Table of Contents, AugSept 2018, Issue #421/422

Letter from the Publisher

by Jonathan Collin, MD

Coffee and the Reduction of Cancer Risks

by Steven Helschien, DC
Organic, premium-grade coffee has the highest antioxidant content of any food, providing protection from oxidative stress. Coffee consumption has been linked to reduced cancer risk in multiple studies.

Metabolic Therapies in Advanced “Salvage” Cancer Cases

by Dr. Paul S. Anderson, NMD
A combination of Poly-MVA, DCA, retinol, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and low-carbohydrate diet brought about disease regression in people with advanced cancers, who had not responded to previous standard and natural treatments.

The Link Between Cancer and Mitochondria: Restoring Mitochondrial Function to Fight Cancer

by Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD
Mitochondria’s roles in creating cellular energy and regulating metabolic pathways offer multiple avenues for inhibiting cancer initiation and progression, including diet and fermented wheat germ.

Hyperthermia Therapy

by James Odell, OMD, ND, LAc
Medical director of the Bioregulatory Medical Institute provides an overview of the history and the current use of hyperthermia therapy to treat cancers.

Cancer Care: Conventional, Complementary, Alternative?

by Barbara MacDonald, ND, LAc
For patients who prefer natural medicine, a cancer diagnosis brings added anxiety at the thought of needing invasive and toxic interventions. Reaping from her 20 years of working in the field of complementary cancer care, Dr. MacDonald explains how she counsels patients and what information they need in order to make an informed decision that gives them confidence.

How to Approach the Cancer Patient, Diagnosis, and Treatment

by Prof. Serge Jurasunas, MD(hom), ND
This noted naturopathic physician explains his methods for diagnosing and treating people with cancer, using natural therapies that shift the body on cellular and organic levels toward health.

Diet and Risk of Prostate Cancer Recurrence

by Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO
Studies in the past ten years have identified food choices associated with increased and reduced risks of prostate cancer recurrence – and some of them are unexpected!

Cannaceuticals – Future of Cannabis Edibles

by Betty Wedman-St Louis, PhD
The increasing market for edible cannabis products is raising concerns about product quality, labeling, and consumer safety.

A Metabolic Explanation of Cancer: The Bio-Energetic Theory of Carcinogenesis

by Michael J. Gonzalez, DSc, NMD, PhD, FACN, and Jorge Duconge, PhD
For decades, researchers have been looking for genetic factors that cause cancer, instead of viewing it as a metabolic disease. The authors urge a new view that sees mitochondrial dysfunction as the primary cause of cancer, a view that opens new, more effective treatment options.

Plechner Findings Presented at International Integrative Oncology Convention

by Al Plechner, DVM
Case reports, presented at an oncology convention, indicate that atypical cortisol estrogen imbalance is a factor in some cancers and autoimmune diseases.

Environmental Toxic Chemicals and Mysterious Illness: A Tale of Two Leukemia Patients

by Simon Yu, MD
Exposure to toxic environmental chemicals underlies multiple symptoms of poor health and contributes to many chronic illnesses, including cancer. The author uses acupuncture meridian assessment and laboratory testing to identify chemical burden that inhibits healthy function, and outlines methods for detoxification.


Pathways to Healing
What Does It Mean to Be a Healer?
Elaine Zablocki

Monthly Miracles
16th International Integrative Oncology Conference – “Cancer, Cannabis & Keto”
Michael Gerber, MD, HMD

Healing with Homopathy
Teaching Homeopathy in Prague: Acute, Flight-Induced Bladder Infection
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW; and Robert Ullman, ND

Optimizing Metabolism
When the Solution Is the Problem: Do Your Mouthwash and Toothpaste Have Untoward Metabolic Effects?
Ingrid Kohlstadt, MD, MPH

Curmudgeon’s Corner
Puking Patients
Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO

Ask Dr. J
The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly of Cancer Diagnosis
Jim Cross, ND, LAc

Women’s Health Update
Ovarian and Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines
Tori Hudson, ND


Blood-Type Diet Not Supported by Research
Alan Gaby, MD

Guest Editorial

Review of Dr. Barbara MacDonald’s “Cancer Care: Conventional, Complementary, Alternative?”
by Paul S. Anderson, NMD

In the News

College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta Meeting
Jacob Schor, ND

Bioregulatory Medicine Institute 2018 Conference Recap

Book Reviews

Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science
by Carey Gillam
review by Jule Klotter

Herbal ABC’s: The Foundation of Herbal Medicine
by Sharol Tilgner, ND
review by Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO

Book Excerpt

Sustainable Medicine: Whistle-Blowing on 21st Century Medical Practice
by Dr. Sarah Myhill