Interview with Dr. Serge Jurasunas on Immuno-Oncology: The Latest Advances in Cancer Treatment and Lifestyle

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During the past 50 years, we always take several daily supplements but always include coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, magnesium, selenium, NADH, enzyme yeast cell preparation, CGF, chlorella tablets, and RBAC, to offer a few examples. Concerning my lifestyle, it is more difficult when you have been busy as I have been for several decades, traveling as I did; but I always set aside time for some sports, a lot of swimming, running, and participated in several triathlon competitions. But now I just build my lifestyle according to my age and keep swimming in my pool or spend summers at the beach and take a daily walk in the forest where I live.  To tell you the truth at the moment we have to worry more about our health and immune system facing not only the risk of cancer but this pandemic; and good nutrition, dietary styles are our best weapon to keep away from infection and cancer.

JT – Can you please summarize the latest cancer treatment breakthroughs?

SJ – For over 20 years we have been used to reading about cancer in magazines like the New York Times, that this is the breakthrough we’ve been waiting for. Now, this is new ammunition in the war against cancer. Not a joke, but in 2007 the director of the National Cancer Institute announced the year 2015 as a deadline for the elimination of suffering and death caused by cancer. Of course, this false declaration was reported with pleasure by the media, yet where are we today with cancer and suffering patients?  Where are we today with all the promised breakthroughs? We are still far from realizing this declaration since cancer is still dangerously on the increase. Finally, we all agree that classical treatment is not giving the desired results.

Mechanisms that are now considered as treatment using the body’s [ability to] attack are the reason for the title of my book called, Cancer Treatment Breakthrough, but I should better say breakthroughs since I am explaining other advances in cancer. If the fight is within, then besides the immune system, we have to recognize that apoptosis through the function of the p53 gene expression is also as much or even more important; and when it will be recognized, then we can speak of another breakthrough. I have read somewhere in an article calling to boost tumor death, that cancer treatment needed two important approaches. Optimize both p53 and immune support, but this is what I have already been doing for so many years.

Now you have to understand that with either classical oncology or alternative medicine there is no one miraculous remedy that can cure cancer. We need to set up multiple approaches, which today are recognized by many oncologists. Now please remember that each patient is an individual from a genetic standpoint. We have many types of cancers since it is not just one disease; we also have different stages of cancer. We have cancer cells with resistance, tumors without metastasis, or cancers that have spread in various organs; so you can better understand the complexity of treating cancer because each patient has his/her unique cancer.

President Obama proclaimed the only theoretical advancement of medicine is to present what they call a personalized and precision medicine, but by doing what? Cancers look similar, but there are differences in the way they grow and spread. This is what we accomplish with our molecular markers testing since no two patients with similar cancer show the same molecular markers testing results; both are different. 

I have researched and read a paper online called, “Advances and Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment”’; but it only discusses the classical approach of surgery, chemo/radiation, monoclonal antibodies, cart-t-cell therapy, immunotherapy, mutations in the cancer cells, but there is nothing different. What about apoptosis and if the p53 tumor suppressor gene is mutated, which occurs in about 50% of all cancers? What is oncology doing about testing patients?  

Oncology is missing something important, but we know that science and medicine never get along since today medicine is too industrialized to move in other directions. The real breakthrough in cancer must include a combination of therapies that attack cancer in as many directions as possible using non-toxic agents. I have presented this approach in my book. I have included a chapter on the p53 gene since, as I have already explained, it is also known as the guardian of our immunity, inhibits glucose transporters, and modulates telomerase activity. When recognized it will be another breakthrough. Of course, restoring the activity of NK cells is important, since they are really special immune cells that can kill cancer cells directly. We know that in cancer NK cells are functioning only from 20-50% of their activity, they are not always ready to fight; and it seems that NK cells are more important than any other immune cells but lately seem to attract more attention in cancer treatment.

In Cancers (Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2019) the main article title on the cover is named, “NK cell-based immunotherapy in cancer metastasis,” and is presented as a new way to treat cancer. You’ll see in my book, case study examples on metastasis elimination. Do we now have a new breakthrough?!

Now another advance I would like to mention which I am working on for a couple of years is associated with the telomerase/p53 ratio, which I discussed in my last article in the Townsend Letter (August/Sept 2020). I believe we have here a new advance in diagnostic and treatment since we know that telomerase activity is expressed in 85% of cancer but modulated by normal active p53 gene while telomerase is activated when p53 gene is mutated.   With highly activated telomerase, cancer cells increase survival and even become immortal. This is a new way to diagnose cancer by measuring the ratio telomerase/p53 gene, but this has never been done before; but I believe it may be one of the most important breakthroughs. We can reverse the bad ratio by using several natural agents, for example, curcumin and genistein. I believe we have here a new way to diagnose cancer and make a prognostic, so here we have a personalized and precision medicine.  Now by using a total immune approach—NK cells, p53 gene, the microbiome—we can call integrative immuno-oncology. I developed a poster, “Holistic Approach to Cancer Treatment,” with a figure that shows exactly how cancer must be approached that I use in my clinic with cancer patients. I will gladly send this poster to any doctor who asks.

JT – Why do people currently face such a high risk of contracting cancer and today the various SARS-Covid viruses?

SJ – Yes, we all are asking why so many people today are at high risk to develop cancer. Now in the year 1900, one person out of 100 was at risk of developing cancer but now we are at one out of three people, so the important question is why? I believe that the increased risk of cancer is associated with the development of our industrial society—the abuse of chemicals in the air, food, water, electromagnetic fields, but also, and we don’t mention, the excess of pharmaceutical drugs.  Now, if we blame pollution to be the first factor that may lead to cancer, let me tell you that pharmaceutical drugs may also come in at first or second place. Pharmaceutical drugs en masse appeared over 50 years ago.

When I first arrived in Portugal, cancer was a rare disease, where today you have two or three family members with cancer. For example, between 2005 and 2015, cancer diagnoses increased by 33% worldwide with prostate and breast cancers. Both cancers are hormone-disrupting diseases. Thanks to the entry of Portugal in the ECC, this opened the door to the importation of industrial food and other modern food along with establishing industrial agriculture and pharmaceutical companies. As a result, medicine became an industry. Today junk food, McDonald’s, is the favorite food of juveniles and even whole families. Over the past decade, humans have abused pharmaceutical drugs in such a way that it has deteriorated our bodies. Today, as a result, people are without any defense against the current pandemic.  

Did you know that many drugs, including antibiotics, are damaging to mitochondria function, and we know now that mitochondria are directly associated with cancer? Over the generations, the body has lost much of the capacity of its defense mechanism; and it is true for the immune defense, one important line of protection against cancer.

I have read the interesting article by Ross Pelton, PhD, “The Microbiome-COVID-19 Connection,” in the Townsend Letter (May 2021) where he proposed that mankind has experienced a gradual decline in immune function and disruption of the gut microbiome.  I totally agree with him. Today many people have a serious deficiency in detoxification enzymes; and, if living or working in a polluted environment, they have a high risk of cancer. Pollution may also affect NK cells and cause mutation of the p53 gene—insecticide, for example—so here again we have the risk of cancer.

Another wrong theory is that cancer is a disease of age, but not anymore. It’s found more and more in those middle-aged and younger. Just let me give one example among many others: A 26-year-old woman ballet dancer was diagnosed with lung cancer and metastasis already spread to the bone and the liver. She came with her family to my clinic. Of course, she got worse from chemotherapy with metastasis having spread to the brain. She started smoking only three years before being diagnosed, so probably her cancer started long before smoking but this is only one example of what has gone wrong in our society 

Over the years we have in a way, created a condition where our body is no longer in a position to defend itself against disease. This gives you the answer for people with the risk of SARS and COVID-19 viruses. Lately, it has been shown that people infected with the SARS virus have a serious deficiency in vitamins C, D, zinc, and selenium. In both cases with cancer and COVID-19, the natural killer cells are implicated. Now during a pandemic, you see who is healthy or not. Without changing our lifestyle, food styles need to be more independent from toxic pharmaceutical drugs and vaccination. I am afraid that we will have to face increased cancer risk and more pandemics in the near future if we do not improve our health condition.

JT – Where have you taught and lectured?

SJ – Well, I’ll just answer briefly. I have traveled and lectured in about 36 countries on three continents. During 1970-1980 when I started to travel, I gave my first lecture in September 1972 in New York City at the International Congress of Cancer Victims and Friends and again at the same congress in 1974 in Los Angeles. At that time, we didn’t have Google, and we could learn only by meeting other colleagues at conferences, going to some clinics to learn, read books, etc.  I came back several times to the US and participated in several seminars on integrative medicine and worked to develop the oxidative dried blood test with my late friend, Robert Bradford, PhD, who organized several seminars in San Diego, but also in different cities in Europe annually. I also had a very good experience after being invited in 1985 to Sri Lanka to speak at a large world congress of alternative medicine. At that time, I met the health minister and the minister of traditional medicine. Immediately the health minister invited me to stay in Colombo for some time to learn how I treat cancer patients in the Hospital of Colombo, which I did. One other nice experience was to be invited by the University of Vilnius, Faculty of Medicine, Lithuania to give a seminar on the topic, “A Complementary and Alternative Lecture on New Avenues for Treatment in Oncology,” where I presented, in a combination therapy, the activation of the immune system using RBAC followed by clinical cases. Can you believe such a thing happening in other European countries? 

I also lectured in Korea, invited by the President of the Korean Society of Traditional Medicine. More recently I was surprised but honored to be invited to the BIT’s 4th Annual Congress and exposition of molecular diagnosis in Beijing, China, to present my work on the p53 tumor suppressor gene and therapy. Travel became for me a reason not only to offer lectures but, especially, to learn from the other lecturers. Learning more is part of my life, and still today I spend considerable time studying and learning.

Serge Jurasunas is an internationally well-known practitioner and researcher in complementary oncology and molecular medicine, a pioneer in naturopathic medicine and live blood analysis, with 55 years of experience in a private clinic. He is a professor of naturopathic oncology and has delivered lectures all over the world. He has been a frequent contributor to the Townsend Letter for 22 years. He is the author of two books in English, including Cancer Treatment Breakthrough – Immuno-Oncology using Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound, and Health and Disease Begin in the Colon Featuring Prof. Serge Jurasunas’ Natural Medicine.


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Dr. Jamie Turndorf is known to millions as Dr. Love through her website: Ask She is the host of the “Love Never Dies” radio show, syndicated in 136 countries.  Dr. Turndorf talks about love on Binge Network TV. She is the author of many international bestsellers, including her latest book, If You Think You Don’t Have PTSD – Think Again.