On Receiving the 2023, Albert Schweitzer Lifetime Award for Outstanding Achievement in Medicine

Prof. Serge Jurasunas

Professor Serge Jurasunas from Portugal was chosen among five other candidates from various countries to be the recipient of the prestigious Albert Schweitzer Lifetime Award in Medicine, 2023. Prof. Serge Jurasunas is an internationally recognized integrative oncology doctor, researcher, philosopher, spiritual man, and pioneer in several fields of alternative medicine, naturopathy with 56 years of clinical practice, research, and experience. Not only being a doctor to just treat disease but also patients in distress, he was inspired by the life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, known as the Physician of Peace. Dr. Schweitzer was also a Nobel Prize Laureate. Prof. Serge Jurasunas’ duty, above all else, was to save patients’ lives, by fighting their illness by using any remedy or method recognized or not, but effective for the patient.

We have to respect the life of the patient. Prof. Jurasunas felt that today we need a more humane medicine, not computerized medicines and doctors. In fact, his practice and teaching included humanitarian service for patients who were suffering. He spent much time developing several innovative methods and has published many articles in various alternative medicine magazines, such as the Townsend Letter and Masters of Health in the US, the Japanese Medical Journal, Medical Nutrition in Japan, Co-Med in Germany, etc. In the past, he received many honors such as the International Dag Hammarskjold Award 1981, in the field of medicine from the International Academy Pax Mundi. Other awards include the Grand Gold Collar from the International Academy Di Pontzen of Sciences and Letters (in 1986), the Esculape Gold Medal for Medicine, and the Van de Arbeid Decoration (Netherlands). He is also a member of the New York Academy of Sciences. Dr. Jurasunas is also the author of eight books in French, English, and Portuguese, and over 150 papers.

Besides being a researcher in the field of science and a clinical doctor, Professor Serge Jurasunas has been a Knight Grand Cross of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem – The Hereditary Order (Malta) for the last 45 years (SOSJ.org). This service was for him a way to be closer to God and our Lord Jesus Christ, serving him by helping the poor and the suffering. After many years of service, he was first elected Grand Hospitaller, and subsequently elected as the Grand Master of the Order, and Spiritual Protector, serving the Order during ceremonies, along with spiritual messages and articles. This was a great honor that he accepted. Both the great Albert Schweitzer and Carl Jung were very close to our Lord Jesus Christ. Both had published books about their service and dedication. They both had a profound influence on my life. I would also like to honor my mentor, Dr. Bernard Jensen for setting me on my lifelong path of healing.

Today it is a great honor for me to receive this prestigious Award that underscores my devotion to humanity and medicine. This honor and recognition have a deeply felt meaning, especially as an example for others.

Among previous laureates of the Albert Schweitzer Lifetime Award for Medicine, we can mention the twice Nobel Award recipient Linus Pauling, so well-known in the field of innovative research.

The ceremony will be held on August 26th at Szidonia Castle in Hungary, just one hour’s drive from Vienna. Selected important people from several countries are participating in the ceremony.

Published August 26, 2023

Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Prof. Serge Jurasunas
Dr. Bernard Jensen and Dr. Serge Jurasunas at the 1st World Congress of L’Altra Medicina – San Remo – Italy – June 1972