Herb-Drug Interactions Shown in Human Data

Benton Bramwell, ND, and Matt Warnock

There are many ways that herbs and prescription drugs can affect the movement (kinetics) and effects (dynamics) of each other in the body.  This includes changes in how each are absorbed, metabolized by enzymes in the liver and other organs, excreted through the kidneys and bowels, and how they interact with receptors that mediate their effects.  Most often, unwanted herbal-drug interactions are a focus of interest when an herb is seen as a problem in interfering with the desired effects of a drug.  To be fair, it is equally correct to state that a prescription drug may interfere with a well-applied herbal medicine. 

Moreover, an optimal evaluation of a drug or an herb’s safety profile is best when it considers the context of an individual patient’s diet.  Some drugs, in particular, may have varying safety issues that arise when diets change. For example, the safety profile of the anticoagulant drug warfarin may be significantly altered when vitamin K intake from diet exceeds about 150 mcg/d; therefore, a suggested strategy for reducing the risk of mishaps with warfarin dosing is to carefully maintain a consistent level of vitamin K intake in the diet.[1] 

Since most of the data collected to date that is available for review speaks to known interactions of an herb altering aspects of a drug’s action, and since such interactions may lead to catastrophic outcomes clinically, we focus on this data in our review.  Still, it is right and fair when a reasonable course of herbal medicine is employed to be aware of potentially interfering effects of prescription medicines.

This area is full of both in vitro data that shows the potential for undesirable interactions as well as in vivo data in animals that is informative and often used to guide recommendations from pharmacists and practitioners.  However, human clinical data, to which the greatest weight can be attached, is available in lesser amounts. 

For the purposes of this review, we have decided to focus primarily on human data (clinical studies and case reports) exploring the presence of interactions, in order to provide a snapshot of some of the most definitive, and perhaps most applicable, data available at the present time.  It has been convenient in most cases to review reported interactions on a per herb basis, though in the case of analgesics/anti-inflammatories the data lends itself nicely to description as a group. 

Analgesics (Pain relievers/anti-inflammatories)

Some of the most common pain relievers used are the analgesic acetaminophen and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen.  One of the herbs most commonly studied for its anti-inflammatory effects is Curcumin longa (turmeric), whose main actives, the curcuminoids, are often administered with small amounts of piperine (a constituent of black pepper) to enhance their absorption. 

A randomized, controlled and crossover study of 8 subjects examined the effect of several days of pretreatment with curcuminoids and piperine on the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen and a drug closely related to ibuprofen (flurbiprofen).  In this study, short-term pretreatment with curcuminoids and piperine actually did not show any effects on the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen or flurbiprofen.[2]  As noted by the authors, these findings are in contrast to in vitro work from the same team.[3] 

Thus, while the results did not provide evidence of an interaction with typical curcuminoid extract given over the short term, we do highlight these results as they provide an important opportunity to better understand why in vitro results that suggest an interaction do not necessarily always correlate with results seen in humans. 

In this case, the authors point out that the in vivo levels of curcuminoids are relatively low compared with levels that lead to changes in activity of drug metabolizing enzymes, in vitro.  Moreover, the curcuminoids detectable in vivo in this study are mostly conjugated (through glucuronidation or sulfation) and the potential for these conjugated forms to affect drug metabolism is not known. It may be that any effect of curcuminoids on drug-metabolizing enzymes is a dynamic heavily affected by the rate of curcuminoid absorption and how efficiently curcuminoid conjugation is taking place in the gut and/or liver. 

In vivo realities of absorption that are essentially concomitant with a biotransformation process that may begin in the gut and continue in the liver exemplify how variables difficult to include in in vitro testing can make translation of basic science research to real world scenarios challenging.

One of the most frequently used herbal medicine combinations in Korea is known as Ojeok-san.  From 1990 to 2010 this herbal medicine represented the most commonly used herbal medicine supplied by the National Health Insurance Corporation of Korea, and among its many uses is that of an analgesic.[4] Its formula is composed of small amounts of 17 herbs in combination, including mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata Blanco), ginger, Jujube fruit, licorice, and Chinese peony, among others.[5]

In a human study of 20 subjects, when Ojeok-san and the common anti-inflammatory drug Celecoxib were taken together there was a trend for reduction in maximum and total blood concentrations (Cmax and Area Under the Concentration Time Curve, AUC) of Celecoxib vs when Celcoxib was taken by itself.[6] There was also a tendency for the rate of elimination of Celecoxib to actually be slower when Ojeok-san and Celecoxib were taken together.  How the suggested changes in kinetics of Celecoxib would ultimately impact the effectiveness of Celecoxib as a pain reliever is not known from the present data.

One of the most common drugs used to treat neuropathic pain is gabapentin.  In terms of dietary-drug interactions, there is an interesting, albeit not necessarily clinically impactful interaction between gabapentin and shitake, a mushroom consumed in the diet (and consumed also in dietary supplements).  In healthy subjects, dietary shitake mushroom slightly increased the renal clearance of gabapentin, though this change was not enough to significantly alter the in vivo concentration (AUC) of gabapentin.[7]


There is evidence from a human study that in acting as an inhibitor of the drug-metabolizing enzyme CYP3A4, goldenseal increases the in vivo concentration of the benzodiazepine drug, midazolam (increased Area Under the Concentration Time Curve, AUC, and maximum serum concentration, Cmax), while slowing its rate of clearance.[8]  Additional work in healthy humans shows that goldenseal decreases the metabolism of the drug debrisoquine, a drug used as a marker for CYP2D6 activity.[9]  Further, goldenseal is shown in a human study to lower the AUC of metformin.[10]  Goldenseal has also been evaluated in humans for its potential to affect action of the cellular drug transporter p–glycoprotein, using digoxin as marker of p-glycoprotein action, and did not produce an observable effect on this important aspect of drug metabolism.[11]

Salvia miltiorrhiza

One of the medicines used in China to improve circulation in cases of heart disease is an extract of the plant Salvia miltiorrhiza.  When this herbal medicine is combined with aspirin, there are some interesting effects on the kinetics of both actives identified in the plant extract and also salicylic acid, the active of aspirin. In the case of one of the actives of the herb, salvionolic acid B, its elimination time is prolonged and the total concentration (area under the concentration-time curve, AUC) of salvionolic B decreases when the extract is taken along with aspirin.  With respect to the active of aspirin, salicylic acid, its absorption time is shortened and the total amount absorbed is decreased when taken along with the herbal extract.[12]  Any impact of these differences on actual clinical effectiveness of both Salvia miltiorrhiza extract and aspirin is less clear.  

St John’s Wort

Perhaps no other herb is as extensively studied for potential to interact with drugs as St. John’s wort.  At present, most of the information on St. John’s wort is in the context of its ability to increase both the expression of a liver enzyme that metabolizes many drugs (CYP3A4) and also to increase the activity of the drug transporter p-glycoprotein that removes many drugs from a cell’s interior.   The combined effects of CYP3A4 induction and increased p-glycoprotein activity underscore the relatively potent potential for St. John’s wort to lower in vivo levels of drugs, and thus potentially lead to changes in pharmacodynamics.  Prescription drugs whose blood levels are shown to be decreased when administered with St. John’s wort have largely been reviewed by Zhou.[13]  Their findings, as well as those from several additional sources identified in the literature, are summarized below.

Drugs levels reduced by concurrent use with St. John’s wort, based on human data

Drug Interacting with St. John’s wortEffect reportedCategory of Human data
amitriptylinelower blood concentrationclinical study[14]
cyclosporinelower blood concentration  case report[15]
digoxinlower blood concentrationclinical study[16]
fexofenadinelower blood concentrationclinical study[17]
gliclazidelower blood concentrationclinical study[18]
indinavirlower blood concentration    clinical study[19]
methadonelower blood concentration    clinical study[20]
midazolamlower blood concentration    clinical study[21]
nevirapinelower blood concentration    case series (n=5)[22]
oxycodonelower blood concentration    clinical study[23]
phenprocoumonlower blood concentration clinical study[24]
simvastatinlower blood concentration  clinical study[25]
tacrolimuslower blood concentrationclinical study[26]
theophyllinelower blood concentration    case report[27]
warfarinlower blood concentration     case series (n=7)[28]; clinical study[29], clinical study[30]

It can be difficult to anticipate if a particular herb-drug interaction might exist, based on interaction data from a drug in the same category, or even based on a single known action on biotransforming enzymes.  An example of this is the current differing data regarding interactions between St. John’s wort and fentanyl and St. John’s wort and oxycodone. 

In the case of St. John’s wort and fentanyl, there was no pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic interaction when human subjects consumed 900 mg of St. John’s wort extract over 30 days and also received fentanyl infusions, nor were there any significant effects on fentanyl’s analgesic effects.[31]  This finding is in contrast to the demonstrated interaction between St. John’s wort and oxycodone noted above. 

Even though CYP3A4 and p-glycoprotein affect the metabolism of many drugs (CYP3A4, for example, is estimated to affect the metabolism of over half of known drugs because of the low specificity with which it binds to substrates[32]), the effect of CYP3A4 is also dependent on genetic polymorphisms of CYP3A4.[33]  Additionally, while induction of CYP3A4 is a predominant effect, there seem to be inhibitory effects of St. John’s wort constituents on other CYP (P450) enzymes.[34]  Thus, the overall interaction of St. John’s wort (and likely many other herbs) and any given drug is dependent on the sum effects of multiple aspects of biotransformation.  Given the noted disparity that can also occur between results from in vitro/animal testing and human testing, we feel it important to again stress that applicable human data is a potent, though relatively rare, clarifier in the sphere of herb-drug interaction data.

Green Tea

If St. John’s wort is the most studied herb for its interactions with drugs, the catechins from green tea may be a strong second, with multiple human studies accumulating in the last few years.  The human data on this topic includes a 2017 open label study of 13 healthy subjects that found that co-administration of single dose of 300 mg epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) with 20 mg of rosuvastatin resulted in a significant decrease in the area under the concentration-time curve by 19% (geometric mean ratio 0.81, 90% confidence interval [CI] 0.67-0.97), compared to baseline administration of rosuvastatin by itself.[35]  Interestingly, however, when EGCG was given for ten days prior to dosing with rosuvastatin, there was not a significant reduction in AUC compared to baseline.  A similar decrease in AUC after acute dosing with atorvastatin and either 300 mg or 600 mg of dried green tea extract is also reported, from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 12 healthy subjects, though the effect was not dose-dependent.[36]

Quite striking decreases of nadolol concentration have also been reported with green tea as a beverage when the green tea was consumed either along with, or an hour before, nadolol dosing.[37]  With concomitant administration, the geometric mean ratio for AUC of nadolol with green tea vs nadolol alone was 0.371 (90% CI 0.303-0.439); with 1 hour pre-dosing the mean ratio was 0.536 (0.406-0.665). 

Significant reductions in the concentration of lisinopril, given after an overnight fast and concomitantly with 300 mg of EGCG in a water solution, have also been reported, suggesting overall lowered absorption of lisinopril.[38]  Finally, significant reductions in concentrations of Nintedanib have also been found with concomitant administration of green tea extract, an effect that was most prominent in subjects with a genetic variant of the drug efflux transporter ABCB1 (3435 C>T), a finding that suggests alteration of this transporter’s activity as a plausible mechanism of action contributing to green tea’s effects on pharmacokinetics.[39] 

The Ginsengs

Like St. John’s wort, Panax ginseng appears to increase activity of CYP3A4, as evidenced by lower concentrations of midazolam when the two are concurrently administered in healthy subjects.[40]  However, the same work did not show an effect of Panax ginseng on inducing p-glycoprotein activity–highlighting again the need of clinical data specific to any particular herb-drug combination. When Panax ginseng, known to increase CYP3A4 activity, is given for two weeks prior to dosing with the protease inhibitor ritonavir, which inhibits CYP3A4 activity, there is not an observable effect on the pharmacokinetics of ritonavir.[41] Nor in the same study is any interaction seen between Panax ginseng and lopinavir, a drug also metabolized by CYP3A4 and formulated with ritonavir in order to slow lopinavir’s metabolism.[42]  

With regard to the potential for interaction between Panax ginseng and warfarin, two weeks of their concurrent use led to increases in INR and PT of ischemic stroke patients compared to baseline, but there was not a significant across group difference in INR or PT compared to a group that only received warfarin.[43]  An additional study in healthy subjects reported an increase in clearance of warfarin with Panax ginseng intake, but did not find a change in warfarin’s pharmacodynamics that would be clinically relevant.[44]

In subjects with stable coronary heart disease and chronic gastritis, it was found that two months of supplementation with saponins from Panax notoginseng (a species closely related to Panax ginseng) potentiated the antiplatelet effects of aspirin, including inhibiting platelet aggregation.  Moreover, the combination of notoginseng and aspirin led to stronger inhibition of platelet production of multiple inflammatory cytokines derived from arachidonic acid as well as improved symptoms of dyspepsia compared to those in the aspirin group alone.[45]

American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), a third species of the genus Panax, has been shown to significantly reduce concentrations (AUC) of warfarin after two weeks of use.  In this case, there was also a measurable decrease in the INR when American ginseng was introduced.[46]

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo-drug interactions are also described repeatedly in human studies.  In an open-label study of 14 healthy subjects, standardized Ginkgo biloba extract led to a significant reduction in absorption of midazolam (AUC and Cmax) compared to baseline absorption without ginkgo intake.[47]  As in other interaction studies, midazolam is used as a marker for effect on the broadly acting metabolizing enzyme CYP3A4.  The finding of decreased concentration of midazolam is in contrast to the results seen in another human study of 10 healthy subjects, where Ginkgo biloba extract was seen to significantly increase the absorption of midazolam.[48]  The reasons for this discrepancy are not entirely clear.  It is noted that several other drugs were included in the first study (lopinavir and ritonavir), though a washout period was included to minimize effects of these drugs.  This latter study (Uchida) also showed a decrease in levels of tolbutamide (metabolized by the enzyme CYP2C9) associated with Ginkgo biloba use.

In another small study, in 2 out of 8 healthy subjects, Ginkgo biloba was reported to approximately double the maximal blood concentration of the calcium channel blocker nifedipine, leading to headaches, dizziness, and hot flashes in these subjects.[49]  In a further interaction, ginkgo administration has been shown to increase hydroxylation of omeprazole through the CYP2C19 enzyme, leading to decreased blood concentrations of omeprazole in 18 healthy subjects.[50]  Interestingly, ginkgo also seemed to slow renal clearance of the hydroxylated form of omeprazole in this study.


Another herb with literature available describing its interactions with drugs in vivo is Echinacea purpurea.  Echinacea has been shown to increase the bioavailability of orally administered midazolam (again a marker of affecting metabolism through CYP3A4 activity); to increase blood concentration (area under the curve) of orally administered tolbutamide (marker of affecting  metabolism through CYP2C9); and to both slow the rate of clearance of orally administered caffeine while delaying the time to attainment of its maximal concentration.[51]  In contrast, there is some evidence of echinacea causing small decreases in concentrations of the anti-HIV protease inhibitor darunavir. While the change was not substantial enough to merit a change in darunavir dosing, monitoring of darunavir levels is warranted with echinacea use.[52]  Illustrating that there is sometimes a gap between establishment of a pharmacokinetic interaction and actual observable impact of drug effect, though echinacea has been shown to lower plasma levels of warfarin by increasing clearance, this was not a change that led to an actual change in INR.  Nor was a change observed in platelet aggregation.[53]

Dong Quai

It is of course sometimes the case that a probable interaction can be observed clinically though the mechanism of action is not yet understood.  So it is with several case reports of interaction between warfarin and Dong Quai.  In one case, a patient who had been taken warfarin for ten years after replacement of a mitral valve presented after a month of taking Dong Quai with widespread bruising and an INR of 10.[54]  In another case, a female patient who was stabilized on warfarin treatment for atrial fibrillation showed greater than a 2-fold elevation in prothrombin time and INR after a month a taking Dong Quai, and these values returned to her usual level a month after discontinuing the herb.[55]

There is rightful growing awareness of the interactions between herbs, which are often commonly used in the diet, and drugs.  Because basic science research may have limited predictive power as to the clinical relevance of an interaction, regularly reviewing the still relatively small but growing collection of human studies and case reports that document herb-drug interactions in humans is highly important, as is clinical monitoring of patients using both herbal medicines and drugs.


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[5]. Ko, Y., Go, HY., Han, IS. et al. Efficacy and safety of Ojeok-san in Korean female patients with cold hypersensitivity in the hands and feet: study protocol for a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicenter pilot study. Trials 19, 662 (2018). 

[6]. Park SI, Park JY, Park MJ, Yim SV, Kim BH. Effects of Ojeok-san on the Pharmacokinetics of Celecoxib at Steady-state in Healthy Volunteers. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2018 Jul;123(1):51-57. doi: 10.1111/bcpt.12971. Epub 2018 Mar 15. PMID: 29377603.

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[31]. Loughren MJ, Kharasch ED, Kelton-Rehkopf MC, Syrjala KL, Shen DD. Influence of St. John’s Wort on Intravenous Fentanyl Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Clinical Effects: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Anesthesiology. 2020 Mar;132(3):491-503. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000003065. PMID: 31794512; PMCID: PMC7029805.

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Published October 7, 2023

About the Authors

Benton Bramwell, ND, is a 2002 graduate of National College of Naturopathic Medicine who practiced primarily in Utah while helping to expand the prescriptive rights of naturopathic physicians in that state.  Currently, he owns and operates Bramwell Partners, LLC, providing scientific and regulatory consulting services to both dietary supplement and conventional food companies.  He and his wife, Nanette, have six children and two grandchildren; they live in Manti, Utah.

Matt Warnock is an accidental herbalist, who received his MBA and Juris Doctor from BYU, then worked as an attorney, litigator, and business consultant until 2000. He then joined RidgeCrest Herbals, a family business started by his father, and started learning about herbal medicine, focusing especially on complex herbal formulas. He has two U.S. patents for herbal formulations and methods. He lives near Salt Lake City with his wife, Carol; they are the parents of three children and four grandchildren.