NEWS: Become a Better Healer with The Power of Eight


A special 5-part course with Lynne McTaggart

Book before October 31 and benefit from a BONUS two-hour LIVE and INTERACTIVE session!

No doubt, as a healer, you already have an excellent track record for improving your clients’ health. But have you ever stopped to consider that your thoughts have as much power as your treatments on your patients and their outcomes?

Become a Better Healer is a FIVE-PART webinar course aims to transform the way healers interact with patients.

The course includes FOUR RECORDED TEACHING SESSIONS with experiential practice, as well as A 2-HOUR LIVE AND INTERACTIVE SESSION with internationally bestselling author and intention guru Lynne McTaggart (if you book before October 31). Each session includes ‘homework’ – simple techniques you can try out in your daily practice until you watch the next session.

You will get in-depth guidance on the most effective language to use to ignite your patients’ healing mechanisms, how to condition your healing space, how to tackle those patients who are not getting better, and how to help them overcome inadvertently sabotaging their healing.

Here is just one of the comments from a previous student:

‘I have had a couple of people over the past several years who did not seem to make as much progress as I had hoped which was the primary reason I signed up for this class. I have to say that I learned a lot and have been able to apply some of my learnings already. One person who I was especially concerned about has now “turned the corner” and is on his way to complete recovery. I also learned much that is benefiting me in my own journey of growth and healing. This class was incredibly well worth it.’ 
– Judith Rogers, a Healing Touch practitioner

Course members will also gain access to a private group on Lynne’s Community site to connect with other healing professionals work in pairs, organize Power of Eight® groups, and more.

Upon completion of the course, course members can claim Continuing Education Credits (CECs) with a special letter from Lynne.

Over three decades, Lynne has taught thousands of people to unleash a miraculous power they had never dreamed of – to heal their health, their career or finances, their relationships.

And she has worked with thousands of practitioners to elevate their own healing powers, just by practicing intentional thinking and communication.

And now in this special webinar series, Lynne would like to share what she knows with you to transform your healing practice – and yourself!