Table of Contents, May 2018, Issue #418

May 2018
Issue #418

Letter from the Publisher
Jonathan Collin, MD

Pathways to Healing
MD Chef Tweaks Recipes to Support Health
by Elaine Zablocki

FCT® in the Coronary Care Unit of a University Hospital and Heart
The cardiologist insisted that a beta-blocker was the evidence-based treatment for the author’s mother after the onset of iatrogenic congestive heart failure, but bio-resonance testing found that the drug was contributing to her decline. She recovered with the help of FCT.
by Savely Yurkovsky, MD

What’s in Your Coffee? The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
High-quality, organically grown coffee offers health benefits that conventionally grown coffee cannot. In fact, conventionally grown coffee can compromise health.
by Steven M. Helschien, DC

  • Hypertension Becomes a Much Bigger Threat
    The 2017 AHA/ACC guidelines re-defined Stage 1 hypertension as starting at 130/80 and recommended lifestyle measures as the primary treatment. This article describes how to get accurate blood pressure readings and gives lifestyle and integrative medicine options for treating hypertension.
  • by L. Terry Chappell, MD
  • Lumbrokinase – An Enzyme for More Than Just Circulatory Health!
    Widely studied by Asian researchers, lumbrokinase, extracted from earthworms, is a very safe fibrinolytic enzyme preparation. This traditional medicine has been used to prevent thromboembolism in cancer patients and to treat people with ischemic stroke and coronary artery disease.
    by Martin Kwok, BSc, MSAOM, ND

Strophanthus: The Insulin of the Heart
The little-known botanical strophanthus has multiple benefits for people with atrial fibrillation, angina, and heart failure. It supports the parasympathetic nervous system, improves microcirculation, and converts lactic acid in heart tissue into pyruvate—the heart’s preferred Thomas Cowan, MD

Management of the Allergic Patient: The Role of a Changing Environment

After Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, patients with inhalant allergies tested positive to more allergens and had greater reactivity to tests. The authors explain how they adapted their testing protocols and patient management in the face of the changed environment.
by Diego Saporta, MD, and David Hurst, MD, PhD

The Nature of Information and the Metaphysics of Science
This look at the nature of information, the bedrock of reality, examines two views: the materialist and the pantheist. Is information exclusively physical or “everything”?
by Kenneth Smith

Alien Species…On the Threshold of a Brave New World
In an effort to meet the market for transplant organs, researchers are creating animal-human hybrids, despite serious questions about the ethical consequences.
by Katherine A. Carroll, NTP

  • OncANP 2018: Capable Hands 
    The Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians held its 7th annual conference in mid-February 2018.  Speakers are selected by a committee that includes some of the best presenters in the naturopathic profession, and the focus is naturopathic oncology.
    by Jacob Schor, ND


by Jule Klotter

Literature Review & Commentary
by Alan R. Gaby, MD

Ask Dr. J
The Truth Is Out There
by Jim Cross, ND, LAc


Letter to the Editor

Consumer Reports Magazine Bias


Book Reviews

The LDN Book
edited by Linda Elsegood
review by Carol Petersen, RPh

Natural Approach to Urology, 2nd edition
by Eric Yarnell, ND
review by Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO