Mycoplasmas That Make Most of Us Sick and Tired for Most of the Time – How and Why Do They Bug Us?

Sue Visser

Mycoplasmas are mini-microbes that swim in our blood and burrow into mucous membranes or cells where they can stay warm, well-nourished, and ready to pounce! They cause autoimmune, neurological, and chronic degenerative diseases that persist for many years without much relief, it seems. The grip of Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, terminal neuropathy, or multiple sclerosis seriously disrupts the lives of sufferers and their loved ones.    

All you need after watching horror movies about alien takeovers is to look at your own live blood under a dark field microscope. It resembles an aquarium with live bacteria, parasites, and viruses oozing around blood cells, nutrients, and mobile debris that shares this vascular habitat. Mycoplasmas are classified as bacteria but do not have a solid cell wall, so they look like amorphous blobs of jelly. Most antibiotics only work against normal bacteria, so these critters are hard to kill. Using the latest technology, we can confirm their presence and identify all sorts of pathogens with powerful microscopes or computerised bio-scanners. By checking blood or tissue samples of infected patients repeatedly scientists can see exactly how mycoplasmas are affected by a remedy.

Many mycoplasmas seem to take a deadly blow from olive leaf extracts, cat’s claw, and a number of natural alternatives to antibiotics such as iodine, ozone, and colloidal silver. Their efficacy is supported by well-documented studies that seem to be swept under the rug in favour of patentable, expensive pharmaceutical drugs. Modern science, in cahoots with big pharma, is in denial that most of our ailments can be alleviated, if not prevented, by using natural substances. Magic pharma bullets that are associated with a plethora of unpleasant, if not deadly, side effects are better business. Worst of all is the way our beneficial gut bacteria (80% of the immune system) are wiped out by rote. Although most doctors know about probiotics, they cause serious imbalances due to overdosing on lactobacillus and ignoring the replenishment of all the other beneficial strains. In the good old days, people who ate a lot of fermented foods that contained them had strong immune systems. They could absorb all their nutrients, especially vitamin K2, biotin, folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 that most of us lack today.

Microbes, especially mycoplasma, begin their mischief when the immune system is compromised. All it takes is a stressor such as radiation, toxins, or exposure to allergens—especially to mould, food, or certain medications to set off a pathogenic cavalcade. Even a shock, a freak-out, grief, constant anger, or an emotional crisis can make us more acidic and throw the body’s natural defences out of kilter. We tend to thus create the perfect environment or terrain for pathogens to wreak havoc. Mycoplasmic mayhem sets in – almost for good, it seems –because antibiotics still fail to eradicate them.

According to Béchamp (1816 – 1908) we create the perfect terrain for “microzomas” to flourish. Way back then, he opposed Louis Pasteur, the father of antibiotics, by saying that penicillin could kill bacteria but not control their habitat, so they would return. You don’t need to catch a cold because the adenovirus is already within, being protected by a parasite or a biofilm. You don’t even need to be bitten by a tick to get sick. History has come around full circle to confirm this theory.

The Secret Life of a Patented Pathogen with a Nasty Bite          

What if there really is a way to intentionally—and gleefully—infect, kill, or disable people to such an extent that they need chronic medications just to get by? Who would want to do such a thing to a fellow human being – to sap their vitality and sell them expensive treatments that drain their life’s savings? Biological warfare was no accident, according to a number of whistle-blowers including Garth Nicolson, PhD. After the Second World War the USA military continued to develop and patent their biological weapons and use them on us!

Their scientists succeeded in creating a cyber-bug out of mycoplasma derived from the guts of a tick that causes Lyme disease and developed a crystalline version of it. This enabled the deadly pathogen to survive independently without a host, warmth or moisture. To add insult to injury, they stuffed a virus into the bug and patented the invention: US Patent #5242820 for Pathogenic Mycoplasma (1993). According to the patent data, “Coinfection with Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus strain) enhances the ability of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) to induce cytopathic effects on human T lymphocytes in vitro.”

Neither a classic virus nor a real bacterium, this shape-shifting entity is hard to diagnose with routine medical tests because it creeps into human cells and interferes with their DNA and vital forces. They call it Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus. There are many detailed accounts of the existence of such a biological weapon to know that this is not science fiction, albeit a tale of horror.

The latest atmospheric scanning electron microscope (ASEM) gives us a good image of this deadly (incognitus) species that is unknown or alien to human biology. The patented infectious agent has an astounding ability to survive against all odds to breed, thicken blood, damage tissues, nerves and muscles, and slowly restrict our supply of oxygen. One way to diagnose the extent of a chronic disease such as Lyme is to measure the efficiency of a patient’s oxygen consumption. Most people affected by mycoplasmas suffer from chronic hypoxia. Mycoplasmas creep into red blood cells that then swell up and become so rigid they can no longer pass through very narrow capillaries and so circulation is restricted. (This sounds like a possible explanation for cold extremities – doesn’t it?)

The patented bug is a mutated form of the Brucella bacterium, combined with a Visna virus, from which the mycoplasma is extracted. The immune system can’t detect these critters, and neither can routine medical tests; but today DNA-PCR testing, electron microscopes, and even dark field blood analysis or bio-scanning can—lest people think they don’t exist. In June 1969, the Pentagon stated: “We are continuing to develop disabling weapons.” Dr. MacArthur, who was in charge of the research said, “We are developing a new lethal weapon, a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist, and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.” It nearly wiped out an entire town in Texas (Huntsville) where experiments were conducted on the prisoners. It is contagious! The prison guards were infected and so were their families.

According to Dr Maurice Hilleman, the chief virologist representing the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme, this disease agent is now carried by everybody in North America and possibly by most people throughout the world. This could explain the plethora of prescribed pharmaceuticals or expensive supplements the “Baby Boomers” and their offspring need to take every day. Our constitutions are not as robust as our predecessors.

Antibiotics are a priority to treat just about everything that ails us and are prescribed by rote. We know they deplete our natural gut flora (80% of the immune system), but they also deplete our supply of micronutrients that are essential to maintain health and keep infections as well as fatigue and depression at bay.

Mycoplasma Triggers Different Diseases in Various Parts of the Body

Most of our 21st century diseases that we assumed were autoimmune are now associated with higher levels of all types of mycoplasma, especially the man-made mycoplasma fermentans incognitus strain. Overlapping symptoms are typical of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FMS), and Gulf War illness (GWI). They include short-term memory loss, low-grade fevers, tissue and lymph swelling, joint and muscle pain, stomach and digestive disorders, immuno-suppression, and severe systemic chronic infections that invade various organs, tissues, and cells including the brain, nervous system, and heart.

The nervous system: Mycoplasmas rob cells of nutrients, especially cholesterol needed for insulating the major nerves. This causes severe central nervous system malfunctions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, or memory and cognitive disturbances we call brain fog. The oligo dendritic nerve cells that require cholesterol to synthesize neuro steroids are depleted, causing neurodegenerative diseases like myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barré, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), or multiple sclerosis.

The synovial fluid cells in joints: Rheumatoid arthritis with severe joint pain and inflammation may be due to mycoplasmas. The mycoplasmas that invade joints excrete toxic waste that is extremely acidic. The calcium is leeched from bones and causes spurs.

The beta cells in the pancreas: When cells are damaged, they are attacked by the immune system and insulin production fails, causing diabetes mellitus type 1.

The heart:  Damage to the left ventricle and the pericardium lining of the heart causes pericarditis and cardiomyopathy that can lead to congestive heart failure.

Red blood cells: Mycoplasmas can cause severe anemia, thickened blood, microcirculation issues. Mycoplasmas damage red blood cell (RBC) membranes and destroy them. They enter the cells, causing them to swell up and become rigid. This restricts capillary circulation. They cling to the cell membrane and cause inflammation; and in some cases, the immune system attacks your own red blood cells. (This happened to me and my mysterious anemia was only alleviated when I consumed a lot of olive leaf tablets while writing this article!)

Lungs and bronchial lining: Mycoplasma infections can cause asthma and upper respiratory infections, both chronic and acute-like pneumonia.

The gut: Mycoplasma damage to the mucosal lining will perpetrate Crohn’s disease or leaky gut.

Energy, mitochondria: Cholesterol depletion of the mitochondrial membrane damages cellular energy output, causing fatigue.

Man-Made Critters on the Warpath

The debilitating effects of the US military’s bio-warfare have truly sabotaged our health. Without a cell wall, their slimy little bio-weapon (mycoplasma fermentans incognitus (Mfi)) can survive the onslaught of powerful (and expensive) antibiotics. It can infiltrate mucosal surfaces and burrow into an animal cell, linking up to its DNA and wreaking havoc. These stealth microbes can lie dormant, undetected by regular medical tests for many years, just waiting to be triggered by physical, emotional, or environmental stressors. People associate the resultant cavalcade of ailments with Lyme disease because they have common mycoplasmas. But Mfi can develop and exacerbate any chronic condition including cancer, depending on the victim’s genetic attributes. Genomic susceptibility they call it. Ninety percent of our being is not human, its microbial!

The creators of this patented wonder-bug also control the antibiotics that are used, it seems, to further weaken the immune system and cause side effects that can mimic the very disease in question! They also sell other pharmaceuticals to deal with headaches, rashes, depression, anaemia, and dizziness, as we know. We are told by conspiracy theorists that the same organisations distribute vaccinations that also spread (not prevent) cancer, AIDS, swine flu, and mad cow disease to name a few.


US Army Mycoplasma Fermentans Incognitus Patent – Read It and Weep. January 29, 2001.

Direct observation of Mycoplasma mobile in liquid using the ASEM Atmospheric Scanning Electron Microscope.

Picture of mycoplasma in live blood at

Information on colloidal silver, Garth Nicholson, and mycoplasmas.

Howenstine J. New Ideas About the Cause, Spread and Therapy of Lyme Disease. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. July 2004

Scott DW. Mycoplasma – The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases. Nexus Magazine. August 2001.

Lyme disease blog spot at

Scott DW. The Linking Pathogen in Neuro-Systemic Diseases: Chronic Fatigue, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & Multiple Sclerosis.

Information on Garth Nicolson at

Published October 21, 2023

About the Author

Sue Visser is the health researcher and product developer for Nature Fresh Health Products. She has developed over 45 products, beginning with her unique Calcium Complex formulation in 1997. With over 25 years of experience in complementary and especially traditional medicine, Sue shares her articles freely with doctors (SA Medical Academic) and other publications. For many years, Sue has given free presentations, radio shows, workshops and has appeared in the two TV series on local herbs (Nature’s Health – 2007 and 2009). She is the author of two books and dozens of research papers and published articles.

Sue investigates current health trends, products and modalities on a constant basis and interacts with fellow South Africans at all levels to learn more about their health issues. Artemisia annua and other anti-malarial species, especially Olea Europa/Afra have now come to the fore as treatments for Covid-19. The new Nature Fresh prototypes are having very successful results with viral infections by using herbs that treat malaria.  Contact: ;