New Ways with Old Drugs That Can Also Fight Microbes – Even Coronaviruses!

Sue Visser

Introduction to the Repurposing of Drugs for Treating SARS-CoV-2

Finding new applications for some of the well-established drugs we have in the marketplace gives us the advantage of knowing about their established properties, doses, contra-indications and side effects. For instance, planquenil, a petrochemical-based drug we call hydroxychloroquine is no longer effective as a treatment against drug-resistant strains of malaria, but it has been repurposed. Many high-ranking practitioners as well as politicians speak highly of hydroxychloroquine as the treatment of choice for SARS-CoV-2. Another popular – and very expensive antibiotic called Zithromax is often used in combination with this drug.

Is treating a coronavirus with an antibiotic that could damage our gut biome (80% of the immune system) the best we can do? Is taking a repurposed anti-malarial drug safe for everybody to use if it can disrupt the balance of our electrolytes and cause cardiovascular problems? Novel antimicrobials are becoming increasingly difficult to develop, let alone keep pace with the emergence of resistant bacteria. We are often reminded to recycle, restore and reuse our household waste – so why not take another look at the medicine chest?

Metformin Is Derived from a Super-Molecule Found in French Lilac (Goat’s Rue or Gallega officinalis )

Who was to know that metformin, a tried and trusted drug that is used to treat insulin resistance was originally developed to fight the flu in the 1920’s? They discovered an unexpected side effect – that of lowering blood sugar levels. A new drug was thus launched, and the vast majority of diabetics still use it today. A comparative reduction in the rate of mortality in diabetic patients on Metformin with severe SARS-CoV-2 has been observed according to four hospital studies that show lower instances of death in their patients who take metformin. According to other studies, metformin has demonstrated the potential to directly inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 infection. This is excellent news, especially in light of trying to establish (and promulgate) a vaccine for one of an ever-mutating family of coronaviruses. A drug like metformin/Glucophage is based on the molecular components (or actives) of a plant called French Lilac or Goat’s Rue.

This remedy has a good safety profile, kills parasites as well as viruses and bacteria. Yet unlike other antibiotics, it is beneficial to the gut microbiome in a number of ways. It alters the bacterial strains to improve insulin sensitivity and the uptake of short chain fatty acids.  This helps to reduce inflammation and prevent gut permeability. It is not yet clearly understood how it is able to enhance the growth of some bacteria in order to benefit the host. Goat’s Rue in its original form is also available as a health supplement and the recommended dose on most products is a 500 mg capsule. Like metformin, it is recommended for lowering blood glucose and for weight loss.

There seems to be a link between insulin resistance and the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections. We are familiar with older people who have cardiovascular problems, inflammation, elevated blood sugar, metabolic disorders and other debilitating conditions that require chronic medications. Such coronavirus patients (including SARS-CoV-2) who are unable to control high glucose levels in their bloodstream are more prone to hyper inflammation, vasoconstriction and blood clots.

We hear a lot about angiotensin 2 enzyme (ACE2) receptors that are present on the spikes of all coronaviruses. Coronaviruses use these extrusions to bind to their target cells. But normally, these receptors are used for controlling inflammation with the enzyme we call ACE2. They degrade angiotensin 2 into angiotensin 1–7 (ACE 1-7) to reduce insulin resistance by decreasing cellular oxidative stress, enhancing insulin signalling and insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity. It reduces inflammation as well as vasoconstriction and blood clotting. ACE2 is expressed in tissues that include lung alveolar epithelial cells, pancreatic beta cells and enterocytes of the small intestine to ward of the ravages of inflammation that we call a cytokine storm, linked to the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) that drives insulin resistance and cardiovascular problems.

Metformin can lower blood sugar by preventing the liver from producing too much of it. Lowering blood sugar also enables vitamin C to directly access receptor sites that glucose competes with. Less sugar = less inflammation. Metformin restricts the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa – a nasty bacterium within the lungs. Recent studies have shown that larger parasites like Trypanosoma Cruzi and Trichinella Spiralis are also killed off. Larger parasites, especially eggs and larvae that migrate to the brain, heart and lungs can cause a lot of inflammation that complicate Covid-19 outbreaks in countries like China, Italy, Spain, Mexico and Brazil where a lot of meat, especially pork is consumed. Consuming raw or undercooked meat poses a greater risk for infections. Hyper inflammation can lead to sepsis (blood vessel and organ damage) and here too, Metformin helps to decrease the pro-inflammatory cytokine load.

How Is Ebselen Being Repurposed and Are There Any Harmful Side Effects?

Ebselen is used as a regular medication that is used to help treat bipolar disorder, cataracts and hearing loss. Ebselen mimics the natural substance we call glutathione peroxidase, it behaves like a micronutrient in its own right with an excellent safety record. It is a strong antioxidant, which increases the efficiency of glutathione and has a neutralizing effect against free radicals, especially when it comes to inflamed airways – not only for coronavirus patients, but also for lungs that have been damaged by cigarette smoke. Recent studies show that Ebselen inhibits the SARS-CoV-2 virus’s main protease, which is known as Mpro. It also exerts a powerful antibacterial effect on drug resistant strains like tuberculosis and staphylococcus aureus and significantly reduces their elusive biofilms. It doubles up as an anti-inflammatory and can be used to reduce the severity of cytokine storms.

How Does a Glutathione Deficiency Affect a Respiratory Crisis?

A lack of glutathione is now what the latest scientific studies are pointing to as a primary cause of pneumonia SARS-CoV-2 complications. There are a number of key micronutrients as well as amino acids we need to maintain our glutathione status to prevent such diseases. When we are full of toxins, pathogens and chronic conditions caused by poor eating habits our immune system is already compromised.  Dr Horowitz, a renowned researcher of Lyme disease, noticed the dramatic, almost immediate relief that patients who could hardly breathe experienced after a dose of glutathione within 1 hour of administration. “Although anecdotal,” he said, “I have heard from patients who were on NAC and glutathione when they were exposed to SARS-CoV-2, that they did not get sick or test positive for the virus, when others around them did.” Cytokines are made by the body to fight invaders, but when there are too many when the immune system is on overdrive, the cytokines turn on the host itself. Dr Horowitz maintains that glutathione and related supplements may well stop COVID’s “cytokine storm syndrome.”

What Exactly is Glutathione – Can We Buy It Over the Counter, Without a Prescription?

Glutathione is one of the body’s master antioxidants and we make it ourselves. It plays an important role in our defenses, regulating cytokine responses and immunity. GSH is a small protein molecule composed of 3 amino acids: cysteine, glutamate, and glycine called GSH precursors or building blocks. (I often talk about glutamate and the supplement L-glutamine converts to glutamate, as does Mono Sodium Glutamate.) Vitamin C, another very effective antioxidant, also inhibits airway inflammation and increases glutathione. Zinc is known to play a central role in the immune system and is one of the most effective ways to deactivate the replication of the coronavirus’s RNA.  The most effective way, as we mentioned in the first of our talks on Covid-19 is to tune up the immune system. Selenium is a cofactor for the production of glutathione. Supporting our natural ability to ward off and treat both viral and bacterial diseases is all we need to do. However, this approach is the one we are constantly reminded to forget about!

Oral glutathione supplements that include the bioavailable precursors such as N-acetylcysteine can effectively increase glutathione production and hence improve the outcome of patients. For the emergency treatment of coronavirus-infected patients, some forms of glutathione can be inhaled into the lungs or used trans-dermally or intravenously.

What About Repurposing Other Drugs Like Antabuse and Ivermectin?

Antabuse, a drug that is commonly used for treating alcohol abuse offers a number of benefits as a treatment for SARS-CoV-2. The generic is called Disulfiram and as previously demonstrated in vitro with SARS and MERS coronaviruses, it inhibits the main coronavirus protease (M pro) and stops it from replicating. It also helps the body to compensate for a loss of glutathione. As we now know, a glutathione deficiency (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral) is the leading cause of respiratory distress and cytokine storms. The drug is not expensive and has the advantage of doubling up as a treatment for alcoholics. For South Africans this has additional benefits, as many of the vacant hospital coronavirus/pandemic beds are occupied by the victims of alcohol abuse. 

Another surprising SARS-CoV-2 remedy comes from a popular veterinary drug called Ivermectin. It is used for killing scabies and other parasites that affect farm animals. Now, according to Dr Kylie Wagstaff, who led the latest study: “We found that even a single dose could essentially remove all viral RNA by 48 hours and that even at 24 hours there was a really significant reduction in it,”. Ivermectin is a treatment for roundworm infections as well as scabies and rosacea, a skin condition that results in redness and causes pus-filled bumps on the face. It kills parasites by super-relaxing them, so they lose their grip on the host. Ivermectin is classified as a GABA – agonist. In other words, it works as an activator of GABA, our chief inhibitory neurotransmitter.

What Is Colloidal Silver and Why Are We Being Told It Is Ineffective, If Not Dangerous?

The use of colloidal silver and ebselen in synergistic formulations has been shown to be effective against five strains of MDR Gram negative bacteria that are otherwise difficult to treat. Ebselen has low cytotoxicity and its safety in humans has been evaluated in several clinical trials. The clinical potential for the combination of ebselen plus colloidal silver for SARS-CoV-2 treatment is very promising. It would bypass the necessity for separate antiviral drugs – plus antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs as well as antioxidants.

Silver-based remedies have been used for treating virus-related respiratory disorders for many decades and have a safe and reliable track record. There is sufficient evidence (in vitro and in vivo) of its efficacy against over 24 of the dominating strains, plus those responsible for HIV/Aids and the Herpesvirus hominis (HSM) virus. According to Eric Gordon, MD, and Ken Holtorf, MD, the authors of the much-quoted Townsend article, oligodynamic silver is all one needs to eliminate deadly viruses – plus their mutations.

The atoms of silver that encircle each silver nanoparticle are released into water in order to purify it and this is why in ancient times, water was stored in silver containers to kill the germs. Regardless of understanding the mind-boggling science behind nanosilver and the way that bio-active silver ions react within the bloodstream, the immune system or your drinking water, they zap the infections before they can spread to others. The silver nanoparticles that are measured in nanometers (usually 1-10 nm) are said by some researchers and manufacturers of colloidal silver to be “the single-most effective all-natural anti-viral substances on the face of the earth.” In the 2005 HIV study they found that they could inhibit the virus from binding to host cells, as demonstrated in vitro. In a 1992 study published in the Pharmaceutical Chemistry showed a 700 times reduction in the concentration of smallpox viral particles when Protargol (a commercial brand of colloidal silver) was applied.

Iodine Is Also a Very Effective Germ Killer

Povidone iodine is also effective against the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19. The products containing povidone iodine that were tested included Betadine Mouthwash and Gargle, Betadine Surgical Scrub, and Betadine Antiseptic Solution. Laboratory testing conducted at the Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore showed strong in-vitro virucidal activity, killing 99.99% of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 30 seconds. At the Tropical Infectious Diseases Research and Education Center (TIDREC) study at the University of Malaysia, direct evidence was presented of the virucidal activity of Betadine Mouthwash & Gargle and against SARS-CoV-2 in just 15 seconds.

According to Dr Abraham’s research: “the optimal daily dose of iodine for a person is approximately 12.5 mg.” This amount of iodine is very close to the 13.8 mg average intake of mainland Japanese. “12.5mg is equivalent to 2 drops of Lugol’s iodine, taken in a little water. The regular RDA of 200 micrograms is not sufficient, especially when the presence of bromide, fluoride and chlorine interfere with your iodine levels. Like colloidal silver, iodine is efficient and sufficient to treat both viral and bacterial infections associated with SARS-CoV-2 and a little in a gargle, mouthwash or nasal spray could do no harm.

If Colloidal Silver Kills Bacteria, What Happens to Our Friendly Gut Flora?

Beneficial microbes and bacteria that reside in the gut are no different in structure to infectious strains that cause pneumonia or tuberculosis. Colloidal silver will kill any bacteria but at least we have a few kilograms of beneficial microorganisms within our intestinal tract at any point in time, so a small daily dose will not cause a major disruption. We are usually advised to supplement with probiotics for this reason, when taking regular antibiotics. By introducing a small dose of colloidal silver to the intestines we discourage pathogenic bacteria and encourage the faster growing strains gut flora. It is important to supplement with a wide variety of different strains, as the dominance of Lactobacillus acidophilus associated with candida albicans does not support a healthy biome.

Does Silver Really Make You Turn Blue and Why Should It Be Banned??

The adult daily dosage of supplemental colloidal silver is about 5 ml – 10 ml daily and this amount could hardly be deemed as dangerous or the cause of argyria (turning the skin blue) or anything untoward. Unlike the quantities of pills that are prescribed for treating both chronic and acute conditions, there has been no evidence of side effects at the recommended dosage. Exceeding the recommended dose by 48 times every day for a year may cause some of the silver to accumulate under the skin, giving a silvery blue complexion.

Colloidal silver/nanosilver is sold as supplements and manufacturers are not authorized to make any claim that they can treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease (despite the overwhelming scientific evidence). Buying your own Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator  is an alternative to using your favourite commercial brands – should they be banished from the shelves.

We can either choose to take advantage of the decades of scientific studies that support silver-based drugs against this and future respiratory pandemics or succumb to yet another strain of yet another deadly virus.

What About Natural Remedies or the Orthomolecular Approach?

Like all viruses, the latest strain we now call SARS-CoV-2 spreads by RNA. Coronaviruses involve proteases that are situated on their characteristic spikes. In this case, the protease called Mpro is one of the main targets to address with an effective protease inhibitor. The second mode of action is to deactivate the RNA. There are plenty of natural substances we can use, even without depending on hydroxychloroquine. (It is not even available in South Africa.)  Fortunately zinc plus natural ionophores like quercetin or green tea are even cheaper and easier to find. 

As a health researcher and keen observer of SARS-CoV-2 treatments for the “2020 global pandemic” it is difficult for me to recommend a tried and tested, reliable natural remedy like Artemisia, olive leaf or colloidal silver without being viewed with suspicion. As for orthomolecular medicine, can we still argue against our universal toxic overload combined with the paucity of key nutrients that maintain a healthy happy immune system? To some extent, we all lack the basic antioxidants like vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D and selenium, let alone the amino acids glycine, cysteine and glutamine that add up to glutathione. Ventilators cannot save the lives of patients who have one thing in common: a glutathione deficiency.

We were constantly reminded by the World Health Organisation that: “While some western, traditional or home remedies may provide comfort and alleviate symptoms of SARS-CoV-2, there is no evidence that current medicine can prevent or cure the disease. WHO does not recommend self-medication with any medicines, including antibiotics, as a prevention or cure for SARS-CoV-2. However, there are several ongoing clinical trials that include both western and traditional medicines.” They say that “Doctors are discouraging the use of drugs recommended by practitioners of alternative medicine because a drug has to be developed keeping in mind its safety and efficacy.”

The good news is that when using existing drugs to treat SARS-CoV-2 with those originally intended for other treatments, we can still benefit from their original uses in treating alcohol abuse, bipolar disorders, cataracts, rosacea and so on. It is good to know that Metformin not only controls blood sugar and all manner of deadly parasites and microbes – it helps us to stay slim! Olive leaf and Artemisia, also fight off microbes, reduce inflammation and serve as valuable antioxidants, yet they double up as effective anti-malarial drugs.  They are useful against other parasites, (including worms that can exacerbate respiratory inflammation). We have many options to choose from, to both prevent as well as treat coronaviruses and at the same time, treat our other ailments!

Published June 29, 2024

About the Author

Sue Visser is the health researcher and product developer for Nature Fresh Health Products. She has developed over 45 products, beginning with her unique Calcium Complex formulation in 1997. With over 25 years of experience in complementary and especially traditional medicine, Sue shares her articles freely with doctors (SA Medical Academic) and other publications. For many years, Sue has given free presentations, radio shows, workshops and has appeared in the two TV series on local herbs (Nature’s Health – 2007 and 2009). She is the author of two books and dozens of research papers and published articles.

Sue investigates current health trends, products and modalities on a constant basis and interacts with fellow South Africans at all levels to learn more about their health issues. Artemisia annua and other anti-malarial species, especially Olea Europa/Afra have now come to the fore as treatments for Covid-19. The new Nature Fresh prototypes are having very successful results with viral infections by using herbs that treat malaria.  Contact: ;