Townsend e-Letter


15 June 2024

A new study was terminated early when data failed to show that aspirin can help prevent progression in non-metastatic breast cancer.
CLICK TO READ:  Letter from the Publisher

Diagnosis and treatment of electrohypersensitivity, altered microbiome in people with fibromyalgia, fragrances’ contribution to chemical sensitivity, and medicinal cannabis’s effect on opioid use for pain are the topics.

After trying a new curcumin product for a vocal cord debility, the author wonders if the improvement was due to the product or due to the placebo response that is known to reduce pain and other symptoms.
CLICK TO READ:  Is It Placebo and Do I Care?

“Trust the science” became the meme for medical practice and public health during the pandemic; but for the scientific method to work, open debate and understanding of conflict of interest are required.
CLICK TO READ:  Mr. Sutherland, Socrates, and the Scientific Method

A traditional Chinese medicinal herb can reduce dysmenorrhea in women with adenomyosis, a condition in which endometrial tissue grows into the uterine wall.
CLICK TO READ:  Andrographolide for Adenomyosis

Toxicant-induced loss of tolerance to chemicals and other irritants in the environment not only produces diverse symptoms, but also disrupts mast cell function, which produces an exaggerated inflammatory response.
CLICK TO READ:  Environmental Sensitivities and MCAS: A Look at Their Fascinating Link

The toxins and pathogens that accompany periodontal infection and root canals travel throughout the body via the lymphatic system and have been linked to multiple diseases, including breast cancer.
CLICK TO READ:  Root Canals Cause Breast Cancer-Frequently

Neurodermatitis and Dysautonomy

Efrain Olszewer, MD

A skin condition without a defined cause, but associated with anxiety and other behavioral disorders, stems from a catecholaminergic sympathetic reaction that releases vasoactive substances, causing itching.
CLICK TO READ:  Neurodermatitis and Dysautonomy

Although excess sodium is associated with cardiovascular disease and other ailments, salt provides one of the electrolytes needed for good digestion and blood sugar control.
CLICK TO READ:  How to Use Salt for Treating as Well as Preventing Diseases

Vitamin D from sunshine and supplements protects from multiple disorders, including autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancers, and more, according to recent studies.
CLICK TO READ:  Annual Collection of Top Vitamin D Publications

Does exposure to multiple vaccines produce “immunological overcrowding,” that is, does it tax the immune system’s ability to respond to threat?
CLICK TO READ:  Vaccines Are Silent Killers

Patients on kidney dialysis could benefit from supplementation with vitamin K2, which protects against arterial calcification, if the correct dosage can be identified.
CLICK TO READ:  NEWS: New MenaQ7® K2 Cardio Study in Kidney Patients Publishes



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