Table of Contents May 2021, Issue 454

Letter from the Publisher

Jonathan Collin, MD  


No Deaths from Vitamins – Supplement Safety Yet Again Confirmed by America’s Largest Database
Andrew W. Saul


Jule Klotter  

Guest Editorial

By Daved Rosensweet, MD

If We Lose Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Literature Review & Commentary
Alan R. Gaby, MD  

Do Chemicals Make You Fat? The Influence of Environmental Chemicals on Obesity

Marianne Marchese, ND  
Bestselling author and long-time Townsend columnist, Marianne Marchese, ND, shares her expertise in environmental exposures and how chemicals affect health. Specifically, she discusses how obesogenic chemicals contribute to obesity and how to use lifestyle changes and nutrition to counteract their effects.

Pediatric Pearls

Michelle Perro, MD  
Obesity in Children: The ABCs of EDCs

The Coenzyme Q10 Quagmire

Dr. Douglas Lobay, BSc, ND  
Two forms of coenzyme Q10 are found in supplements: ubiquinone and ubiquinol. The debate about their comparative effectiveness and absorption gets an in-depth look in this article.

A Grand Experiment: Air Pollution and Heart Disease Deaths

Jacob Schor, ND
Recently published studies showed a significant association between air pollution levels and death rates from cardiovascular disease.

Metabolic Flexibility – How to Reverse Metabolic Inflexibility to Heal Chronic Disease

Bonnie Nedrow, ND
Several modifiable factors contribute to metabolic inflexibility that underlies metabolic syndrome and associated conditions like obesity and diabetes—including environmental chemicals, circadian rhythms, and timing of meals and exercise.

Diagnose and Treat Hypothyroidism in 2021, Part 1: New Endocrinology

Alan B. McDaniel, MD
Part 1 of a three-part article presents the complex physiology of thyroid function and the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of hypothyroidism.

Vaccination Support

Debby Hamilton, MD, MPH
Nutrients to support the immune system may increase the immune response to vaccination and reduce the risks of adverse responses.

Laboratory Diagnostics in Chelation Therapy

E. Blaurock-Busch, MSc, PhD
Laboratory tests are available to monitor the effectiveness of heavy metal chelation and to assess kidney and liver health before its use.

List of Advertisers in this Issue

The Microbiome-COVID-19 Connection

Ross Pelton, RPh, PhD
The gut microbiome, according to research, is an important modifiable risk factor for COVID-19.

Applied Kinesiology Assessment and Management of Female Hormone Imbalances: A Chiropractic-Endocrinology Case Report

Scott C. Cuthbert, DC
Long-standing severe premenstrual symptoms resolved with chiropractic adjustment and herbal treatment after applied kinesiology identified underlying liver, bowel, and adrenal dysfunctions.

Vitamin D Overdose – A Case Study

Ronald Hoffman, MD
With widespread recommendations to take vitamin D to prevent COVID-19, a case study presents the opportunity to identify vitamin D overdose.

Letters to the Editor

  • Re: COVID-19 Treatments
  • Re: Compounded Bioidentical Hormones and Saliva Tests
  • Re: COVID-19 Vaccines and Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • Neglected Balance of Estradiol and Progesterone

Book Excerpt

Examining the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ask Dr. J

Jim Cross, ND, LAc
PPF Diet

Calendar of Events

Curmudgeon’s Corner

Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO
Transcendental Meditation™ for Cardiac Patients


Alan R. Gaby, MD
Why Did These Doctors Not Listen to Their Patient?


Do the Math: “MATH+” Saves Lives

Michael Passwater
Peer-reviewed published studies confirm that early intervention with an integrative treatment, developed by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, significantly increases survival of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

How We Can Fix This Pandemic in a Month

Damien Downing
Supplementation with vitamin D, which enhances innate immunity, is too often overlooked as a tool for reducing morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19.