A New Way to Age

Suzanne Somers

Editor note: Suzanne Somers introduced her book A New Way to Age (Gallery Books, January 7, 2020) to Townsend Letter readers in this May 2020 article.

A new way to age is about successful aging. Clearly, aging is about worn out parts…this disrepair begins very early in life from poor diet and lifestyle habits. It all adds up. There is no free lunch.

At 73, I realize all my choices, throughout my life, good and bad, are now rearing their heads. Add to that—we are under the greatest environmental assault in the history of humanity. It’s a daily bombardment of chemicals everywhere; our air is polluted; our water is contaminated. Did you ever think that water would be so precious and expensive? Growing up, water came out of the tap. That’s what we drank, what we bathed in, what we watered our gardens with. In my home I found it necessary to install a water purifier, one that removes fluoride and that also has an option for alkaline water or purified water. This is called preventative—as in making choices to prevent disease down the road.

Conversely, poor choices of processed food and not tending to good lifestyle habits such as proper sleep, exercise, and clean food lead to an uphill battle. But it’s never too late. Starting today you can reverse that damage and prepare your body to take advantage of this dramatic life extension we are all now afforded (like it or not). We will be kept alive, but in most cases with no quality of life. To me that is not living. I look forward to living an extra 20 or more years, but I want to be alive while I’m alive. That’s what this book, A New Way to Age, is about.

Living longer is a beautiful thing. At my age I’m realizing that there’s a whole new chapter I never thought was coming; it’s peaceful, with satisfaction and contentment. The wisdom is coming rapidly, a lot of “ah ha” moments, and that makes everything make sense. So, I sleep easily, peacefully and happily.

What you think is very important, as our thoughts determine our outcome. We are in charge of our programming to be happy, sad or angry by the thoughts we think. Forgiveness is a gift to yourself. It frees you from being the victim. To not forgive allows ‘it’ or ‘them’ to win and you’ll be the loser, the victim.

In my new book A New Way to Age, you will come to understand the importance of educating yourself to listen to the language of your body. It’s always talking to you…the dry skin, stomach problems, hormone imbalance, constipation, insomnia, lack of libido, memory loss. That language is the body talking (yelling) begging us to listen and act forcibly. The sooner you “hear,” the more quickly you can begin the process of reversing deterioration to essentially stop the clock.

My journey into health, which has led to my writing 27 books, started with my body language. It was talking all the time, but it took a long time for me to ‘hear’. Depending on the severity of your individual decline, your lab results will determine exact deficiencies. Then it’s about putting back what you are missing. It makes perfect sense when you’re no longer making a full complement of balanced hormones, and a urine test will determine your deficiencies.

The new approach to aging is to put back all in which you are declining, be it hormones, minerals, nutritional deficiencies. My goal with this book was to create a bible, a book where the uninitiated could be introduced to the new kinds of doctors who are doing such great work. And those who are already living life this new way will get fantastic new information about reverse aging, cellular health, the importance of jaw alignment to protect your heart (no one that I am aware of has made this connection except Dr. Leonard Feld whom I feature in this book).

All of these doctors have courageously stepped out of their standard-of-care box to treat people in a non-allopathic way. Because they are MDs, they are free to go to pharmaceuticals when it’s absolutely necessary. When you need pharmaceuticals, they are a godsend for pain or infection or if natural remedies can’t do the job. These doctors have other methods in their arsenal for building you up through supplementation, again determined by your deficiencies. I call it “filling the tank.” In doing so, you get to be you again. It’s glorious.

I’m so aware that there’s a whole other life chapter I didn’t know existed, but it’s right now. I’m 73 and I’ve never felt better. I like the way I look. I have a strong libido. I have no bone loss because of my hormone replacement. My hair is silky and not stringy. I’m not terribly wrinkled. I have energy and a love of life that I’ve never had before. Every day of my life I live in gratitude. Again, thoughts create. What you think is what you experience. I meditate daily, in gratitude. It keeps me upbeat and happy.

Food is our fuel. If you had a Mazarati, one of the finest cars in the world, you would never put inferior fuel in it, nor would you ignore strange sounds and ticks. You’d take it right to a mechanic. The human body is more incredible than a Mazarati, yet we put inferior fuel into it regularly, and we frequently ignore the sounds or ticks in our body.

I believe A New Way to Age is my best book so far. We humans choose not to hear the language of the body—those aches, those symptoms, particularly menopausal symptoms, where you can’t sleep, lose your libido, your hair loses its luster, or your skin starts to wrinkle, you can’t lose weight, etc. A New Way to Age explains how to replace all you have lost by replacing hormones and using lab testing to determine your nutrient and mineral deficiencies and to determine your personal toxic burden.

There’s much, much more but this book makes it easy for the reader to apply to himself/herself, and the book tells where to go to get the proper testing and finding the right doctor today. All doctors are not created equally. There are those who came out of medical school and are stuck in that thinking of allopathics—here’s the symptom and here’s the drug to fix it. Then there are the doctors I interview, who are bonafide MDs, educated at fine medical institutions, but who realize we’ve hit a wall with allopathic medicine.

When I start a book, I make myself a blank slate to see what emerges. I’m not a doctor, but I’m passionate about health and this book surprised me with talk about what I call the “collective consciousness” meaning that doctors are now consciously aware of the necessity for cellular health. It makes sense to me, being that each human being is approximately 40 trillion cells. This is true regeneration, true age reversal through breakthrough science such as removal of senescent cells. As we age, our cells gather debris just like the pipes in your home get clogged and then you have to call the Roto-Rooter man to come and clean them out. Removing cellular debris is possible by taking senolytics (a supplement I write about). You take it only once a week. Essentially, this supplement cleans out your cells, making them operate as they did in your youth, thus making you feel younger, giving you more energy, and restoring your youthful levels of NAD. NAD is a new supplement that repairs DNA breaks. Now you have one supplement cleaning out your cells, and the other one repairing them! This is true reverse aging. If your health is precarious you might prefer NAD by IV treatment to aid in repairing cellular damage. Right there, with those two supplements you’re making a huge difference in your energy and health to turn back the clock.

With this book what I’ve noticed is acceptance. On this book tour not one interviewer or person attacked me. I was treated with respect and the book shot to #1 in its category the first day. What I realized mostly is that people are finally ready to hear this message. They see me and want what I have. I’m very open about my age, and my looks are clearly natural. What I do is keep my insides young—my cells, my hormones, my organs, my glands—by the organic food I eat (and grow myself) plus supplementation. It’s up to each one of us to take good and tender care of ourselves. No one will care as much about you as you.

Along the way my devotees and followers have always stayed with me, as well as the doctors I feature. And now, best of all, doctors are switching over to a more integrative path. The patients are demanding it! As a result, doctors are swarming to switch over to integrative and alternative medicine in droves. It’s very satisfying. The ocean liner is turning around big time. My readers are informed, making it easier for the doctor to not have to start with each patient in kindergarten. My readers are educated, so they can ask intelligent questions. When I first started out, I could only find 30 doctors in America who were informed in alternatives. Now there are thousands of these doctors all over the world. Hopefully my books have contributed to the movement.

I live the advice I offer, and my constituency knows this. It’s also important to know that you can do everything right and still be affected by something out of our control. The environment and the world in which we live is tragically polluted and filled with EMFs and electromagnetic radiation from our cell phones. Plus, we are bombarded with electromagnetic radiation from our computers, night and day. Clearly, we are all going to be affected in some way. Sadly, it’s an experiment on us in this modern era. But if it were to happen to you, if you were to be affected by the environment or cancer, the information in this book will give you the tools to make your body stronger to fight and win.

My plan for the future is to never stop! I love what I do. I make sure to enjoy each day and to be grateful for the love in my life, my incredible husband, my health, my wonderful food, my beautiful family. I am “present.” I try not to miss anything. There’s a beautiful quote by Lao Tsu:

If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
If you are at peace, you are living in the present.

I work hard to always be present, and I am present.

I urge people to go to SuzanneSomers.com for information, and products such as my incredible Suzanne Organics Skincare, Hair Care, & Cosmetics. These products are clean and toxin free. I urge readers to take a look. We’ve worked so hard on making them the best and purist products available. I also urge readers to go to my IGTV and Facebook Live shows, which we have two or three times a week from my home. You may find me at Big Al’s Bar where my husband Alan and I will share a tequila. I can feel our viewers at home pouring one with us and we have a fun little chat. Sometimes I do my shows in bed! Yesterday I did a show from my outdoor tub in the wilderness to have fun using my organic bath and body products. I make it fun, and kind of sexy. We have so much fun and sometimes it gets a little naughty! All my shows are archived on my Facebook account so if you want to see how I am aging, these shows will give you a firsthand account of A NEW WAY TO AGE!

Published November 18, 2023

About the Author

A trusted health advocate, successful entrepreneur, and star of two hit television series, Suzanne Somers wrote over 25 books, including 14 New York Times best-sellers, 5 of which were at No. 1. Her book, TOX-SICK: From Toxic to Not Sick, debuted at No. 3 on the New York Times best-seller list. There are currently more than 25 million copies of Suzanne’s books in print. She founded ForeverHealth.com, an online resource to connect patients with doctors specializing in natural hormone therapy, also www.SuzanneSomers.com. Suzanne died on October 15, 2023.