Townsend e-Letter


13 July 2024

Townsend’s publisher examines the prion-like characteristics of the spike protein in mRNA vaccines, celebrates the injunction granted to a Washington doctor charged with misinformation, and highlights this issue’s article on a liver cancer treatment by Burt Berkson, MD.
CLICK TO READ: Letter from the Publisher

This Townsend Letter column from October 2018 focuses on the effects of light (photobiomodulation) on Alzheimer’s disease, lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis, mitochondrial dysfunction and neuropsychiatric disorders, and digital addiction.

Cocoa, which is a fermented food, decreases TMAO, an organic compound linked to cardiovascular events; but benefits may have less to do with cocoa’s polyphenol content and more to do with gut microbiome.
CLICK TO READ:  Cocoa and Heart Disease: A New Theory

A rejected letter to NEJM urges more investigation into the enzyme nattokinase, which has removed amyloid plaque—the initial type of brain lesion that precedes Alzheimer’s—from rat brains.
CLICK TO READ:   How Many Years Does It Take to Get Alzheimer’s Straight?

Although case counts and mortality from covid-19 have greatly declined from pandemic levels, we are still dealing with mental health consequences and social issues that involve ethics, bias, character, and social media.
CLICK TO READ:   The End is Near! (Of the Pandemic)

Twenty-seven months after being diagnosed with hepatitis C and liver cancer, a 71-year-old nurse showed no signs of cancer after integrative treatment; this case was one of seven cases of serious cancer recoveries presented at the National Cancer Institute in 2012.
CLICK TO READ:  A Review of the Integrative Treatment Approach Using the Intravenous Alpha-Lipoic Acid/Low Dose Naltrexone (ALA/N) Protocol for Cancer and a Description of the Long-Term Survival of a Woman with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Unless measures are taken to address an organ’s hypofunction and inflammation, fibrosis and extracellular matrix degeneration will result; naturopathic medicine aims to increase resilience and preserve health before disease occurs.
CLICK TO READ:   Thinking About a Naturopathic Medicine Approach Based on Levels of Dysfunction

Most cancers thrive in low oxygen (hypoxia) and with plenty of carbohydrates and sugars; limiting carbohydrates with a ketogenic diet and increasing oxygen via hyperbaric oxygen therapy and intravenous ozone therapy have greatly improved cancer outcomes in several studies.
CLICK TO READ:   Integrative Cancer Treatment – Combination of Nutritional Ketosis and Hyperoxygenation Therapies

A small clinical study suggests that dimethyl sulfoxide may be a non-invasive and safe treatment for patients with recurring kidney stones.
CLICK TO READ:  DMSO in Renal Calculus Treatment in Symptomatic Patients – Summary of a Retrospective Observational Study

Bio-oxidative therapies, such as vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, ultraviolet blood irradiation, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, have been used to treat acute infectious diseases for years and have been helpful for persistent spike protein syndrome.
CLICK TO READ:  Resolving Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome

Mega-doses of vitamin C, as recommended by Linus Pauling, Robert Cathcart, and other proponents of orthomolecular medicine, along with limiting sugar intake improved the author’s health.
CLICK TO READ:  Do You Want to Die Old, or Sick?

Lifestyle changes, diet, and exercise – the mainstays of naturopathic medicine – can reduce breast cancer risk.
CLICK TO READ:  Reducing Our Risk of Breast Cancer

Fun movement that brings joy or laughter, along with diaphragmatic breathing, can ease chronic pain, spasms, and muscle tension.
CLICK TO READ:  Playful Practices to Enhance Health with Biofeedback

Andrea Fuso, PhD, an expert in neurological research, found that B vitamins and SAMe protect the brain and cognitive function by modulating gene expression; his recent study shows that vitamin K2 has a similar protective effect.
CLICK TO READ:  NEWS:  Veteran Gnosis Research Collaborator Expands to Explore K2


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