Table of Contents, FebMar 2018, Issue #415/416

February/March 2018
Issue #415/416

Letter from the Publisher
by Jonathan Collin, MD

New Mexico Integrative Practitioners Dodge a Bullet
Attorney Richard Jaffe relates the twists and turns that caused the New Mexico Medical Board to end its proceedings against an integrative medical doctor who was being disciplined for selling natural remedies from her office.
by Richard Jaffe, Esq.

Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference
Mental illness involves more than the brain, and successful treatment requires more than psychotropic drugs. Integrative and functional medicine, presented at this conference, offer a different approach.
by Ira L. Goodman, MD, FACS, ABIHM, FAARM

  • A Push-Catch System That Enables Effective Detoxification
    Removing toxins from the body depends on the function of the gallbladder as well as liver and intestines. This article explains the physiology of detoxication and offers ways to promote effectiveness.
    by Christopher Shade, PhD, and Carrie Decker, ND

A Dietitian’s Experience Working in a Psychiatric Children’s Hospital
A registered dietitian gives an insider’s view on the ignored link between poor nutrition, nutrient-depleting pharmaceuticals, and mental illness.
by Kim Koepp Hovey, MS, RD, LD

Dangers in Household Products
Parabens and other chemicals found in common household products and cosmetics contribute to cancers and other illnesses.
by Alfred J. Plechner, DVM


Pathways to Healing
Breathe OUT for Well-Being
by Elaine Zablocki

Jule Klotter

Literature Review & Commentary
by Alan R. Gaby, MD

Curmudgeon’s Corner
What Is Health Food?
by Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO

Monthly Miracles
Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels, EMF and Chronic Disease
by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD

Cool Beans
Introduction to Chronic Kidney Disease
by Robin Rose, MD, RN, FNP

Women’s Health Update
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things – Research Highlights from Recent Times
by Tori Hudson, ND


FDA Approves Intravenous Vitamin C
by Alan Gaby, MD (Click here to read original article)

Letters to the Editor

  • Adrenal Fatigue Article
  • Metal Toxicity

In the News

Serge Jurasunas Honored for 50-Year Professional Career
Naturopathic physician and integrative cancer expert Serge Jurasunas receives an honorary degree for his work.

Book Reviews

Life After Diagnosis
by Steven Z. Pantilat, MD
review by Katherine Duff

Lab Girl
by Hope Jahren
review by Jacob Schor, ND