Table of Contents, October 2017, Issue #411

October 2017 Issue #411

Letter from the Publisher
by Jonathan Collin, MD

Clinical Update from Sophia Health Institute
by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, and Christine Schaffner, ND
The Ruggiero Klinghardt protocol uses autonomic response testing, ultrasound or massage provocation, and urine testing to identify pathogens and toxins underlying chronic conditions, including Lyme disease.

Mycotoxins: The Hidden Threat of Mold to Our Bodies and Brains
by Matthew Pratt-Hyatt, PhD
Great Plains Lab has developed a highly specific urine test that identifies exposure to mold toxins that contribute to common symptoms and disease.

FCT®* and Brain: “Doctor, My Brain Feels Rewired!”
by Savely Yurkovsky, MD
Field Control Therapy, developed by Yurkovsky, uses bio-resonance to identify underlying environmental and inherited disease-causing factors and homeopathy to treat a range of psychiatric conditions in these case studies.

Optimizing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Treatment with Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs)
by James Greenblatt, MD, and Winnie T. Lee, RN
Medication is not the only treatment for ADHD. Neurofeedback and OPCs like pycnogenol improve attention, alertness, memory, and executive functioning.

Innovative Approach to Psychiatry: Treating Incurable Psychiatric Patients with Neural Therapy
by Michael I. Gurevich, MD
Neural therapy can facilitate healing of emotional trauma and scars as well as physical scars, making it useful for psychiatric conditions.

High Tech Ingenuity Produces a Breakthrough Program to Help with the Symptoms of Autism, ADHD, Dementia, and Amnesia
by Mary Ann Block, DO, PA
The SAVE Program for multisensory integration helps children and adults with cognitive dysfunctions increase language processes, coordination, body awareness, and memory.

Pharmaceutical Companies Behind the Eight Ball in Treatment of Mitochondrial Dysfunction
by Debby Hamilton, MD, MPH
Mitochondrial dysfunction, exacerbated by oxidative stress, is becoming a targeted factor underlying many chronic illnesses. While FDA-approved drug treatments are not available, natural alternatives are.

Innovative Integrative Addiction Treatment = Unparalleled Growth Opportunity
by Dalal Akoury, MD
The author explains the role of neurotransmitters in addiction and the great need for individualized integrative medical care to address this multi-faceted disease.

Cannabinoid Deficiency and Its Impact on Human Health and Disease, Part 2
by Jonn Desnoes, OMD, MD, PhD, and Sandra Kischuk, MSMIS, MCPM
The US government’s search to substantiate marijuana’s harmful effects unexpectedly revealed the endocannabinoid system, its vital role in human health, and why the botanical has so many therapeutic effects.

Personality Development via the Elimination of Emotional Conflicts
by Dr. Andreas Müller
Psychosomatic Energetics, developed by Reimar Banis, MD, is a complementary therapy that removes energy blockages caused by unresolved emotional conflicts and, by doing so, aids personality development.


Pathways to Healing
Breathe to Stay Alive
Elaine Zablocki

Jule Klotter

Literature Review & Commentary
Alan R. Gaby, MD

Current Controversies
Politics in Medicine

Ira L. Goodman, MD, FACS, ABIHM, FAARM

Healing with Homeopathy
A Mom with Meniere’s Disease and A Daughter with ADHD: When All You Need Is Homeopathy

Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, LCSW, and Robert Ullman, ND

Functional Gastroenterology Bolus
An Expanded View of Transaminases and New ACG Normal Values

Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND, DHANP

Ask Dr. J
Brain Fog: National Security Risk

Jim Cross, ND

Curmudgeon’s Corner
Dental Hygiene Slows Alzheimer’s Decline

Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO

Monthly Miracles
Crown of Thorns

Michael Gerber, MD, HMD

Women’s Health Update
Enhancing Libido; Improving Depression

Tori Hudson, ND


Intravenous Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone, and Thiamine: A Major Advance in the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
Alan Gaby, MD

Guest Editorial

Calling all MDs! How To Help Naturopathic Colleagues Gain Licensure in All 50 States
Amy Rothenberg, ND

In Memoriam

Paul Jaconello, MD
Warren Levin, MD

In the News

  • Brazil “Nuts” Gather to Fight Inflammation
    John Parks Trowbridge, MD, FACAM
  • The 5th International Biobran Workshop – New Modern Ways to Treat Cancer
    Prof. Serge Jurasunas

Book Reviews

The Alzheimer’s Antidote: Using a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Loss, and Cognitive Decline
by Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP
review by Katherine Duff

Unsafe at Any Meal: What the FDA Does Not Want You to Know About the Foods You Eat
by Dr. Renee Joy Dufault
review by Dr. Earl Mindell, RPh, MH, PhD

Nutritional Medicine(Second Edition)
by Alan Gaby, MD
review by Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO

Book Excerpt

Foreword to Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System
by Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD
by Linda L. Isaacs, MD