Blog Post

Blog Post Our Environment

Protesting 5G

Protesting 5G Climate change isn’t the only target for activism. A group of dedicated activists in my town are working to educate the city council about 5G wireless technology safety issues before Verizon puts up its first 5G tower near the county courthouse. The council members, many of whom had no […]

Blog Post Science and Technology

Shades of Planet of the Apes!

Katherine A. Carroll, Executive Director of National Health Federation, has written a piece about animal-human hybrids (chimeras) that are being engineered to fill the need for organs for transplant patients.1  Researchers have been inserting human cells (fetal cells) into early pig and sheep embryos since 2014. “Humanized” mice are being used […]

Blog Post Healthy Living

Philosophy, Medicine, and Choices

Albert Einstein said: I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ For if we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to achieve safety and power by creating bigger […]

Blog Post Food and Diet

Displacing Foods

This past summer, I was fortunate to attend the 2019 Cullowhee Native Plant Conference at Western Carolina University (NC) in the Smokey Mountains. I was raised a city girl and only recently have learned how vital native plants species are for the survival of wildlife, including the beautiful butterflies that […]