A Case Report – Nagalase Inhibitors and Lymphoma

By Daniel Royal, DO, CTP, JD

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On April 10. 2020, Sally Johnson (pseudonym), a 33-year-old black female presented to the Turtle Healing Band Clinic (THBC) in Las Vegas, Nevada.  She had developed stomach pain in early February 2020.  Her appetite was down.  She was also anemic, losing weight, unable to swallow pills, and using a 60 gm CBD oil for pain.  The patient was seen in a couple hospitals in Ohio where she was living at the time and found to have lymphoma in her abdomen.  She was recommended to have chemotherapy, but the patient refused and sought alternative treatment instead. 

When she came to THBC in April 2020, her abdomen was swollen to the point where she appeared to be pregnant.  The patient requested IPT (Insulin Potentiation Therapy), but this proved to be too expensive for her.  So, a more affordable plan was worked out for the patient.  Initially, IV therapy with amino acids was used in combination with a pulsing electromagnetic field (PEMF) treatment in the office.  At one point, the patient’s albumin began dropping and she developed ascites.  A paracentesis was performed in the local hospital.  Albumin was thereafter added to her IV to correct this problem from recurring, along with salicinium.  Additional labs showed the patient had elevated nagalase and anti-malignin antibody serum (“AMAS”) tests.  She was then started on THBC’s nagalase protocol with Orasal in conjunction with PEMF treatments. Orasal and salicinium are nagalase inhibitors. Her nagalase and AMAS tests continued to improve with treatment until they became “normal.”

Patient’s Nagalase Test Results

Date                                           Nagalase (U = nmol/min/mg)

4/17/2020                                      1.04

6/03/2020                                      1.16

9/10/2020                                      0.90

Follow-up in September 2020 showed that her anemia had resolved, her abdomen returned to normal size, her energy returned, and she was enjoying normal activities again.  A year later, the patient is still completely free of symptoms.

Patient Testimonial (11-20-20)

Thank you so much for saving my life!  I was so sick and weak that I couldn’t walk with that mass in my belly.  It looked like I was 9 months pregnant.  And it felt so heavy.  Yet, I was losing weight and got down to 73 pounds.  I serve and believe God and asked him to please help me.  Then, two days before I met you, a holistic doctor in Ohio told my mom about you and the next morning we flew there.  God sent me to you with my life draining out of me.  You are my hero!  I love you.  Please keep helping people who have been to doctors, hospitals, and at the end of their rope like me.

On March 1, 2020, the doctors here in Ohio said that if I didn’t get a port and let them pour rounds of chemo into me that, “you will be dead in two months,” which was two months before my 34th birthday.  I ended up signing out of three hospitals (two in Ohio and one in Las Vegas) against medical advice.  In each hospital, they were angry with me.  In fact, in Ohio, they gave my mom a card and told her to just take me to hospice.  My mom said, “No!”  We prayed and cried out to God for two more weeks while I remained in horrible pain at home. 

Then I flew me out to Las Vegas where I met wonderful doctors and staff at the Turtle Healing Band Clinic, who became my new family.  Two months later, on my 34th birthday, and while I was still in your care, I was feeling better and enjoyed my birthday!  Now, I am looking forward to my 35th birthday and a new year, already healed and with normal tests!  I’m quiet, but I observe everything!  God bless you and your family, Dr. Royal!


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