Evaluation and Detoxification of Background Chemical Exposures

By Andrea Gruszecki, ND

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We live in a toxic world, and today is the least toxic day of the rest of our lives.1 Ultimately, our health is the result of genetics, nutritional status and environmental exposures. The World Health Organization has estimated that up to 22% of the global burden of disease may be due to preventable environmental influences.2

Toxic exposures begin in the womb and can affect developmental programming of the fetus.3 Prenatal exposures can affect not only perinatal birth risks, but the lifetime risk of disease. These early exposures can affect fertility and hormone function, adrenal function, immune system responses, and cognitive functions.4-6 Throughout life, continued bioaccumulation adds to the toxic burden and may exacerbate these functions, which can result in chronic health problems.7

In addition to the “usual” environmental exposures (which include air pollution, preservatives, additives used in foods, household products and body-care products), the practice of fracking has created a significant new source of chemical exposure.8,9 The fracking process contaminates fresh water with a variety of chemicals, and the used wastewater can contaminate groundwater supplies.10 A variety of chemicals may be found in fracking wastewater, including xylenes, toluene, benzene, styrene, etc.9 Other significant sources of groundwater contamination include agriculture, industrial/commercial processes, and municipal or residential waste disposal practices.11 Municipal water sources are monitored for common contaminants, but private wells are not; this leaves a significant portion of the population vulnerable to water contamination.12 If contaminated water is used for agriculture, then chemicals that bioaccumulate into the food chain become an additional source of exposure through food.13,14

Toxic exposures and genetic diversity, combined with the inflammatory components and common nutritional deficiencies of the standard Western diet, are a “perfect storm” of proinflammatory influences on humans.15,16 If the level of toxic exposure is greater than the individual’s capacity to rapidly detoxify, a lipophilic chemical can migrate into adipose cells or into the mitochondria.17 Mitochondrial sequestration is particularly problematic because the mitochondria may be unable to completely detoxify the chemical or export it to the cytoplasm for further detoxification.18,19 If this happens, the mitochondria are eventually poisoned by the chemicals trapped within their membranes.

Ongoing chemical exposures can disrupt a variety of biochemical signaling pathways and cellular functions.8 Toluene, phthalates, and benzene can cause inflammation; and other chemical exposures can contribute to atopic diseases (allergy, asthma, eczema). Exposure to lipophilic chemicals such as phthalates, combined with other types of toxic exposure, may increase the risk of type II diabetes.20 Inexplicably, the effects of chemical exposures on the adrenal glands and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis are not considered by regulatory agencies prior to establishing “safe” exposure doses.21 These described health effects are compounded by the fact that chemicals and other toxicants are evaluated individually for potential harm, when in fact combinations of pollutants have far greater effect at much lower doses.22,23 This makes screening for background exposures from vehicle exhaust, household products, body products, and food/water an important step in any medical evaluation (See Figure 1).7

Figure 1. Screening for unsuspected everyday toxic
exposures may be an essential step in any clinical
evaluation. This 49-yo woman had unknown exposures
to toluene, benzene, styrene, phthalates, parabens,
and the gasoline additive MTBE.

If an illness or disorder can be the end-result of toxic exposure, poor nutrition, and perhaps the genetic inheritance of one or more low-activity enzyme variants, then what is a clinician to do?

Taking certain steps, in the correct order, can go far to assist the body to detoxify itself:7,24,25

  • Identify and remove sources of ongoing toxic exposures (Figure 1). In addition to toxic chemicals, toxic metals must also be evaluated and detoxified; that process is beyond the scope of this article, and the interested reader is referred to a review by Sears (2013).26
  • Evaluate and support primary biochemical pathways and mitochondrial function. Adequate mitochondrial function is required for phase III export into bloodstream (excretion via renal filtration and urine) or bile.
  • Normalize the function of all organs of elimination, including all three phases of liver detoxification, and support with proper nutrition.
  • Encourage sweating to increase the rate of chemical detoxification through the skin.

Once the toxic exposures have been identified and removed from the environment, the detoxification of recent and bioaccumulated exposures can be undertaken. The evaluation of primary biochemical pathways and mitochondrial function should be undertaken early in the process to provide a baseline study; ideally the patient is free of supplements for several weeks prior to the assessment so that native function can be evaluated and supported (See Figure 2).

Figure 2. An Organic Acids profile may detect toxic exposures from
chemicals such as phthalates, xylene, and parabens. Exposures to toxic metals such as arsenic may also be apparent in the pattern of results.  

An Organic Acids profile can assess primary biochemical pathways and the body’s use of dietary carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. In Figure 2, certain patterns reflect not only possible toxic exposures and a problem in the mitochondrial citric acid cycle, but also a possible insulin-glucose dysregulation that may complicate the patient’s treatment:27,28

Toxic exposures that may be reflected in the Organic Acids results include the following:

  • Arsenic: high pyruvate/low citrate, low pyroglutamate
    • Benzoate: increased benzoate:hippurate ratio
    • Parabens: high parahydroxybenzoate level
    • Phthalates: high pyruvate/low lactate, increased adipate, suberate, lower para-hydroxyphenyllactate, increased quinolinate:kynurenate ratio

Results that may indicate metabolic syndrome or type II diabetes include the following:

  • Increased adipate, suberate, ethylmalonate, methylsuccinate, alpha-ketoisovalerate, alpha-ketoisocaproate, alpha-keto-beta-methylvalerate, beta-hydroxyisovalerate, alpha-hydroxybutyrate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, 5-hydroxyindoleacetate
  • Suppression of alpha-ketoglutarate, pyroglutamate

Adjustment of dietary intakes and nutritional supports can facilitate the function of mitochondria, primary biochemistry, and detoxification pathways, all of which are also likely to improve glucose-insulin regulation.25,29,30

Once the patient’s diet and lifestyle have been adjusted to correct any imbalances associated with comorbid medical disorders, such as the metabolic syndrome indicated above, detoxification of the patient may begin. After necessary testing to confirm the presence of toxic chemicals or metals, the following steps may be taken to support detoxification of the patient8,31:

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  • Eliminate the toxic exposures
    • The removal of toxic metals from the body is beyond the scope of this article; interested readers are referred to Sears (2013).26
  • Adjust diet and lifestyle
    • Evaluate and support gastrointestinal motility and microbiome diversity.
      • A diverse gut microbiome can perform many biochemical detoxification processes. Support microbiome diversity with a diet rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables.32,33
      • Do not attempt detoxification until the patient is free of constipation or other slow/low motility disorders.
    • Ensure adequate hydration to support kidney function.
    • Engage in regular exercise or sauna to induce sweating.
  • Detoxification25,34
    • Ideally, the results report for any chemical or metals assessment includes specific detoxification suggestions for each analyte (See Figure 3).
    • Nutritional support of liver Phase I and II
      • Nutrients that may support phase I include selenium, zinc, and vitamins A, B2, B3, C, D, E, and K.  Plant compounds, such as sulforaphane found in broccoli and other Brassica family vegetables also support detoxification.
      • Nutrients that may support phase II include reduced glutathione or N-acetyl cysteine (glutathione precursor), B vitamins and calcium-D-glucarate.
    • Nutritional support for mitochondria for Phase III export
      • Organic Acids results for Citric Acid Cycle metabolites can be used to customize mitochondrial nutritional support.
    • Antioxidant status
      • Antioxidant status is primarily determined by glutathione levels.
      • Increased levels of the Organic Acids analytes methylmalonate, quinolinate and pyroglutamate, with decreased levels of cis-aconitate and isocitrate, may indicate poor antioxidant status.35,36
Figure 3. Specific information on the enzyme pathways affected and
support nutrients for detoxification pathways facilitates the removal of
toxic chemicals from the body. Chart used with permission (Gruszecki 2021).

In conclusion, while we live in a world full of toxic chemicals and metals, it is important to remember that there are other types of “toxic exposures” to contend with on a daily basis.23 The most important of these other exposures are likely to be daily psychological effects and the after-effects of traumatic experiences, both of which can increase inflammation and shift biochemical functions.37,38 Complete detoxification on all levels of being may be required to achieve and maintain a patient’s desired health status.7


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