Homeopathy: A Life Changer for a Young Man with Bipolar Disorder

Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW, DHANP

Homeopathy for Psychiatric Problems

The reason I decided to become a naturopathic and homeopathic doctor was that, previously, as a psychiatric social worker on both outpatient and inpatient psych wards, I was deeply disturbed by the side effects, often permanent, of the commonly prescribed psychiatric medications of the time. Over the past forty years, since I began to specialize in treating patients with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and other psychiatric diagnoses, I have often found the results to be extremely rewarding. I have been able to help many suffering from bipolar disorder to lead happy, normal lives. This is just one of those patients whose lives, as well as their families’ lives, have been turned around dramatically thanks to homeopathy.

First Visit

Alfredo, twenty-eight years old, raised in Los Angeles, suffered his first bipolar episode (BPD) at the age of eighteen, ten years earlier, and had experienced three more episodes since that time. As typical of BPD, he became distracted, speedy, extremely active, and did not sleep. Alfredo lost fifty pounds, spent money like crazy, and focused his anger on those in his proximity. His predilection for cocaine didn’t help matters. Between the manic episodes, Alfredo was kind, caring, gregarious, good-humored, and very willing to help his friends. The young man used marijuana frequently and had a history of trying acid. In fact, Alfredo had ingested psychedelic mushrooms a few days before this most recent bipolar episode.

Growing up, Alfredo was always very busy. In fact, his parents would tell him to run around the house to burn off energy. His teachers suggested that it might be ADHD. The young man’s grades were fine until high school. Although he was quite adept at a number of sports, he was labeled “uncoachable” because he sabotaged himself by challenging those in authority. It was more about friendship for Alfredo rather than the pressure of excelling.

Alfredo started using pot at 14, often secretly. By nature, he was gentle and easy going. He became a heavy smoker of marijuana, then moved on to cocaine, mushrooms, hash, and acid. A creative young man, he enjoyed cooking. In fact, he could stay up all night cooking. He was also a talented artist. During his manic episodes, he would draw graffiti on the walls of his house. One night, when he was 18, he went home to his parents’ house in the middle of the night, after work, and pulled sideways into the driveway, leaving the car running with the doors open. His alarmed parents took Alfredo to the ER, and he was hospitalized on the psychiatric ward for ten days. Alfredo had been using pot heavily at the time, and he was convinced that people were coming after him.

His parents didn’t see this coming but, on looking back, he had been pacing, unable to sleep. Unlike his normal self, he showed a very selfish side when manic. Alfredo was unable to sleep for 48 hours, then slept 36 hours straight. This is typical during manic (bipolar) episodes. Alfredo boasted that he had three million dollars. He confused complete strangers with people he knew, accused his dad of criminal behavior, and threatened others with lawsuits. Paranoia was intense during the mania. He would put on numerous layers of clothing and exhibit superhuman strength. Alejandro even moved a piano single-handedly. The young man seemed to “head down a rabbit hole” when manic. He was out all night and walked around for hours in dangerous parts of the city. In fact, the year before, Alfredo had put 50,000 miles on his car driving around from dusk to dawn. In addition to the pot, he was quite drawn to using psychedelic mushrooms.

Alfredo was highly sensitive. He believed that his glasses protected his soul. Being extremely sympathetic, he developed a delusion that he needed to stay away in case someone died. Alfredo had been prescribed lithium and a series of mood stabilizers.

When I asked Alfredo how he felt different when he experienced a bipolar episode, he responded that he became louder, more aggressive, and so pushy that it took him six months to “clean up the mess.” He had suffered one of these episodes every two to three years. “Very few humans give me fear. When it turns out you try to murder me, I can’t be friends with you.”

Which Homeopathic Remedy?

Classical homeopathy, unlike polypharmacy, or even poly-homeopathy, requires choosing a single remedy out of over 8000 which best matches the symptoms and state of the individual patient! In this case, I was torn between prescribing homeopathic Agaricus muscaria (the famous coral-colored Amanita mushroom with beautiful white speckles) or Cannabis indica. Either would be given in a high potency, in this case 200C. I initially chose Agaricus for a number of reasons: Alfredo’s predilection for mushrooms (“You don’t get to have a mask on when you do psychedelics”) and his high-energy exploits during the mania. A specific characteristic of those needing the remedy, Agaricus: “Runs around in dangerous places,” which was definitely true of Alfredo.

Six-Week Follow-up Visit   

The initial results were not what I nor his parents nor Alfredo had hoped. The stress of a court appearance only intensified his moods. The verbal attacks had increased, and Alfredo’s rants were more aggressive. He was now heading out early evening and returning up to twelve hours later. He accused his dad of dealing drugs. Refusing to see his psychiatrist, Alfredo was clearly not better, but worse. He’d begun to get in his father’s face and yell at him, and to threaten to kill somebody. During the six weeks, if anything, his craving for marijuana had escalated. “All I want is weed.” From the beginning, I suspected that Alfredo needed some homeopathic drug remedy. Given that the Agaricus didn’t work, plus Alfredo’s longstanding pot use, his idealism, sensitivity, and his kindness to others, I changed the homeopathic prescription to Cannabis indica in a single dose of 200C.

Ten-Week Visit

His first week after taking the new remedy was good. Everything was amped down. Even his rant was very calm and controlled. The following week was “brutal.” Alfredo yelled and screamed to the point where his father called the police, who didn’t do much. They had a choice of evicting him from the house or filing a mental health hold. A conversation between Alfredo and his parents ensued. Within twenty-four hours, he was back to his normal self. Since that time, he was much easier to deal with, not combative nor abusive. Normally I wait six weeks after a remedy to assess the response, so I realized this was a bit early to evaluate. I suggested that Alfredo take another dose of the Cannabis 200C, which he did not do. It turned out for the better.

Fourteen-Week Follow-up

Alfredo was up and down. The past ten days he was starting to come out of the fog. He was facing his struggle with identity, self-worth, and depression. He was able to engage in a reasonable, rational conversation with his parents and, instead of his previous bravado, was able to admit that he had lost confidence in himself. He’d started a new job and was crying a lot more. Alfredo admitted, “I don’t know if I gave the remedy a fair chance.” His mom reported seeing a positive change. I prescribed Cannabis indica 200C up to once a week.

Eighteen Weeks

Alfredo was now had a part-time, steady job that he liked. “I still feel kind of stagnant, but I am in a better head space. Not gloomy and doomy. Not quite as negative… Less of a fog. I’m not feeling quite as overwhelmed.” His parents shared that Alfredo’s thoughts were a little more clear. His mom thought he seemed to be progressing little by little. His dad told me that Alfredo’s eyes were brighter and that he was smiling more. And taking responsibility for taking the homeopathic remedy himself rather than his parents needing to monitor it. He had begun to walk the dog, do his own laundry, and was volunteering to do help with the dishes. Alfredo had been taking the Cannabis indica 200C once a week.

Twenty-Four Weeks

Work is going well. Engaging more with his parents. Alfredo’s father shared that he had been awesome regarding taking responsibility. His head was clearer, no brain fog, and he was back to cracking jokes like in the past. Alfredo’s father: “I’m just really proud of how he is progressing. Seeing the Alfredo that I know again. The kindness. This is who he is naturally.”

Twenty-Six Weeks

“Good. Finding a grove.” More relaxed. Taking the dog out for walks regularly. Relatives comment that he is doing well. In fact, doing better and better. Working up to 35 hours a week.

Thirty-Six Weeks (Nine Months)

A steady routine. Rarely down. Work is going quite well. Not taking any medications. Just the homeopathic remedy. He’s developed a rhythm. Has even worked four nine-hour shifts four days in a row. Alfredo’s father: “I think he’s doing great!”

Forty-Two Weeks (Eleven Months)

Getting over Covid. “I feel a lot more calm-minded.” Father reports that Alfredo is doing great.

One Year

I noticed that Alfredo looked much better, quite normal. “Working five shifts a week. I am staying on schedule. I haven’t felt hopeless for seven or eight months. I’m enjoying watching podcasts and basketball.” His mom shared that Alfredo was progressing every week.

One Year Two Months

Doing quite well.

One Year Four Months

Working nearly full-time.  Happy. I asked how much of the old Alfredo was back. He said 90%-100%. Father 90%-95%. Mom: 90%. His core, his sense of humor… Being able to deal with things.

One Year Five and a Half Months

[Looks really happy.] Hanging out with friends, working five to six days a week. Going to music concerts. Doing great.

One Year Seven and a Half Months

Doing great!

One Year Nine and a Half Months

[Looks great. very engaging and communicative, lively, great sense of humor.] Dad says Alfredo’s authentic self is back.

Recent Visits

We still have appointments every six weeks. Alfredo recently went to Europe with his family. His father shared that it was awesome to have him on the family trip. “This is the Alfredo we know. He’s a joker. A great sarcastic wit. And he really cares for people. I see him looking forward more. He is planning to buy his own house.” Alfredo will likely get a promotion soon at work. He is himself again, is more social, and really enjoys spending time with his friends. He typically spiraled in the spring, but not anymore. He is back to being the Alfredo people know and love. Cares greatly for others and has a touch of sarcasm and wit. Alfredo has not needed any change in remedy, potency, or frequency, which is unusual. He is doing exceptionally well, no manic episodes or even mood swings, and the family has been faithful about keeping appointments with me regularly. I am thrilled, as are Alfredo and his parents. This is what is possible with homeopathy for mood swings and is why I became a homeopath rather than remaining a psychiatric social worker. “Bravo” to homeopathy and to Alfredo and his family for sticking with the process!


Alfredo’s family was committed on all levels to homeopathic care from the beginning. It took me two tries to find the right remedy. The cure, so to speak, was by no means overnight. Alfredo and his family stuck with this process, even at the beginning when the profound change had not yet occurred. Usually, I see a significant amelioration earlier on in the course of treatment, but I was afraid to go up in potency and trusted from early on that he was on the right remedy. For that Alfredo, his family, and I are immensely grateful.

Published October 21, 2023

About the Author

Dr. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, is the author of Whole Woman Homeopathy, and co-author, with Dr. Robert Ullman, of books on homeopathy: Ritalin-Free Kids, Homeopathic Self Care, The Savvy Traveler’s Guide to Homeopathy and Natural Medicine, , A Drug-Free Approach to Asperger Syndrome and Autism, The Homeopathic Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, and Bipolar Disorder, and Rage-Free Kids, as well as Mystics, Masters, Saints and Sages—Stories of Enlightenment. She has been a columnist for the Townsend Letter since the early 1990s, and has taught internationally.  Judyth and Bob live on Whidbey Island Washington, with their entertaining golden retriever, Rosie Posie.

Please visit www.healthyhomeopathy.com (where you will find a wealth of articles, blogs, and more) and Facebook at Healthy Homeopathy. Dr. Reichenberg-Ullman can be reached at drreichenberg@gmail.com or by calling (360) 322-4996.