Healing Patient Stories from Center for Healing

by Leigh Erin Connealy, MD

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We would like to dedicate this article to our brave patients that fight cancer with their strong-will, positive attitude, and endless determination each and every day. *Disclaimer: although we have received approval to publish their stories, we have changed the names of our patients in respect of their privacy.

The purpose of this article is to serve as a treatment study for healthcare professionals interested in understanding the practical application of the comprehensive cancer testing protocol that is offered at the Cancer Center For Healing (CCFH), in Irvine, California.

1. Joanne

Joanne is a 50-year old lady, who had a routine colonoscopy performed on January 2017. The results from the colonoscopy indicated a 5 mm lesion in the anal canal, which at the time was suspected to be a wart. The patient’s GI doctor informed her that the lesion might be cancerous and referred her to see a specialty colorectal surgeon. After several unsuccessful attempts to get in contact with the referred physician office, the patient decided to get a second opinion from another physician at the end of January. Due to some extraneous undisclosed circumstances, the specialist was unable to find the lesion during the second follow-up appointment. Also, previous medical history indicated that both MRI and ultrasounds reports showed negative for any presence of abnormalities. The patient was then referred to see a gastrointestinal specialist, who recommended surgical removal of the lesion. In February 2017, the patient underwent surgery to remove the lesion on the anal canal. A biopsy was performed that indicated the lesion was a benign-fibro epithelial polyp. Prior to receiving treatments from Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, MD, the patient expressed that she would like all treatments to be as natural as possible.
After reviewing the patient’s diagnosis and medical history, Dr. Connealy determined that the best course of action is to ensure that the lesion was not cancer. Therefore, after ordering the standard blood work (Hemoglobin A1C, TSH, DHEA, FSH, CEA, LDL, CHL, CRB, CRP, CMP, etc.),* she ordered an Oncoblot test to determine the presence of cancer cells by detecting a protein called ENOX2 –which resides only on the surface of malignant cancer cells. (Malignant cancer cells shed ENOX2 proteins and, as a result, high concentrations of the protein can be found in a patient’s bloodstream. The purpose of Oncoblot testing is to serve as an early detection tool for practitioners to identify early stages of cancer. Results from Joanne’s Oncoblot test showed that the patient was susceptible or showed early evidence of colorectal cancer. Oncoblot, unlike most other cancer detection blood tests, can indicate where the cancer is present in an individual. Also, Oncoblot can accurately identify if a cancer lesion has malignant properties. The type of technique used during this form of testing is known as a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and western blot analysis. Both tests rely on the presence of ENOX2 proteins and the molecular weight of those proteins to identify the tissue of origin. Oncoblot serves as a great confirmation assessment for various other cancer detection tests (i.e. thermogram, mammogram, ultrasound, MRI, etc.). Although the patient’s biopsy results indicated that the lesion was in fact benign, ultimately, the Oncoblot test was able to prove the presence of malignant cancer cells in the patient’s bloodstream.

In order to confirm the presence of these malignant cancer cells, Dr. Connealy ordered an additional test known as the RGCC Test. The test was ordered as part of the comprehensive cancer assessment protocol. RGCC is a world-renowned laboratory located in Greece that specializes in a form of testing that counts the number of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) or circulating stem cells (CSCs) a patient has present in his/her bloodstream. The results from Joanne’s lab results indicated that she had a CTC count of 5.8 cells/ml. For standard measure, most late stage cancer patients (stage III or stage IV) at CFNM have CTC counts ranging from 5.0-cells/ml to about 10-cells/ml, or rarely even as high as 15.0-cells/ml. Therefore, considering this patient was diagnosed with a benign polyp, the physicians were surprised by the results of her CTC count.
Cancer cascade (EDS Bio Survey) was another important test that Dr. Connealy ordered for Joanne. The cancer cascade test is a form of energetic testing that, with no harm to the patient, determines which natural supplements will positively impact the individual’s immune system and, ultimately, decreases the chances of housing a favorable environment for cancer growth. According to traditional Chinese medicine, “chi” is a form of systemic energy that is generated in the internal organs of the body. Chi flows through the body through a network of paths near the surface of the skin, also known as meridians. Meridians create these networks and form what is known as the meridian system. The cancer cascade results indicated a positive reading for Natura 201, which targets abnormal cells from the digestive system, and Natura 601, which targets abnormal cells from the lymphatic system. The numbers associated with each area correlates with the Natura line supplement that is associated with targeting and rebalancing a specific area of the body.
Ultimately, the purpose of the cancer cascade is to identify the possible timeline of cancer for the patient, also known as the cascade timeline. The timeline associates specific imbalances in the body to the coinciding time in which the imbalance could have been induced in the individual’s lifetime. Cancer has a 12-year progressive timeline in which tumor formation occurs, on average, at about year 7. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that the patient is accessed and treated within the first seven years. As research shows, tumors that take hold in the body can double in size every 90 days to four years. Eventually, cancer cells start taking essential nutrients from surrounding healthy cells, inducing apoptosis in those cells while promoting growth in cancerous ones. Fortunately, Joanne has been receiving persistent, continuous treatment at the Center for New Medicine and has been receiving treatments such as, SOT, IV vitamin C, ketogenic diet, infrared sauna, and an anti-cancer herbal protocol.
The main purpose of this case study was to indicate the separate testing methodologies that are available to diagnose patients who show no other symptoms of cancer susceptibility. In Joanne’s case, the patient was deemed unsusceptible to malignant carcinoma based on standard testing techniques, such as MRI, ultrasound, and biopsy. However, results from Oncoblot, Cancer Cascade, and RGCC indicated otherwise. Understanding the various risk factors associated with a missed diagnosis is crucial for helping patients obtain the proper care needed to treat and prevent tumor formation and malignancy.

2. Hope & Faith

Hope is a 42-year old female who has a history of ovarian and breast cancer in the family. Faith, her sister, is a 38-year old yoga teacher who was worried about treatment due to her limited budget. Due to the inevitable concern of genetic predisposition to cancer, both sisters tested to see if they were carriers of a mutated BRCA1 gene in early April 2016. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that produce tumor suppressor proteins. Much like the name, tumor suppressor proteins play a large role in the inhibition and suppression of tumor formation. Individuals who have mutations in these genes are placed in a higher risk category for cancer susceptibility. According to cancer.gov, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations account for about 15 percent of ovarian cancers.1 Since these mutations are hereditary, breast and ovarian cancer tend to develop in individuals at a younger age.
The risk factor associated with hereditary BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are important to note when treating patients in this population. The National Cancer Institute states that 12 percent of the general population of women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime; however, this number jumps to 55 to 65 percent of individuals who have inherited the BRCA1 mutation and 45 percent for individuals with the BRCA2 mutation.1 Also, about 1.3 percent of the general population of females will develop ovarian cancer within her lifetime. Likewise, this number increases to about 13 to 17 percent of females who inherit either mutation.1
Considering the sisters were well aware of their increased susceptibility, both became new patients of the Center For New Medicine in hopes of preventing any future diagnosis of cancer. Similar to the treatment protocol that Joanne received, Dr. Connealy ordered an Oncoblot test for each individual. Previous medical history indicated that Hope had a pelvic ultrasound performed, in which the results came back negative. On the other hand, Faith’s breast MRI results indicated that she had several bilateral scattered simple cysts. At the time, the cysts were diagnosed to be benign from a physician that the patient was seeing in Texas. Oncoblot results indicated that Hope tested positive for ovarian cancer and her sister, Faith, tested positive for breast cancer. Following the initial results found from the Oncoblot test, standard laboratory tests were also ordered. These tests included parameters such as, CA 125, Hemoglobin A1c, Beta hCG/ Quantitative, Vitamin D, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), Thyroid panel (TSH), CBC, DHEA-S, and CRP Hs, and everything was in normal range except low B6, low folate, and low calcium counts. The results for Faith were normal too.
Similar to the cancer treatment protocol Joanne was placed on, both sisters were advised to get tested through RGCC and the cancer cascade protocol. In August 2016, Hope’s CTC count was 6.2 cells/ml, and the count remained the same when it was rechecked in October of the same year. Faith’s CTC count was 3.2 cells/7.5 ml. (Only one of the sisters has a CTC count listed because the other wanted to get her lab work done through the physician she was seeing in Texas.) Since Hope tested positive for RGCC, she was advised to have further assessment using RGCC naturals. The RGCC naturals test is a useful tool that is used to assess the patient’s response to various standard and natural chemotherapy agents. Similarly to how each individual’s body reacts differently to various antibiotics, no one individual cancer or type of cancer is similar to another. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial to find agents that are efficient, effective, and exhibit the least amount of harm to neighboring healthy cells. RGCC naturals test various chemotherapy agents on each individual’s specific cancer cells to identify which agents are the most effective. Hope’s cancer cascade test indicated Natura 401 positive, which targets the abnormal cells in the ductless glands, including breast, ovary, and uterus. Meanwhile, Faith also tested for Natura 401 positive as well as Natura 601.
Both sisters were told to undergo extensive detox protocols to remove additional built-up toxins. These protocols included Epsom salt baths, liver cleanses, infrared sauna treatments, coffee enema, and fasting. Also, castor oil packs and progesterone cream with iodine was prescribed to Faith to alleviate pain and reduce cyst size in her breasts. Faith did not want to undergo biopsy or any surgical procedures to remove the cysts. Therefore, Dr. Connealy devised a treatment plan that would reduce cyst size naturally. Both individuals were placed on Vitamin C and D supplements and rotated various RGCC natural supplements (as part of the RGCC protocol). Some of these supplements included Poly MVA, artecin, curcumin, and paw paw.
Throughout the course of their treatment, both sisters have reported great changes in overall health and energy levels. Dr. Connealy continues to monitor the condition of both individuals and ensures that both individuals are persistent with their treatment plans. At this time, there has been no reported identification of tumor formation for either Hope or Faith. The clinic is awaiting follow-up results from RGCC regarding the most updated CTC counts.


1.    National Cancer Institute. BRCA1 & BRCA2: Cancer Risk & Genetic Testing. April 1, 2015. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/genetics/brca-fact-sheet


Leigh Erin Connealy, MD is the author of The Cancer Revolution: A Groundbreaking Program to Reverse and Prevent Cancer. The 2017 book from Da Capo press is reviewed by Dr. Collin in this issue’s Letter from the Publisher.
Dr. Connealy writes enthusiastically about her use of the supplement, Perfect Amino, available from Body Health:

“If you don’t eat a lot of meat, are vegetarian or vegan, have lost muscle mass due to cancer, or just want to detoxify your body better, we recommend supplementing your diet with a product called Perfect Amino, (or Master Amino Acid Pattern supplements) which is a highly bioavailable amino acid supplement that helps provide your body with all of the amino acids that it needs to repair itself. If you are really sick and can’t eat lots of raw foods or animal products, you might try a food plan that consists of steamed non-starchy vegetables, lots of green juices and Perfect Amino (or MAP supplements) instead of a ketogenic diet, or other type of food plan.”

Leigh Erin Connealy, MD, is a prominent leader in the integrative medical field. She is the medical director of three amazing clinics: Cancer Center For Healing, Center For New Medicine, and Addiction Center For Healing, which has become the largest Integrative Medical Clinic in North America. Dr. Connealy is the author of The Cancer Revolution, published in 2017. She has 30 years of experience and has taken numerous advanced courses, including homeopathic, nutritional and lifestyle approaches, while studying disease, chronic illness, and cancer treatments. She offers the most scientifically and technologically advanced equipment and protocols at her clinic located in Irvine, (Southern) California. To learn more visit: www.cancercenterforhealing.com or www.connealymd.com