels.  When both groups were studied six months following the third vaccination, IgG4 was notably elevated. Those individuals whose IgG4 predominated with 40-80% of total IgG experienced “amnestic” (break-through) Covid-19 infections.  It is not clear if the infection shifted the IgG predominance to the IgG4 or the predominance of the IgG4 resulted in infection.

What is the usual serologic response to vaccination?  In a third cohort who were administered tetanus toxoid vaccine there was a very minimal level of IgG4 detected after numerous vaccinations. Additionally, when the second cohort was screened for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) antibodies, those who had anti-RSV IgG1 did not have measurable anti-RSV IgG4.  This would infer that ordinary vaccination series and repeat respiratory infections do not lead to an elevated IgG4 serology. 

How does an elevated IgG4 serology impact the B-cell population?  As I discussed earlier, this paper was complex, including observation of the memory B-cells following multiple vaccinations.  The blood of 11 vaccinated individuals who had anti-Spike IgG4 antibodies was studied by flow cytometry for spike-specific memory B cells. Spike binding IgG4 memory cells were not only measurable following two, three, and post three vaccinations but constituted up to 37% of the total spike binding memory cells. Spike binding IgG3 memory cells were insignificant.  Hence the elevated IgG4 serology notably changes the B-cell population.     

Does this mean that repeat vaccination with the mRNA vaccine enables no effective neutralization of the virus?  Following three vaccinations viral avidity (the strength of binding to the spike protein epitope) measurably increased. The capability of binding trimeric spike protein increased; also, prevention of soluble receptor-binding domain (RBD) binding to ACE2 increased.  All of these serve as markers for viral neutralization. The increased avidity, binding of spike protein, and prevention of binding to ACE2 demonstrate that repeat vaccination improved antibody effector function.

How does repeat mRNA vaccination impact immune functioning such as phagocytosis and complement deposition, important factors in viral neutralization? An antibody dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) assay was conducted.  IgG3 and IgG1 were more potent in inducing phagocytosis than IgG4 and IgG2.  Thus, multiple mRNA vaccination with predominant IgG4 and reduced IgG3 serology causes lower phagocytosis immune functioning. A similar result was seen with an antibody dependent complement deposition (ADCD) assay. IgG3 and IgG1 were more potent in inducing complement deposition than IgG4 and IgG2.  Repeat vaccination lowers complement immune functioning.

This study demonstrated the persistent change in anti-Spike IgG that follows multiple mRNA vaccination.  Elevation of IgG4 and reduction of IgG3 is not seen with usual vaccinations nor respiratory infections.  Elevation of IgG4 induces a change in the memory B-cell population and also reduces phagocytosis and complement deposition.  How will this change in immune function impact our ability to neutralize variants in Covid-19 as well as other viral pathogens?  What changes will need to be made in the mRNA vaccination process to avoid impairment of immune function in the future?

Irrgang, P et al.  Class switch towards non-inflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination. Science Immunology. Dec. 22, 2022.  https://doi.org/10.1126/sciimmunol.ade2798

Deuterium and Its Relationship to Cancer by Petra Davelaar, ND

Deuterium also known as heavy hydrogen 2H or D differs from ordinary hydrogen (protium) 1H by a neutron. Protium hydrogen only has one proton in its nucleus, deuterium has both a proton and a neutron.  Hence D20 is heavier than H20.  Yet, “deuterated” water behaves quite differently than ordinary water not having deuterium.  Deuterium is not abundant in our oceans. According to Wikipedia there is one deuterium atom for 6,420 atoms of hydrogen.  Thus, 99.7% of water in the ocean is not deuterated.  Still a small amount of water contains deuterium and that deuterium is able to accumulate in plants, animal, and humans. There is a much rarer form of hydrogen with one proton and two neutrons called tritium, which is radioactive; Dr. Petra is concerned with deuterium.

Unfortunately, deuterium interacts with our body chemistry, for example, the Krebs cycle and altering our energy mechanisms.  Deuterium is capable of disrupting nucleic acids impacting DNA and RNA. Dr. Petra is concerned with how deuterium disrupts submolecular regulation in the cell.  She posits that it is the submolecular dysregulation that is pivotal in causing cellular proliferation.  She disputes the genetic causation of cancer except in a small percentage of malignancies.  Indeed, she explores the range of theories that have been proposed to cause cancer and finds fault in all.  The well-known hallmarks of cancer, first published in 2000 and updated in 2011 and again in 2022, have introduced first six, then eight additional hallmarks.

Dr. Petra thinks there should be “one defining feature, a distinguishing characteristic that is part of every phenotype related cellular behavior but none other.  A single feature. Not 14.”  The 2022 New Dimensions update featuring dysregulation of cellular energetics is the hallmark of cancer. Dr. Petra argues this is submolecular dysregulation and then demonstrates it by showing how deuterium causes enlargement and misshaping of mitochondria and their cristae.  Biochemical disturbances to the TCA (Kreb’s) cycle disrupt organic acids characteristic of cancer cell activity. 

It is possible to modify the deuterated water in our body, in our cells, in our mitochondria.  Deuterium-depleted water meaning water having a lower level of deuterium is achievable through consuming a more organic, less processed diet. Better sleep, more activity, improved breathing, less EMF exposure, and other healing approaches lower our deuterium burden. Also, one can consume deuterium-depleted water. 

Dr. Petra practices Deutenomics, the science of how water moves in the body.  A native of the Netherlands, she moved to New York City in her 20s.  In the last 10 years she moved to California where she graduated from the Bastyr University San Diego in 2016.  She practiced for four years in Santa Monica before changing her practice to telemedicine only.  Dr. Petra is now certified in Hungary enabling her to consult with patients in Europe.  She has had extensive certifications and is a member of the naturopathic oncology association OncANP. 

Jonathan Collin, MD