Book Notice: Scanned

Scanned exposes the lies and overreach that underpin the wholesale erosion of personal freedoms happening at an alarming rate in “democracies” all over the world―orchestrated by AI, Big Tech, and state-sponsored apps―all in the name of “protecting” public health with vaccine passports.

Supported by rigorous research, investigative journalist Nick Corbishley uncovers how the rollout of vaccine mandates not only represents an unprecedented violation of privacy and bodily autonomy, but how it perpetuates the idea that a “small” collective sacrifice will allow us to return to normality.

Corbishley passionately argues that vaccine passports are not a liberal or conservative debate. They are not a vaccinated or unvaccinated debate. They represent a serious threat to the fabric of democracy. He asks the crucial question―how much are we willing to give up in the face of so called “freedom”? This is about deciding when it is time to say, “enough!”

Inside Scanned, you’ll find:

  • How vaccine passports will form the foundation of sweeping digital control and surveillance platforms, to which our entire lives could end up being tied
  • The massive implications of a tech-enabled digital ID, social credit systems, and biometric tracking
  • How basic freedoms and privacy are being handed over to the state and private companies without our knowledge or consent
  • How government programs and increased surveillance will facilitate discrimination, segregation, and stigmas for huge segments of the population
  • In-depth coverage of public health policy and its implications for both the economy and our financial system, including how vaccine mandates are contributing to global supply chain issues.

“An emergency read” (Dr. Peter McCullough), Scanned is a manifesto examining the vital issues around the global governmental push toward vaccine mandates and how they are being used to radically reorder society in ways that are of little benefit to anyone except the business, financial, and political elite.

Scanned by Nick Corbishley
Chelsea Green Publishing
$17.95 US 
Paperback Original / 5 3/8 x 8 3/8 / 192 pages
ISBN: 978-164502-162-9
On-Sale Date: March 17, 2022 

Published April 22, 2023