Townsend e-Letter


29 June 2023

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Dry eye condition, nutritional support for people with tinnitus, and how Dr. Coca used the pulse rate to identify allergens that contribute to multiple symptoms, including high blood pressure, are the topics in this column.

Hesperidin for hypertension, nutrition and heart failure, a study on omega-3 fatty acids and atrial fibrillation, and zinc-induced copper deficiency are among the topics.
CLICK TO READ:  Literature Review & Commentary

The cardiovascular benefits of ellagic acid, found in pomegranates, walnuts, apricots, and raspberries, actually stem from chemicals produced by intestinal bacteria exposed to these foods.
CLICK TO READ:  The Last Raspberry

A group of citizen scientists are monitoring the levels of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury—toxic metals found in baby formula that cause brain damage and developmental delays—and offering ways to decrease exposure.
CLICK TO READ: Toxic Metals in Babies’ Formula Overview – An Introduction to Our Research

Toxic mold can trigger mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), in which mast cells become overactive and aggressive; MCAS differs from histamine intolerance and mastocytosis.
CLICK TO READ:  Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Can MCAS Really Be Triggered by Toxic Mold?

Metformin, ebselen, antabuse, and ivermectin are among the pharmaceuticals that have been repurposed to treat infections–along with non-prescription products such as colloidal silver and povidone iodine.
CLICK TO READ:  New Ways with Old Drugs That Can Also Fight Microbes – Even Coronaviruses!

A prescription medical food helps improve blood flow and nerve repair in people with diabetic retinopathy and diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
CLICK TO READ:  Metanx for Diabetic Nerve Damage

A new book compiles information about hypersensitivity to chemicals and other environmental factors that produces multiple symptoms, including fatigue, brain fog, depression, cardiovascular issues, autoimmune reactions, pain, and digestive problems.
CLICK TO READ:  Book Review: The Sensitive Patient’s Healing Guide by Neil Nathan, MD

Addressing digestive problems and repairing a damaged microbiome help people with behavioral disorders, such as ADD, ADHD, autism, depression, and schizophrenia.
CLICK TO READ:  Book Review: Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

The processed food industry is using the same addictive and deceptive practices that the tobacco industry used to promote cigarette smoking—at the expense of our health.
CLICK TO READ:  Are Food Companies Responsible for the Epidemic in Diabetes, Cancer, Dementia and Chronic Disease?

Multiple studies show that intermittent fasting improves mitochondrial function, physical endurance, and insulin resistance, reducing heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmunity.
CLICK TO READ:  A Clinician’s Experience of 15 Years of Intermittent Fasting

Food choice and gut health are important factors in recovering from two complex autoimmune conditions with neuropsychiatric symptoms that include obsessive-compulsive behaviors, anxiety, tics, and cognitive impairments.

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