Table of Contents, April 2017, Issue #405

April 2017 Issue #405

Letter from the Publisher
by Jonathan Collin, MD

FCT®, Detoxes, Retoxes, Benefits and Harm
by Savely Yurkovsky, MD
Despite good intentions, naturopathic and integrative detoxification protocols can harm patients.

Functional Fertility
by Stacy Dunn, ND, MSOM, FABNO
This article explains how to assess and improve the quality and quantity of a woman’s oocytes with integrative interventions.

Treatment Modalities for PMS
by Pamela W. Smith, MD, MPH, MS
Diet, nutritional supplements, botanicals, and exercise are among the treatment modalities that improve premenstrual syndrome disorder, a collection of symptoms that affects over 70 percent of menstruating women.

The Role of Regenerative Medicine in Breast Reconstruction
by Karina Gordin, MSc
Suzanne Somers relates her personal experience with breast reconstruction that used stem cell-assisted lipotransfer, a form of regenerative medicine developed by Japanese doctor-researcher Kotaro Yoshimura.

Ultrasound: A New Bibliography
Human Studies Indicate Extreme Risk

by Jim West
Ignored and suppressed science has led to increased fetal ultrasound exposure; stringent Chinese human studies show ultrasound damages the fetal brain, kidney, cornea, chorionic villi, and immune system.

Evaluating Steroid Hormones in a Pre-Menopausal Woman
by Pushpa Larsen, ND, and Shalima Gordon, ND
The authors demonstrate how 24-hour urine hormone testing and dry urine hormone testing are equally useful tools for assessing sex hormones and adrenal function and for monitoring bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

You Can Prevent and Cure Gestational Diabetes
Reprinted from Jonathan V. Wright, MD’s Green Medicine Newsletter
Excess xanthurenic acid leads to gestational diabetes, which differs from other types of diabetes and resolves with vitamin B6 supplementation in most cases.

Extreme Bias in FTC’s Ruling on Homeopathic Medicine
by Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH
The US Federal Trade Commission ignored recent science studies and relied on biased statement in its recent labeling decision regarding homeopathic medicines. (Unabridged version)


Pathways to Healing
Iron Supplementation Comes in Many Forms

Elaine Zablocki

Jule Klotter

Literature Review & Commentary
Alan R. Gaby, MD

Anti-Aging Medicine
An Anti-Aging Approach to Women’s Health

Ronald Klatz, MD, DO, and Robert Goldman, MD, PhD, DO

Monthly Miracles

Michael Gerber, MD, HMD

Ask Dr. J
The Original Superfood

Jim Cross, ND, LAc

Curmudgeon’s Corner
In the Company of Powerful Women

Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO

Environmental Medicine Update
Toxins and Uterine Fibroids

Marianne Marchese, ND

Women’s Health Update
The Effects of Soy Isoflavones in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Tori Hudson, ND


Sugar Industry’s Propaganda Campaign Exposed a Half-Century Later
Alan Gaby, MD