Table-of-Contents, July 2018, Issue #420

Letter from the Publisher
by Jonathan Collin, MD

Why This Finnish Doctor Believes in Herbs
by Marjo Valonen, MD
Rebuilding the immune system with an herbal program, rather than long-term use of antibiotics, restored health to this doctor who suffered with a long-standing, chronic infection. She now uses the same program with her patients.

Coffee and Your Heart
by Steven Helschien, DC
High-quality coffee contains a diverse range of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that are believed to account for the decreased risk of cardiovascular disease among coffee drinkers.

Remembering Ed Alstat

  • Favorably Altering the GI Microbiome with Exercise
    by David M. Brady, ND, DC, CCN, DACBN, IFMC
    Diet is not the only way to increase beneficial GI microbes that produce the short-chain fatty acids vital for intestinal health. Exercise also promotes a health-enhancing microbiome.
  • Casting a Broad Net to Maximize Lyme Disease Recovery
    by Scott Forsgren, FDN-P
    Eliminating the micro-organisms that cause Lyme and other tick-borne diseases is just one aspect that must be explored to regain health, as the author learned during his own recovery from Lyme disease. Addressing other factors, like mold exposure and emotional trauma, can make the difference.

How FCT Has Cured Me from Devastating Lyme Disease Without a Single Antibiotic: A Patient Report
by Helen Baldwin
A patient reports how Dr. Yurkovsky and Field Control Therapy strengthened her immune system and cured her of severe Lyme-related illness.

Lyme Climb: Shrinking the Mountain of Testing and Treatment
by Dr. Aparna Taylor, MSc, ND
When treating patients with controversial diseases like Lyme, the author urges doctors to forego the impulse to recommend a multitude of therapies. Instead, she keeps treatment as simple as possible, with an eye on risk versus benefit and individualized values and needs.

Clinical Update from Sophia Health Institute
by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, and Christine Schaffner, ND
An update on diagnosis strategies and botanical treatments from the internationally known clinic that helps people with chronic infections, including Borrelia and retroviruses.

Who Else Committed the Crime of Post-Lyme?  Can Forensics Help Diagnostics?
by Simon Yu, MD
In a case study, acupuncture meridian assessment identified dental infections, mercury and heavy metal toxicity, and parasite/fungal infections as factors that were preventing a woman from responding to antibiotic therapy for Lyme disease.

Forest Bathing: Immersion in the Healing Power of Nature
by Kurt Beil, ND, LAc, MPH
Multiple studies show that the Japanese practice of forest bathing heals mind, body, and spirit. This mindful immersion in the natural world returns us to our evolutionary roots and is an antidote to the stresses of modern living.


Pathways to Healing
Dental Herbalism – Reliable Resource to Maintain Teeth
Elaine Zablocki

Jule Klotter

Literature Review & Commentary
Alan R. Gaby, MD

Ask Dr. J
What’s Really Behind Door Number 3?
Jim Cross, ND, LAc

Monthly Miracles
What A Trip!
Michael Gerber, MD, HMD

Women’s Health Update
More Good News on Ginger and Bad News on Vaginal Douching
Tori Hudson, ND


Vitamin C for Tuberculosis
Alan Gaby, MD

In Memoriam

Steve Austin, ND
~ Jacob Schor

In the News

Vitamin D Deficiency Increases Risk of Chronic Headache

Book Review

Master Your Diabetes
Dr. Mona Morstein, ND, DHANP
review by Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO