November 2020 Table of Contents, Issue #448

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Letter from the Publisher

Jonathan Collin, MD

Jule Klotter

Effective Treatment of CFS and Fibromyalgia Can Be Easy

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
While attending medical school, Dr. Teitelbaum suffered from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. His personal journey to heal himself became a passion to heal others. In this article, Teitelbaum explains his SHINE® Protocol for effectively treating CFS/FM and offers practitioners his free treatment and assessment tools.

Literature Review & Commentary
Alan R. Gaby, MD

Considering the Evidence for Treating Fibromyalgia as an Inflammatory Disease

Leslie Axelrod, ND, LAc
Abnormal cytokine activity and mitochondrial alterations are objective evidence of fibromyalgia and provide clues for therapy.

An Approach to Managing Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain

Alan B. McDaniel, MD
Chronic stress disrupts the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and autonomic nervous system. Identifying and addressing these disruptions can alleviate chronic pain.

Helicobacter pylori and Severity of COVID-19: Possible Connection?
Davis W. Lamson, MS, ND
H. pylori infection is associated with chronic respiratory illnesses, and symptoms of H. pylori infection and COVID-19 overlap. Does H. pylori infection correlate with COVID-19 severity?

The Stressed Brain – A Clinician’s Perspective: Part 2

Jonathan E. Prousky, ND, MSc, MA, RP(Qualifying)
In the conclusion to his article, Prousky explains how failure to adapt to chronic stress produces neurobiological changes that affect mental health.

Estrogen Vindication, Part 3: The Tamoxifen Connection and Hormone Treatment

Devaki Lindsey Berkson, DC
In the conclusion of this series, Berkson looks at tamoxifen, DES, and the role of estrogen in breast cancer treatment.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in the Treatment of Chronic Pain

William Pawluk, MD, MSc
An expert in magnetic field therapy explains how PEMF devices can relieve chronic pain associated with a diverse range of conditions.

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities – A Unified Hypothesis

Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC
By addressing stress-produced vagus nerve dysfunction with Frequency Specific Microcurrent™, symptoms of these puzzling conditions can lessen and, even, resolve.

Treatment of Strained Hamstring with Acupuncture and Medical Massage
Dr. Sabrina Brunner, DACM
A severe hamstring sprain heals with acupuncture treatment, cupping, and medical massage.

A Proposed Micronutrient Protocol for COVID-19 Pandemic

Michalis Leotsinidis, Constantine Kotsanis, and Nakos Kotsanis
Medical literature and empirical research support the use of four common nutrients to boost the immune system and ward off infectious illnesses like COVID-19.

My Bioidentical Hormone Creams Are Killing Me!
Jeffrey Dach, MD
A 2020 National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine report falsely justifies restricting compounded hormones – and off-label drug use in general.

Letters to the Editor

  • Re: Germanium and Kidney Function
  • Wikipedia’s Bias Against Natural Medicine – A Petition
  • Promising Observations on Treating COVID-19
  • Statistical Significance Does Not Always Mean Clinical Relevance

List of Advertisers in this Issue

Pathways to Healing
Elaine Zablocki
Contemplative Care at the End of Life

Curmudgeon’s Corner
Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO
Tolle Causam: When Fish Oil Protects the Brain from Air Pollution Damage

Townsend Calendar

Healing with Homeopathy
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW
Depression and Isolation in the Time of COVID-19: Two Cases from the Magnolia Family

Women’s Health Update
Tori Hudson, ND
Two Botanicals for the Aging Brain

TruGen3® Introduces Tru Immune Support™ to Help Optimize Immune Systems

Alan R. Gaby, MD
Getting Drunk Without Drinking: The “Auto-Brewery” Syndrome

Book Review
Forbidden Health: Incurable Was Yesterday (translated, Edition 2a)
by Andreas Ludwig Kalcker | review by Owen R. Fonorow

Online Only

Orthomolecular COVID-19 Protocols

Michael J. Gonzalez, DSc, et al
People experiencing any stage of the current pandemic – from prevention to hospitalization – can benefit from the food, lifestyle, and supplementation recommendations in these protocols.