Mycoplasmas That Make Most of Us Sick and Tired for Most of the Time – Examining How and Why Treatments Work

Sue Visser

Editor Note: The first part of this article appeared in the October 21 e-letter.

Stealth Microbes That Resist Antibiotics and Antibiotics with Similar Side Effects

Called a mycoplasma, the man-made Lyme-like bio-weapon called Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus (Mfi) doesn’t have a rigid cell wall, so unlike normal bacteria antibiotics can’t kill it. Some may help to stop it from replicating, but they have no effect on Mfi’s viral component. Strange is the way that doctors and purveyors of expensive patent antibiotics insist that the only way to treat what they call a “Lyme infection” is to bombard it with these products for months at a time. Why? Antibiotics kill bacteria and as we know, 80% of our immune system consists of essential, beneficial bacteria that reside in the gut. They are responsible for providing us with key vitamins, hormones, and other nutrients. Without them we get persistent diarrhea, nausea, brain fog, headaches, candidiasis, and especially depression. Physicians have prescribed antibiotics that can’t kill Lyme infection for a year at a time with little regard for replacing or balancing the full spectrum of functional gut probiotics.

After reading the side effects of doxycycline it appears that the symptoms of “Lyme” infection and the side effects of the highly recommended antibiotic “remedy” act in unison. How does one differentiate between infection and effects? They include stomach upset, nausea, and vomiting; increased photosensitivity; difficulty in swallowing (neck and throat pain); decreased vision, often blindness, double vision, blurred vision; gut problems with antibiotic-associated diarrhea, malabsorption (micronutrient deficiencies) and Candida overgrowth (Candidiasis with oral or vaginal thrush); allergic reaction (rash, itching and/or swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing). Another side effect is a persistent and severe headache with increased intracranial pressure. What a smorgasbord!

In South Africa we are more familiar with tick bite fever. My neighbor Cathy got it and was taking copious amounts of antibiotics as prescribed by her doctor. (No probiotics, vitamins, olive leaf. Nuttink!) She turned into a spook, complaining of dizziness, nausea, poor vision, Candida, and not being able to breathe. Two weeks later she said she felt a lot better but still had serious diarrhea and abnormally high blood pressure. Cathy finished the antibiotics, yet the infection persisted with a huge red rash around her midriff. She is afraid that her fatigued state is due to what she suspects is Lyme disease because she heard about it on Facebook. Umm – no, mycoplasmas are to blame and as you will see, olive leaf could be her ideal medicine. There is an olive tree in her garden!

Why Do People Still Believe It’s “Lyme” and Keep on Taking Antibiotics?

Tick bite fever or Lyme disease, so named after a town in Connecticut in North America is caused by bacteria that are present in the gut of some ticks. Yet humans have been bitten by ticks for decades without experiencing more than a fever, a rash and a temporary malaise that antibiotics and bed rest have usually alleviated. But during the early 1970’s prolonged antibiotic-resistant “Lyme disease” began to share symptoms similar to fibromyalgia and the chronic fatigue syndrome in other parts of the world, even in places where no ticks are found! They also share a sinister etiological link to rheumatoid arthritis, AIDS, Gulf War Syndrome, some forms of cancer, type 1 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, mad cow disease, swine flu and Parkinson’s disease. All require drastic treatments, expensive medications and alternative therapies, herbs and supplements that cost the hapless victims most of their time and money, usually with a diminishing hope of regaining their lost vitality let alone sense of humor.

The US military intended to use their bio-weapon to disable and in some cases, kill human beings. Their biological weapons were stealthily deployed by smallpox vaccinations that infected unsuspecting victims with the Gulf War syndrome and at a later stage, AIDS, for instance.

Population control, they call it with a guaranteed side effect of disabling any survivors, especially when the media declares that “there is no cure” and offer yet more vaccinations. We now get jabs for flu, Zika, papilloma virus or other media-hyped scares, and it is amazing how they are able to predict which one will strike. The reason being that for every weapon, the same secret scientists create a vaccine or an antidote. This helps to protect them from a man-made pandemic or to offer human pawns as a one-off solution, lest people discover that olive leaves help to ward off the deadly pathogen. Infected mosquitoes were also used as vectors of the secret infectious agents, especially Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus and there is ample proof that they were unleashed in American cities.

The bio-weapon also became airborne—for blanketing cities like Winnipeg in a pathogenic haze under the auspices of protecting them from nuclear fallout. Oh how they lied and still do, to the extent that by the 1950’s all of the citizens of the USA had been exposed to what they call “Lyme disease”—caused by the infamous deer tick. Oh really?

As you can see, the real culprit is hard to nail. Is it the tick bite, the infectious agent interacting with the stressed patient, or is it the prescribed drugs that doctor insists you keep on taking? When consulting with more holistically inclined doctors the patient is bombarded with other treatment options that may interfere with or mimic the patent drugs they take for high blood pressure, HRT and so on. It is difficult to decide to drop the one modality in favor of another without seeing the whole picture from a higher perspective without some reassurance from an impartial referee. We can now take a look at the natural or alternative treatments that have been successfully used to eliminate mycoplasmas that perpetuate our malaise. Get rid of them!

The Medicine Go Round, the Money Go Round, and Alternative Scams

At best, with the help of perceptive and dedicated therapists who seek natural alternatives, some patients have overcome their malaise and have written many positive and helpful articles about their personal strategies. Others complain about useless treatments that are usually very costly, complicated and time consuming that leave patients no better off. After ten or even twenty years of enduring what they still can’t diagnose conclusively, some still presume it to be Lyme disease. “I’ve tried everything.”  With new microscopes or bio-energetic scanning, the offending pathogens are often easy enough to detect and obliterate. Find them, identify them, and eliminate them!

Some of us remain chronically anemic despite the persistent use of iron supplements. Chronic inflammation and microbial overgrowth are the true cause of this type of anemia. It is different from straightforward iron deficiency anemia. We are not told that bacteria and especially the mycoplasmas greedily consume our iron reserves, are we? Within the red blood cells, they also gobble up the hemoglobin. When mycoplasmas attach to the surface, the immune system may initiate an immune response to destroy them. This is called immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Iron is also the fuel of inflammation, and it accelerates the oxidization of cells and thus sets off free radical damage. The body reacts by defensively blocking the release of reserve iron stores in the bone marrow. But the lack of iron inhibits our ability to produce red blood cells. Taking calcium supplements at the same time as food or iron supplements will also cancel out the iron because calcium chelates (blocks and binds) ferrous metals.

The aggravating effects of toxins, allergies, nutritional deficiencies, or dietary and environmental issues need to be seriously addressed.  Apart from the depletion of iron, the absence of antioxidants, amino acids, and B vitamins shuts down our production of glutathione, co-enzyme Q10, and SAMe—the most important chemicals we make! We can keep on taking supplements or we can restore these endogenous miracle workers but first we need to eliminate our worst enemies—the mycoplasma.  Detoxification protocols specifically tailored to the individual—using herbs, supplements or alternative remedies—work very well. Stressors such as heavy metal poisoning from mercury fillings; wheat; dairy; black mold exposure or gluten allergies; gadget, EMF, and cell phone radiation; toxic livers and kidneys; and persistent parasites all contribute to the conundrum. But first the underlying mycoplasmas need to be identified and removed because they will keep on multiplying and perpetuating the ailments.

Zap the Bastards – Electrocute Them!

Field Control Therapy, the brainchild of Dr Yurkovsky, is a system of energetic medicine based on physics rather than chemistry, according to a variety of definitions provided on the internet. It involves interaction with the body’s own energetic field to test and diagnose, using passive muscle testing (kinesiology). This intuitive or innate form of analysis determines the treatment and order of priority, using homeopathic nosodes (remedies made from the pathogens that are implicated). The main focus of FCT protocols is to remove the infection by causing the body to heal itself and to correct constitutional errors that promote diseases. Success from pendulum dowsing, radionics and other so-called “unscientific” techniques vary according to the practitioner. Some are uncannily accurate – and they do work! There is plenty of evidence that they do.

Even prayer and spontaneous healing are possible, depending on the patient’s receptivity. For some patients it requires a degree of faith on their part, lest the nocebo effect (a belief system that nothing works – so it doesn’t) manifests as a result of their skepticism. In treating mycoplasma-based infections, some herbal remedies that are tested in vitro and in vivo outperform placebos! How sad it is that a person’s negativity can nullify what can be in some cases a profound form of healing. (Christ said: “by your faith shall ye be healed”.)

Fortunately, modern electronically-based devices can instantaneously detect and list all manner of pathogens – especially mycoplasma that may be inside you and can zap them with an appropriate frequency. The latest Bio-plasm diagnostic/treatment device can detect and destroy microbes and internal parasites in the comfort of your own home. The Rife machine, Hulda Regher Clarke’s zapper and frequency resonator also work on this principle to electronically eliminate pathogens. Live blood analysis can help to indicate who’s swimming around in your internal bug zoo. After the initial zapping, other little monsters will come out of hiding and will begin breeding all over again unless drastic steps are taken. In some cases their host parasite or biofilm is the first to give way and so the protected pathogens within are expelled. You need to be persistent and nail every one that comes up on the list every time you are scanned. Follow up with herbal remedies, ozone, or colloidal silver under the guidance of your practitioner.

With sufficient and varied gut flora, we can assimilate a lot of our own micronutrients; especially the B vitamins that are essential to alleviate water logging, keep nerves healthy, and release energy plus feel-good chemicals that prevent this sort of depression.  Both natural and patented antibiotics when taken in large and continuous doses may also destroy our beneficial gut bacteria to some extent. But natural antimicrobials when correctly administered will only kill off the offending pathogens.  Sometimes we may experience a temporary die-off or Herxheimer effect during their removal. Drink plenty of fresh water, lemon juice, and ginger to flush out the nasties. Eat mainly fresh, (especially little red apples – I find) to alleviate any nausea. To buffer the toxic reactions calcium and magnesium supplementation, activated charcoal, as well as super absorbent natural clays can be taken to draw up the toxins and help to eliminate them. They belong in the toilet – not in you!

Although electronic frequency zapping from Rife and similar devices can efficiently target specific pathogens, especially viruses, bacteria, and mycoplasma, the prescribed wavelengths do not penetrate the entire contents of the digestive system and other organs, where most of the yeast, mold, bacteria, and fungi hang out. This is where iodine and botanicals like cat’s claw and olive leaves can penetrate behind the enemy lines—by taking herbal remedies that can target a specific group of infections every 2 to 4 hours. After a good zapping, subsequent breeding cycles are knocked out. Seek the advice of experts if you wish to use hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and colloidal silver to assist this process.

An amusing blog from the internet describes how the owner of a Rife generator selected the counter-frequency of a suspected mycoplasma and was amazed at how sensitive he was to the impulse because he tingled from head to toe! A month ago I suspected mycoplasma when my husband Jim developed a sudden fever and a familiar cough, typical of pneumonia. The “Dr Rife machine” and olive leaves came to the rescue! He too, complained of a mild shocking sensation, unlike any of the other treatments he uses for sport injuries and so on. He recovered fully ten days later and his abundant energy and enthusiasm for life returned. Now he takes olive leaf tablets because he says it prevents those cold hands and feet – especially when swimming in the icy ocean!

Our Feisty Natural Secret Weapons

Iodine: How about iodine? Unless you are allergic to iodine you have a real secret assassin–“by far the best antibiotic” according to Dr. David Derry. He states that iodine is effective against all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses, and protozoa. Most of them – including mutations are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact. “Iodine has the broadest range of action, fewest side effects and no development of bacterial resistance.” He reassures us. And it’s cheap! Iodine (Nascent and other forms) works well with magnesium chloride as a dynamic duo to fight infections. Dr Brownstein is an iodine expert and insists that all thyroid conditions as well as cancer are linked to an iodine deficiency. But does iodine kill our beneficial gut flora? Evidently not, according to people who experimented with making yoghurt and bread, using Lugol’s iodine in the mixtures. To be on the safe side we assume that like with oregano oil, garlic, or other natural antimicrobials a serious wipe-out will take place at higher doses and so they need to be replaced with a multi-strain probiotic supplement. The colonies multiply rapidly when these liquids or capsules are mixed with yoghurt, olives, sauerkraut and other delicious, fermented foods.  

Cat’s claw: The herbal remedy known as cat’s claw comes from the bark of a long, strong creeping vine called Uncaria tomentosa. We saw them on our visit to the Amazon jungle, thriving in their musty moldy habitat midst dark, dense foliage. They are thus tough and can survive, thanks to the alkaloids in the bark that protects the plant (and us) from pathogens and parasites. A second species comes from Peru. These bark remedies are used as general immune boosters and specifically against cancer and a list of symptoms that are associated with Lyme and chronic debilitating diseases. Morton Walker’s handy book: “What makes Lyme disease tick” provides a comprehensive guide to using Cat’s claw-based treatments. He tells the story of a practitioner, Dr Wright, who suffered from symptoms of Lyme disease for nearly ten years and used cat’s claw to finally alleviate his ongoing symptoms.

He was especially happy to be set free from his persistent neuropathy (pins and needles, brain fog, muscle twitching and energy slumps.) Practitioners usually recommend 1 g daily of vine bark powder in tablet or capsule form. Look for brands without any harmful Tetracyclic Oxindole Alkaloids (TOAs). Alternatively, a standard vine bark decoction used by the indigenous people of the Amazon jungle can be made. This decoction is not recommended at high doses because of the harmful TOAs that act adversely upon the human central nervous system. It would be wise to read up about side effects and contra-indications as cat’s claw is not suitable for pregnant women or those who wish to conceive, for instance. 

Olive leaves: A natural herbal extract from olive leaves contains oleacin and oleuropin, two knockout chemicals that, according to Morton Walker (1997), “have the ability to penetrate the virus and stop viral replication.” Good news, especially because the Mfi infectious agent contains a virus. He continues: “they have the ability to contain viral infection and/or spread by inactivating viruses or by preventing virus shedding.” Walker says the same applies to the HIV and herpes (and possibly Zika) viruses: “Olive leaf extract directly penetrates infected cells and stops viral replication.” The mycoplasmas are also efficiently demolished when olive leaves are used! Their natural super chemicals interfere with a virus’s ability to tinker with the RNA of a healthy cell. No hope for a retrovirus, so why are people given expensive antibiotics or anti-retroviral drugs that have no effect on the offending mycoplasma or virus? It’s da money and horrible side effects, Dummy!

The Lyme game is certainly over the moment we start taking olive leaf remedies. Medicine truly grows on trees and the Olea Europa/Afra leaves are versatile assassins of a multitude of microbes, according to the European Monograms. The active components, especially oleuropin and oleacin can deftly target and eliminate mycoplasma and viruses, so the US patented “Lyme” bio-bug does not stand a chance. Neither does any opportunistic retrovirus that lurks within our cells, trying to evade the immune system. Morton Walker’s book Nature’s Antibiotic: Olive Leaf Extract highlights the benefits of taking an olive leaf extract as follows: They destroy pathological microorganisms of all types- viruses, retroviruses (AIDS), bacteria, spirochetes, rickettsia, chlamydia, fungi, yeasts, molds, protozoa, helminths, and other parasites. A lower daily maintenance dose prevented their return, he said. This includes the obliteration of fungal infections such as mycotic nails, athlete’s foot and genital itching.

His book states that olive leaf extract gives permanent relief from malaria (from protozoa), dengue fever (from a virus) and other exotic and deadly tropical diseases which produce fever as a primary symptom. It can be used for the prevention and effective treatment of all types of viral diseases, including Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalic-virus, herpes virus, retroviruses, colds, flu, and HIV. It causes the reversal of almost all symptoms involving Candida albicans or the yeast syndrome (candidiasis). In some cases, researchers and purveyors of potent olive leaf extract say that the viruses and other microbes are killed by olive leaf within a few minutes.

The olive leaf extract he recommends facilitated the extermination and excretion of a variety of parasites, including microscopic protozoa and macroscopic helminth worms: tapeworm, roundworm, hookworm and pinworms. Olive leaf extract (and whole leaf remedies) relieve arthritic inflammations, especially osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and associated symptoms are efficiently addressed with olive leaf remedies. Insulin dosages can be reduced for better control of diabetes. The normalization of heartbeat irregularities (arrhythmias) with improved blood flow in cardiovascular and/or peripheral vascular disorders plus the lowering of blood pressure. Better circulation means an increase in concentration, less brain fog and the alleviation of cold hands and feet. It is also helpful for pain from piles or hemorrhoids and deals with toothache and gum disease due to bacterial infections and abscesses. It can improve renal function as it has a significant diuretic effect.

In conclusion, Morton says: “Olive leaf extract gives us abundant energy with prolonged stamina.” What are we waiting for?

A woman suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome found her health improved when she was given olive leaf extract treatment by Doctor Al Robert Franco, MD, FACR the Medical Director of the Arthritis Center of Riverside, California. Three specific mycoplasma organisms: Mycoplasma fermentans, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Mycoplasma genitalium had been identified as the culprits by Dr. Mehendale and his associate, Mark Goldman, PhD, both participating in the Phoenix Medical Associates of Kerrville, Texas at the time.

The Patent for Olive Leaves Belongs to Mother Nature

Note that not all olive leaf extracts are equally potent and some try to piggy-back off of brands that contain high enough levels of oleacin and oleuropin and what seems to be phytochemicals still to be appreciated. As a health researcher who experiments endlessly on family, staff and friends, I have discovered a much cheaper and fresher alternative: to make your own remedies from the leaves! Nobody can legislate or patent what Mom makes in her kitchen. We find that seven leaves are the equivalent of an olive leaf tablet made from 100% powdered olive leaf.  (Yes, it was a mathematical challenge.) A popular way is to macerate the fresh leaves in bulk every day. As a rough guide, add seven per dose in a blender jug with a cup or two of water till it turns green and smooth. Sieve this with a fine cloth and drink divided doses throughout the day. Disguise the bitter taste with fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies. Alternatively, add chunks of lemon, apple, sprigs of parsley, dandelion and so on to make what we call jungle juice. A liquid extract made directly from fresh olive leaves recently was found to have an antioxidant capacity almost double that of green tea extract and four times higher than vitamin C. Gargle for a sore throat, anyone?

By drying the leaves in bulk, making a powder and mixing it with honey we can also ingest enough of the active components and absorb them directly into bloodstream via the buccal mucosa – like a homeopathic remedy. A tincture can be made using gin or vodka macerated with fresh or dry leaves and left to stand. Strain it after 21 days and keep the tincture handy. It is brilliant to use on skin infections, especially scabies, by the way. It is not advisable to boil the leaves because heat destroys most of the active components.

My husband and I have used olive leaf remedies, including pharmaceutically manufactured tablets made out of the whole leaf for over twenty years. We can concur that the statements made by Morton Walker and the Monogram references are indeed justified. Our experiences with malaria, viral infections, hypertension and especially candidiasis, to name a few have convinced us that the olive tree provides both good food and medicine. No claims need to be made because the olive tree was invented by Mother Nature to provide food that can truly be our medicine.

Caution: Olive leaf products are used to boost immunity as well as blood circulation and to lower blood pressure. Some doctors even take them to protect themselves against the steady stream of cold and flu bugs they are exposed to. However, olive leaf remedies (the effective brands) duplicate medications for diabetes, hypertension and blood thinning so any intended protocol needs your medical doctor’s approval. Rather than be dismissed with a growl, consult a practitioner of Integrative Health who knows more about natural alternatives to such drugs.

 “Lymelight” at the End of the Tunnel

We can conclude that mycoplasmas are actually the true instigators of most of our illnesses, even if it is said that the deadliest of them all is a man-made, patented biological weapon that was developed from a deer tick, a vector of Lyme disease. We can be reassured that they are no match for olive leaves–providing we use them as directed by a knowledgeable practitioner. We can use our own discretion to encompass the help of experienced therapists using herbs and healing frequencies from Rife generators and similar devices without even having to name and blame each individual mycoplasma. Their symptom pictures encompass just about every nasty debilitating disease there is. Modern diagnostic procedures that detect these underlying pathogens accurately will usually confirm our suspicions: mycoplasmas! Yet it is easy enough to tally with a list of symptoms. If you tick (ha ha) the boxes, then nail the mycoplasma! It’s usually the guilty one, even without a trial!


Field Control Therapy (  )

Rife blog: (

(  )

Bioplasm diagnostic and treatment device: ( )

Iodine and infections – an excellent read! ( )

Iodine by Sue visser ( )

Iodine resource centre: (,281,2962 )        

Anemia in cats ( )

Cat’s Claw : (  )

Cat’s claw Morton Walker: ( )

Link to Morton Walker’s book: ( )

(  )

 (   )

Sue Visser – Author’s website: olive leaf  (  )

Published November 4, 2023

About the Author

Sue Visser is the health researcher and product developer for Nature Fresh Health Products. She has developed over 45 products, beginning with her unique Calcium Complex formulation in 1997. With over 25 years of experience in complementary and especially traditional medicine, Sue shares her articles freely with doctors (SA Medical Academic) and other publications. For many years, Sue has given free presentations, radio shows, workshops and has appeared in the two TV series on local herbs (Nature’s Health – 2007 and 2009). She is the author of two books and dozens of research papers and published articles.

Sue investigates current health trends, products and modalities on a constant basis and interacts with fellow South Africans at all levels to learn more about their health issues. Artemisia annua and other anti-malarial species, especially Olea Europa/Afra have now come to the fore as treatments for Covid-19. The new Nature Fresh prototypes are having very successful results with viral infections by using herbs that treat malaria.  Contact: ;