Exploration of Candida Infections and the Role of Natural Supplements in Their Management

Rhianna Martin-Jones, BSN


Candida overgrowth, commonly caused by Candida albicans, is a common fungal infection affecting many individuals worldwide. It resides naturally in the body without causing issues under normal circumstances. However, factors like weakened immunity, antibiotic use, or imbalances in the gut microbiome can trigger its overgrowth, leading to infections. According to estimates, approximately 70-75% of people, especially women, will experience at least one yeast infection caused by Candida in their lifetime.

Surprisingly, there’s limited widespread awareness about Candida overgrowth and its potential health impacts. Many people suffering from Candida-related symptoms remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to its varied and often non-specific symptoms. Digestive issues, recurrent infections, fatigue, brain fog, and skin problems are common signs often attributed to other causes, leading to the underestimation of Candida as a potential root cause. In light of this, CanXida aimed to shed light on this widespread yet underrecognized issue through a comprehensive Candida documentary.3 This documentary delves into the complexities of Candida overgrowth, offering valuable insights and detailed information on its causes, symptoms, and management strategies. By providing an in-depth understanding of Candida-related health concerns, the documentary serves as an educational resource, empowering individuals to recognize and address potential Candida-related issues effectively.1

Causes of Candida

Candida overgrowth can be initiated by various factors disrupting the delicate, natural balance of microorganisms in the body. Antibiotic use is a common cause, as these medications can eliminate beneficial bacteria, allowing yeast to proliferate. Diets high in refined sugars and carbohydrates also contribute, providing an optimal environment for yeast growth. Weakened immune systems, hormonal imbalances, stress, and certain health conditions (diabetes or autoimmune diseases) can also foster Candida overgrowth. Lifestyle factors such as poor sleep patterns, high stress levels, and excessive alcohol consumption may further exacerbate the condition. These diverse causes emphasize the multifaceted nature of Candida overgrowth, requiring a comprehensive approach to address its complexities and restore the body’s microbial balance.23

Symptoms of Candida – The Common and the Not-so-Common

Candida overgrowth is characterized by a myriad of potential symptoms, making its diagnosis challenging due to the overlap with other health issues. Recurrent signs like fatigue, bloating, flatulence, and food allergies are common red flags. Itchy areas on the body, digestive troubles, and toenail fungus are also prevalent indicators. Other frequent symptoms include anxiety, depression, impaired memory, and a foggy brain, often accompanied by feelings of weakness and malaise. The condition might manifest as cystitis, menstrual irregularities, or diminished libido. Additionally, joint pain, muscle discomfort, and digestive issues like diarrhea or constipation are observed. Inhalant allergies, skin eruptions, and persistent coughs are often associated, while earaches, headaches, and dizziness can also be indicative of Candida overgrowth. These varied symptoms underscore the complexity and diversity of Candida-related issues, contributing to the difficulty in diagnosing the condition, as they can resemble other health concerns.4

Candida overgrowth can also manifest in less common but very impactful symptoms that may not immediately appear connected to the condition. These include sensory disturbances like alterations in smell, taste, sight, or hearing, accompanied by blurry vision and eye-related irregularities such as redness, dryness, and itching. People with Candida issues might experience feelings of swelling, tingling, or brain fog, often leading to reduced self-confidence or self-esteem. Mood fluctuations, irritability, and nervousness can also emerge, contributing to confusion. Other indications may involve memory issues, numbness or weakness in the tongue, hands, or feet, and hyperactivity, particularly in children. Emotional spells, including crying, depression, or feelings of being inebriated or detached, are also observed symptoms associated with Candida overgrowth. These diverse and sometimes unexpected signs highlight the complexity of the condition, showcasing its potential impact on various bodily systems and mental well-being. To determine if an individual may have Candida, questionnaires are often helpful.2, 4 Stool testing is also available.17

Treatment Modalities – What Really Works??

When addressing Candida overgrowth, various treatments are available, ranging from pharmaceutical medications to natural remedies. Pharmaceutical antifungal drugs are commonly prescribed to combat Candida infections. These are often effective for a small amount of time. Many individuals experience reinfection, and prolonged use of these medications may lead to the development of drug-resistant strains or cause adverse side effects. These medications might trigger gastrointestinal disturbances, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal discomfort. Moreover, some antifungal drugs have been associated with liver toxicity. Allergic reactions are another concern. Additionally, interactions with other medications can occur, affecting their efficacy or causing complications. Prolonged use of antifungal drugs may foster drug-resistant Candida strains, rendering future treatments less effective. Central nervous system effects like dizziness, headaches, or changes in mental state, and skin reactions such as dermatitis or photosensitivity, are also possible outcomes. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals is crucial before commencing antifungal treatment to understand the risks and benefits and to monitor for any adverse effects during the course of treatment. Exploring alternative or complementary therapies with medical guidance may be considered to minimize the risks linked with prescription antifungal drugs.

Holistic approaches have gained popularity due to their focus on natural ingredients with fewer adverse effects. Essential oils (like oregano and tea tree) and caprylic acid, known for their antifungal properties, are often included in holistic treatment plans. Additionally, probiotics containing beneficial bacteria help restore gut flora balance, suppressing Candida growth. Probiotics contain beneficial bacteria strains that help inhibit the growth of Candida yeast by competing for space and resources in the intestines. These “good” bacteria promote a healthy environment in the gut, strengthening the immune system and supporting the body’s ability to control Candida levels. Moreover, probiotics assist in maintaining a balanced pH level in the digestive tract, creating an environment less conducive to Candida growth. By enhancing the gut’s microbiome, probiotics contribute to reinforce the body’s natural defenses against Candida overgrowth, helping to rebalance and maintain a healthier gut flora. It’s essential to note that while probiotics can aid in Candida management, using them should be part of a comprehensive approach to addressing Candida-related issues.

Dietary modifications play a pivotal role in managing Candida overgrowth. By making strategic changes to the diet, individuals can create an environment that discourages Candida growth. Eliminating or reducing sugar, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods that feed Candida is vital. A diet rich in nutrient-dense foods, including non-starchy vegetables, lean proteins, and good fats, can aid in rebalancing the gut microbiome and supporting immune function. Reducing sugar intake, as Candida thrives on sugars, involves cutting out not only obvious sources of sugar but also reducing the consumption of high-carb foods that break down into sugars. Additionally, minimizing the intake of yeast- and mold-containing foods like bread and aged cheese can be beneficial.7, 8, 19

Emphasizing antifungal foods in the diet, such as garlic, coconut oil, and certain herbs and spices, aids in inhibiting Candida growth. Probiotic-rich foods, including yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables, introduce healthy bacteria to the gut, helping restore the balance of the microbiome and suppressing Candida. Increasing fiber intake through vegetables, legumes, and seeds supports regular bowel movements, promoting the body’s natural detoxification process to eliminate Candida toxins. It’s important to remember that dietary changes alone might not completely eradicate Candida overgrowth. For a comprehensive approach, it’s advisable to combine dietary modifications with lifestyle adjustments, appropriate supplements or medications, and, if necessary, seek guidance from a healthcare professional to devise a tailored treatment plan.7, 8, 11

Because many individuals are seeking alternative approaches for Candida management, they are turning to natural supplements like CanXida. CanXida supplements are designed to address Candida overgrowth holistically, focusing on restoring balance to the gut microbiome. Formulated by a clinician with over 30 years of experience, the CanXida formulas are tailored to meet patient needs, offering a unique blend of ingredients that work synergistically to combat Candida. Ingredients like oregano, caprylic acid, and grapefruit seed extract are known for their antifungal properties, helping to rebalance gut flora and support a healthy immune system. The formulations are carefully crafted to provide a comprehensive approach to managing Candida overgrowth, aiming to alleviate symptoms and promote overall well-being.

Herbal supplements like garlic and grapefruit seed extract are often incorporated into holistic treatments for their purported antifungal and immune-boosting properties. For example, CanXida Remove is a multi-ingredient dietary supplement formulated to combat Candida overgrowth. It contains a natural blend of ingredients, including herbs, enzymes, and other nutrients, designed to target Candida and support a healthy microbial balance in the gut. Some of the key components include caprylic acid, pau d’arco, oregano extract, grapefruit seed extract, black walnut, garlic extract, and other antifungal and antimicrobial agents.18

Caprylic acid, derived from coconut oil, has potent antifungal properties, disrupting the cell walls of Candida. Pau d’arco and oregano extract possess natural antifungal properties, while grapefruit seed extract and black walnut exhibit antimicrobial effects against various pathogens, including Candida. These ingredients work synergistically to help eliminate excessive yeast while also supporting the restoration of a healthy balance of microorganisms in the gut. CanXida Remove includes enzymes such as cellulase and protease, which assist in breaking down the cell walls of yeast cells, making them more susceptible to eradication by the immune system. By disrupting the cell walls and providing antimicrobial support, CanXida Remove aims to reduce Candida levels and help restore gut health.20

CanXida Restore is a specialized probiotic supplement formulated to work synergistically with CanXida Remove and CanXida Rebuild in the comprehensive management of Candida overgrowth. Restore contains a high-potency blend of probiotics, including various strains of beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, and other species that are known to support gut health. These probiotics help replenish and restore the population of beneficial microorganisms in the gut that may have been affected during the process of eliminating Candida overgrowth. By introducing beneficial probiotic strains, CanXida Restore aids in acquiring a healthy balance of gut flora, which is essential for supporting digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. When used alongside CanXida Remove and CanXida Rebuild, CanXida Restore completes this holistic approach.21

CanXida Rebuild is a specialized nutritional supplement that works in conjunction with CanXida Remove and Restore in the comprehensive management of Candida overgrowth. CanXida Rebuild contains a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutrients that help support the body’s healing process, especially after addressing Candida overgrowth. It includes key ingredients such as vitamins C, E, and B-complex vitamins, with minerals like selenium and zinc, which play essential roles in supporting immune function and overall health. Additionally, CanXida Rebuild contains ingredients like L-glutamine, a beneficial amino acid known for its role in gut health and healing the intestinal lining. It includes digestive enzymes and probiotics, which contribute to improving digestion, aiding nutrient absorption, and restoring a healthy balance of beneficial gut bacteria. When used alongside CanXida Remove and Restore, CanXida Rebuild complements the Candida elimination process by providing vital nutrients that support the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

It’s important to note that CanXida Remove, Restore, and Rebuild are designed as part of a comprehensive approach to address Candida overgrowth. They are recommended in conjunction with dietary modifications and lifestyle changes (adequate rest and hydration) to maximize effectiveness in managing Candida-related symptoms. It’s important to follow recommended usage guidelines and integrate CanXida’s supplements with dietary modifications and lifestyle changes for optimal results.

Individuals should consult a healthcare professional before beginning any supplement regimen, especially if individuals have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.

The potencies of each of these three supplements were carefully selected for maximum effect in removing Candida, bacteria, and parasites. A timed-release function was chosen to provide maximum efficacy, minimization of side effects (avoidance of die off type symptoms), and maximum absorption. Because the body is not given everything at once, it does not become overloaded causing the body to inadequately absorb the formulas. Each extract was measured distinctly and dosed for maximum potency. For example, CanXida’s garlic extract isn’t just simply garlic, it is aged garlic extract standardized for 2% allicin content which is the active ingredient found inside garlic. Combine that with CanXida’s standardized Berberine and Grapefruit Seed Extracts, along with the high potency 4:1 ratios of our Clove, Pau D’Arco and Neem extracts and this makes CanXida Remove far more potent than a formula using only run of the mill ingredients and extracts.14, 18, 22

More About the Candida Cleanse/Diet

During a Candida cleanse or diet, it’s crucial to avoid or limit certain foods that can worsen Candida symptoms and exacerbate yeast overgrowth. Refined sugars and high-carbohydrate foods should be restricted, including sugary fruits, processed foods, and items high in carbs. These foods are known to provide nourishment for yeast, contributing to its proliferation and exacerbating Candida-related symptoms.

Additionally, it’s advisable to eliminate yeast-containing and fermented foods from the diet. This includes items such as bread, cheese, and alcohol, which can contain yeast or molds that may exacerbate Candida symptoms. By avoiding these foods, individuals following a Candida cleanse or diet can create an environment less conducive to yeast overgrowth, supporting their efforts to manage Candida-related issues effectively. It is advisable to use a tracker to monitor progress during this time.5, 9, 10

To accomplish this, CanXida recommends a three-stage diet regimen designed by a clinician with 30+ years of experience. First, the MEVY diet for Candida, an acronym for Meat, Eggs, Vegetables, and Yogurt, is a dietary approach designed to address Candida overgrowth by eliminating certain foods that may make symptoms worse and promoting the consumption of nutrient-dense, anti-fungal foods. This aggressive phase lasts between 3 and 4 weeks.7, 8

The low-allergy diet is a subsequent dietary approach after the MEVY (Meat, Eggs, Vegetables, and Yogurt) diet for Candida overgrowth. It aims to diminish potential allergens and irritants that trigger immune responses and worsen symptoms in individuals with Candida-related issues or food sensitivities. This diet entails avoiding common allergens like gluten-containing grains, dairy, soy, nuts, shellfish, and certain seeds. Emphasizing whole, unprocessed foods and a rotational approach in food choices helps minimize sensitivities, alleviate symptoms, reduce constipation, and promote overall well-being in those affected by Candida-related issues.11, 12

The third and final stage CanXida advocates for is a systematic reintroduction of foods previously eliminated due to allergies, aiming to manage and identify potential sensitivities. This cautious approach helps individuals understand their body’s reactions and tailor their diets for better health. Starting with small portions, one food at a time, allows for accurate assessment of effects, while monitoring symptoms like digestive discomfort or skin reactions helps identify adverse reactions. Waiting a few days between reintroductions distinguishes specific food reactions, while maintaining a food diary helps identify trigger foods. Gradually reintroducing various foods while monitoring reactions aids in identifying allergens, and consulting healthcare professionals for guidance is beneficial.9, 12

Case Study

Susan was 39 years old and had been suffering from multiple chronic health issues for more than 20 years. These included symptoms associated with sinusitis, hay fever, and other allergies which caused perpetually blocked nostrils, postnasal dripping, sneezing, an itchy upper palate, and a recurring sore throat. To treat these symptoms, Susan had been taking antihistamines and antibiotics for most of her life.

From the age of 16, Susan had also developed extremely severe headaches, which were typically worse in the days leading up to her period. After undergoing an ECG and a brain scan to diagnose the cause of the headaches, Susan was told they were caused by stress and prescribed analgesics for treatment. Moving into her 20s, Susan recognized that she was suffering from fluid retention, and had also gained a large amount of weight since her teenage years. After eating meals rich in carbohydrates, Susan would experience bloating, fluid retention, and weight gain (up to 8 lbs/4 kg over the course of 3 days). Susan was advised to reduce the salt in her diet. Susan excluded all salt from her diet and found that it didn’t affect these symptoms, it actually made her fluid retention worse.

To address the underlying cause of her symptoms, Susan was placed on a targeted Candida cleanse diet, alongside CanXida supplements. This was implemented gradually, over a prolonged period of time, in order to ensure that the changes were permanent, and Susan didn’t go back to her old ways. With this treatment, Susan was able to see a significant improvement in her symptoms, and a reduction in stress that was also contributing to her health issues.15, 16


In summary, CanXida products offer a comprehensive solution for individuals dealing with Candida overgrowth while following a Candida diet/cleanse. CanXida Remove serves as the initial step, aiding in the elimination of excess Candida and harmful microorganisms from the digestive system. Its natural ingredients target yeast overgrowth, playing a crucial role during the cleanse by reducing Candida levels and restoring microbial balance. Following the removal phase, CanXida Restore steps in with probiotics and prebiotics to replenish good bacteria, contributing to the restoration of a healthy gut microbiome. It supports immune function and digestive health by re-establishing a balanced microbial environment post-cleanse.

Moreover, CanXida Rebuild, the final phase, maintains and fortifies gut health after the removal and restoration phases. This product contains nutrients and herbs that aid in strengthening the digestive system, supporting immune function, and repairing the intestinal lining. By working together in harmony, Remove, Restore, and Rebuild complement the stages of a Candida cleanse, offering a comprehensive approach. They help individuals achieve balanced gut health, supporting their endeavors to manage Candida overgrowth and promote long-term digestive wellness in alignment with their Candida diet/cleanse efforts.6


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMgqnzWXF6k
  2. https://quiz.yeastinfection.org/
  3. https://www.canxida.com/candida-video-library
  4. https://www.yeastinfection.org/yeast-infection-signs-and-symptoms/
  5. https://blog.canxida.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/candida_cleanse_progress_tracker.pdf
  6. https://candida.yeastinfection.org/3-step-candida-cleanse/ 
  7. https://candida.yeastinfection.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/customer-files/shopping-list.pdf
  8. https://candida.yeastinfection.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/customer-files/food-checklist.pdf
  9. https://candida.yeastinfection.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/customer-files/symptoms-tracker.pdf
  10. https://candida.yeastinfection.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/customer-files/candida-planner.pdf
  11. https://blog.canxida.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/best-foods-for-constipation.pdf
  12. https://blog.canxida.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/canxida_low_allergy_diet_phase.pdf
  13. https://blog.canxida.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/canxida_food_reintroduction_phase.pdf
  14. https://blog.canxida.com/what-is-candida-die-off-how-do-you-avoid-getting-it/
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psBMjWZQH2A&list=PLfJ13C3ev-A77KYqp3XKnTmUWowiJaES6&index=3
  16. https://blog.canxida.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/canxida_case_studies_patient_experience.pdf
  17. https://www.yeastinfection.org/top-18-places-to-get-your-stool-testing-done/
  18. https://candida.yeastinfection.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/customer-files/canxida_remove_whitepaper.pdf
  19. https://blog.canxida.com/strategies-against-candida-overgrowth-tackling-candida-with-antifungal-diet/
  20. https://blog.canxida.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/canxida_remove_mechanism_of_action.pdf
  21. https://blog.canxida.com/how-canxida-supports-gut-health/
  22. https://blog.canxida.com/navigating-candida-canxidas-ultimate-resource-page/ 
  23. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10302699/#:~:text=This%20review%20discusses%20the%20adverse,cause%20of%20fungal%20infection%20worldwide.

Published January 13, 2024

About the Author

Rhianna Martin-Jones, a registered nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Georgia Southern University, has a rich background in neonatal intensive care. Currently, she is also involved in research. In her role at CanXida, Rhianna is delving into the study of candida overgrowth. Her work at CanXida reflects her commitment to exploring and understanding this complex health issue, combining her clinical expertise with her passion for health education and awareness. For more information about Rhianna and CanXida products please visit CanXida.com or call at +1 (888) 508-3171