Understanding a Bio-Electric Quantum Restorative Health Lifestyle

Darrell S.C.S. Misak, ND, RPh

A restorative health lifestyle is based on naturopathic health principles that show the tendency of biological systems to be as healthy and efficient as possible based on the environment created for each living cell.  To explain it on a quantum physics model, the first day of disease is the day you consume more energy than you get from your food.  So, how do I put that into a practical lifestyle and teach that anyone can be healthy?  Let’s start with looking at the environment vs your internal body terrain through a stepwise digressive approach, where I believe you will find a naturopathic functional lifestyle the logical answer as a primary supportive lifestyle towards health.

Many well written naturopathic articles can be found in the Townsend Letter and e-Letter (www.townsendletter.com) or Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (www.NDNR.com) that reference multiple studies outlining the toxic world we live in, associations of these toxins and multiple chronic disease, the various detoxification pathways the body uses to deal with these burdens, and many products or nutrients needed for general and specific support of these pathways.  If you want to explore and learn more, just search detox on either of these websites and learn more.

Once you acknowledge and recognize we live in a toxic world associated with various health consequences, the next step is to consider how these toxins can create a personal burden to health, how to measure or quantify that burden, then reduce or eliminate it while restoring optimal health function and efficiency.  On a quantum level, you must gain more energy from your lifestyle than you consume, or something doesn’t have enough energy to maintain itself; naturopathic medicine calls this the total load theory, as you can only handle so much before something has to give. 

Figure 1

In essence, the goal is to reduce your burdens and increase your tolerance and efficiency to eliminate these burdens (see Figure 1). 

Your level of tolerance is called your threshold, and what creates this threshold is based on deficiencies or excesses.  Quantum physics shows that energy is neither created nor destroyed; it only changes form, so the idea is to optimize your tolerance or threshold by reducing negative energy burdens (excesses) and correct basic mineral and vitamin deficiencies.  Please notice that I will continually bring quantum principles to the forefront, as biological systems must play by the same rules as the rest of the universe; this digression is not to complicate, but to simplify the basic goals I hope to explore with the logical conclusions leading to restorative health.

Naturopathic medicine teaches that your burdens, total load, or stressors are comprised from a whole-body, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, environmental, and microbial list of sources.  On a quantum level, I could add frequency and vibrational sources and speak tangentially on how it all breaks down to frequencies and vibration, but that creates the need for a new glossary of terms and understanding in a medical world that thinks on a cellular level.  So, to consider a restorative approach to your client’s total load, I explain a restorative health process in terms of a 5-phase approach.

The 5-phase health approach came about upon realization that as a teacher, we need our clients to understand the microcosm while we help them restore the macrocosm (see Figure 2).  The basic outline is Phase I – environmental protection and a lifestyle that considers pure water, air, food, body care products, and EMF protection to reduce toxin exposures.  Phase II – testing to identify personal and specific burdens or excesses in diet and lifestyle (i.e., know the cause).  Phase III – exercise and support based on identified deficiencies through diet and supplementation to improve efficiency and support elimination of excesses and burdens.  Phase IV – resultant natural and supportive detoxification where Herring’s Laws of Cure are witnessed.  Phase V – self-awareness and commitment to self and defining yourself through consistency.

Figure 2

These principles are self-explanatory, and any practitioner can apply them with their level of practical knowledge, but I challenge that only a few observe true health restoration of what some consider incurable diseases through a cellular approach to health.  In the January 2010 edition of NDNR, I taught about the importance of the cellular environment, although I still saw limitations in health restoration with a top-notch functional medicine approach.3  From 2016 to 2020,4-7 I introduced the concepts of BioElectric Chemistry, modulation of the vital force, and explained how simple in-office assessments can show you energy efficiency to explain and predict symptoms and patterns of health that correlate with what we call disease.  At this point, I call these “disease” patterns imbalances due to deficiency or excess.  The next step is connecting a lifestyle primarily through foods that will provide needed basic minerals and vitamins, along with supplementation to support your electrophysiological chemistry of self towards optimization.  The natural restoration processes, we hold as truths in natural medicine, begin to emerge and are witnessed to what has been referred to as nature cure.

Nicola Tesla said, “to understand the secrets of the universe, we must think in terms of frequency and vibration.”  Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality.  It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy, this is physics.”  In my articles, I taught about Dr. Carey Reams who said, “If you know the frequency, you know the diet.”  So, let’s talk frequency.

Frequency is defined as the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time, which refers to a rate of speed.  To digress, the next question is how do you determine the rate of speed of digestion to determine the diet?  Dr. Reams explained that pH is a measurement of resistance created between anions and cations, or the positive and negative electromagnetic charges that spin either clockwise or counterclockwise directions creating electromagnetism.  He mathematically explained how the periodic table of elements and the mass of a given element correlates with the rate of speed that the protons or electrons in that element spin around the elements core per second, creating an electromagnetic field (see Figure 3). Thus, the higher the mass, the faster the rate, and stronger the electromagnetic field. 

Figure 3

If pH represents the resistance of the electrical fields created between molecules, and the tendency of all nature is to find the balance point within any system, then pH tells us if the balance point is too fast or slow when you know the ideal.  Dr. Reams’ gift to humanity was an equation for the optimization of biological electrophysiological efficiency, and the urine and saliva pH of that biological system is 6.4.  My 2016 NDNR article4,5 on modulation of the Vital Force explains symptoms consistent with pH imbalances, if you want to better understand this principle.

Dr. Reams explained that at a pH of 6.4 the electrophysiological chemical nature was at a point of least resistance and the ability of the molecule to spin either clockwise or counterclockwise became dependent on the environment.  He also showed that both hydrogen and oxygen reacted as isotopes, which allowed them to possess the ability to electrically spin either clockwise or counterclockwise.  This makes sense when you consider that up to 80% of body composition can be water, thereby the internal environment and ground substance of the body can change based on the pH, which will govern the speed of reactions, chemistry efficiency, and mineral utilization potential.  Dr. Reams showed that if the urine pH went outside of 5.5-7.3 minerals would become unavailable to be incorporated into enzyme systems and deficiency signs would become evident.  So, the next question is how do you keep the urine pH in a healthy range to govern the speed of chemistry reaction?  The answer is eating foods that contain the correct forms of calcium.

Dr. Reams estimated that there are over 150,000 forms of calcium on this planet, which he broke down into seven groups.  Of these seven calcium groups, six of them are needed in varying amounts daily and one of the groups was considered toxic to biological systems.  The groups were arranged based on their pH characteristics (acid, alkaline, or neutral).  Part of Dr. Reams’ last efforts was to identify the prominent form of calcium in various foods to determine which foods were most needed to move the body chemistry towards ideal (i.e., “if you know the frequency (pHurine), you know the diet (foods that contain the calcium to move chemistry towards ideal).”

Dr. Reams showed that calcium is the cellular gate keeper, which controls the ratio or proportion of all other minerals in cells and tissue structures of the body.  Calcium is used by weight and volume in the human body more than any other mineral,1 and essentially controls energy movement and availability within our electrophysiological systems.  Consider an EEG, EMG, or EKG.  What are these tests measuring?  The answer is electrical activity that consists of action potentials initiated by influx or efflux of potassium and/or sodium creating a polarization effect and starting an electrical impulse through calcium voltage dependent regulated channels affecting neurotransmitter releases.  At what point were you taught that the foods you eat, salt, potassium, or calcium intake can modulate the electrical activity of neurotransmitters or your heart, brain, or muscle electrical firing capacity?  If you really want to dive in, I suggest you read the works of Dr. Hans Alfred Nieper and the use of specific forms of minerals as coenzyme regulators in cellular health, which is another article of discussion for sure.

To keep on track and summarize this digression and stay focused on the subject, let’s return to lifestyle considerations for what I call restorative health.  I’ve laid the foundation for a quantum bio-electric consideration as a model of health, suggested a 5-phase outline for a naturopathic lifestyle and need for evaluations, and given a basic and simple measurement tool (pHurine) to identify what foods would be best to consume based on an analytical value.  I’ve included in references a site that lists the works of Dr. Reams and prominent calcium forms.2  Personally, I have broken these food lists into two groups for my clients with references of what percentages of each group to eat from based on their pHurine; as Dr. Reams would teach, if you correct the pHurine the other numbers, or variables in the equation, will follow.

If our goal as a profession is to incorporate the principle of Docere, then the best of us equips our clients to become their own best advocates to know simple techniques to address their personal health issues vs knowing when to seek our guidance.  Understanding a bio-electric approach and home analytical testing creates a model where clients discover how their diet choices result in values away from ideal that corelates with energy loss.  Clients learn how testing results equate to allergies or intolerant foods, specific diet or supplement needs, and what foods have personal restorative chemistry properties.  Over time, their personal self-awareness and observation of how they feel, correlated with their test results, will guide them in what to eat, drink, or supplement.

I’ve simplified a restorative health model, and by no means am claiming that eating based on pHurine is the answer you are looking for, as to only address one variable in an equation will limit the results.  I highly recommend patients monitor their urine brix and pH until they learn their pattern, while I monitor nutritional supplemental needs with periodic chemistry and dark field microscopy evaluations to stage their progress.  As you learn to understand and apply bio-electric chemistry principles, to use analytical testing to guide how your therapies and support/affect energy efficiency, the historic Nature Cure we all learned in philosophy becomes self-evident and observable.


  1. The Calcium Kit, A.F. Beddoe, DDS, Advanced Ideals Institute, ISBN 978-0-9763669-3-5
  2.  https://www.biri.org/pdf/recipes/Foods-By-Prominent-Calcium-Compounds.pdf
  3. Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (NDNR), Botanical Medicine, posted January 20, 2010, Optimization of Cellular Environment:  The Key Factor to Health 
  4. Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (NDNR), Geriatrics, posted October 20, 2016, Intro to BioElectric Chemistry – Can you Regulate the Vital Force (Part 1)
  5. Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (NDNR), Cardiopulmonary Medicine, posted October 20, 2016, Intro to Bio-Electric Chemistry – Can you Regulate the Vital Force (Part 2)
  6. Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (NDNR), Mind/Body Medicine, posted May 31, 2018, BioElectric Chemistry Connections
  7. Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (NDNR), Mind/Body Medicine, posted June 20, 2020, BioElectric Chemistry in Practice- A Case Study https://ndnr.com/mindbody/bio-electric-chemistry-in-practice-a-case-study/

Published May 20, 2023

About the Author

Darrell S.C.S. Misak, ND, RPh, is a 2000 National College of Natural Medicine graduate, a registered pharmacist, and a father of five.  After receiving his BSc in Pharmacy in 1992, he gained 3 ½ years of university hospital pharmacy experience at Duke University Medical Center and over 4 years of compounding pharmacy experience during his NCNM studies.  Since moving to the Pittsburgh area in 2000, he has presented lectures, hosted many radio programs, and produces regular online instructional videos on the concepts of bio-electric chemistry.  Dr Misak owns and operates Vi-Telometry LLC and Pittsburgh Alternative Health, Inc, and is the President of the Bio-Electric Quantum Health Coalition non-profit organizational private group where his focus is on health analysis and restoration health via optimal energy formation.