Closing in on 40 Years: Stephen Levine and Allergy Research Group®

If one ever has a chance to meet Stephen Levine, PhD, on the conference circuit or elsewhere, it won’t take more than a few moments to have a glimpse of the passion and intellect that has contributed to his name becoming synonymous with the supplement industry and the company he started, Allergy Research Group®, and the development of innovative nutritional supplements. Stephen Levine’s very aura and essence carry a sense of wonder and an intellect of one whose brain and spirit ponder concepts and ideas that few but the best scientists and biochemists will easily grasp. At the same time, the innate desire to heal those who suffer and to find the next elusive turnkey for issues ranging from cognitive health to cancer to osteoporosis abound as well. July 2018 ARG ad.JPG

From the early days at Allergy Research and his struggles with environmental sensitivity, the power of antioxidant therapies has had a profound impact on his own restoration of health, reflected in the vast array of antioxidants and antioxidant combinations available from Allergy Research Group®. Coenzyme Q10, tocotrienols, acetyl-glutathione, buffered vitamin C, melatonin, as well as many unique botanicals with high antioxidant potential including French maritime pine bark extract, lutein, grape seed extract and Ecklonia cava are at the core of the supplement line. But innovation extends beyond this. Under his leadership, Allergy Research Group® was the first to introduce supplements to the US that continue to be industry leaders, such as nattokinase and artemisinin. And, as Allergy Research will soon celebrate their 40th year, be ready for much more to come.

If you have a chance to reach out, congratulate Dr. Levine for his 40 years leading innovation at Allergy Research Group. And, tell him your story of healing, especially if he was of influence. You won’t regret it!